main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[c] M.U.D. Titles

  ___ _    ___  _  __
 / __| |  / _ \| |/ /
| (__| |_| (_) | ' <
              (c) Contrarium

Welcome to CLOK!

Type /login [character] [password] to log in as your character.
Type /register [character] [password] to register a new character.
Type /who to see who else is connected.

NOTE:  For players using a mud client that intercepts slash(/) characters, use a double-dash instead, like so:  --login [character name] [password]

CLOK staff will never ask for your password for any reason.  To change your password, use the /password command.

Check the website for more information:

                              Your MUD Name Here

                            Based on CircleMUD 3.1
                            Created by Jeremy Elson

                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer 

      This game uses Open Gaming Licensed content; see "HELP OGL" for details.

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

     ,- _~.                               /    -,          ,,      ,        
    (' /|     _    '                     ||     )  '   _   ||     ||        
   ((  ||    < \, \\ \\ \\ \\/\\        ~||-----) \\  / \\ ||/\\ =||=  _-_, 
   ((  ||    /-|| || || || || ||        ~||-----, || || || || ||  ||  ||_.  
    ( / |   (( || || || || || ||        ~||    /  || || || || ||  ||   ~ || 
     -____-  \/\\ || \\/\\ \\ \\         |,   /   \\ \\_-| \\ |/  \\, ,-_-  
                  |;                   -_-    --~     /  \   _/             
                  /                                  '----`                 
                  Welcome to New Orleans - The Dark Future
                   _--~~\    _--~~~~~~~~~~~~~----__         ,
                _-~~      \-~~     ________         ~-----~~^/
            _--~           \  _--~~        ~~~--____        ~~>
         _-~                \~  <~~-_/-_            ~~~~~~~~~
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     /              /      ,|  \ ~-_~-_     ~-_/~~--___
    (         _----<     _xX|   \   ~~ ~-__   /        ~~---_
    /\      /~     |~<xxXXXX|    \         ~\/    _xxXX|     ~-_
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  /   /\  <_    _xX|       ~~  ),  }       /  \      ~X|   _xXXX|   ~-_
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  \ {      \          xXXXXXXXXX   }    {              \       \|   / \
   \ \      ~_     <xXXXXXXXXXX~  /     {               ~--____/  _<   \
    ~_\       ~-_    ~*XXXXX*~   /      { _xXXXXXXxx_      /\    /  ~_  \
      \~-_       ~-_          _-~       {  \XXXXXXXXXXx   (  ) _~     \  }
       \  ~_        ~~---___-~          {   \XXXXXXXXXX|   ~~_~        }/
        \   \                           {    *XXXXXXXXX}    /    _____-~
        {    \                           \     ~~**~~*)   _~ _-~~ _-~
         }    }                           ~_           _-~_-~    /
        {/~~\{                              ~--____--~~ _~__/~~\/
  "Cajun Nights" uses the Storyteller(tm) game system.  All terms used in
 conjunction with this system are copyright and used with express permission
   of White Wolf.  Reproduction of any of the text files containing game
     mechanics without permission of White Wolf is strictly prohibited.
          (White Wolf Game Studio and the Management, do not assume
               responsibility for the contents of this MUSH.)

Be advised, this MUSH deals with adult themes. Your acceptance of those
themes is implied when you connect. This does not mean that unpleasant
behavior is condoned, but is an unavoidable plot device that is used in
storytelling situations. We assume NO liability for parents who let their
minor children connect to this site without supervision.

Furthermore, by logging onto this MUSH you verify that you are of legal
age, or have your parents' permission to log on.  The MUSH and its
administrators are not responsible for the action of any of its players.
The management of Cajun Nights MUSH does not condone, nor encourage /any/
form of  Real Life "illegal" activities.   Any persons suspected of these
activities should be brought to the attention of management.

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you to a guest character to look around.
  "create  <name> <password>" will create a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "+help" gives help on softcoded commands, policies and procedures.
  Questions?  email:

              -<!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$X!:           The Carrion Fields
          '<M!  !!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMMX!X!
           !M!--!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMM!X$!    A Playerkilling/Roleplaying
           -!8!:!!!MMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$RMMMX8RX-               MUD
         !!:-MRX!-!!MM$$$$8$$$$$$$$$MMMM$R!-!       Original DikuMUD by
        '!X:--?X!--!!!M$$$RMR$$$$RMMRMM$R!!!X!     Hans Staerfeldt, Katya
         -XX  'MX:!!!!!?RRMMMMM!!XMMMM$R-<!!!!   Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael
          !?!-X$P"````----!M!!---`#*R$$M !<!!-     Seifert, and Sebastian
          -!MXf        -!-!!!X!        "k!!!-              Hammer
          '!!!X         !X!M?X         '!!!-
          -<!XM         X!!R!!         !M!-'
          :!XMMX  : ::s@---!!!Mbx:!!<::X8k !       Based on Merc 2.1 by
         !!!$$$MTMM8$#!!   ! MXX!R$W86SW$$!!!      Hatchet, Furey, and
          !!!M$$#TT!!!!!-  !  X!!!!!!RR#M!!!               Khan
           `!MW$M- -!!M!!  !  !!:!-- #$R?!!
            -:..    -XM!k:!#hHMX!!-    ::- 4449
             -M!   <!!!$X?XMMMB$!!!   !!
              !X!  !XR!$MM$$$$$$?MM! '!!         Created from ROM 2.3 by
              `MX  'XXX t!@!H!X8X    '!>         Yuval Oren, Matt Hamby,
               !!X!!X!" MM$M$RR*?.!!:X!             Barbara Hargrove
               ?&M<!X>!MR$M> M9M5M!!XMM                
                M!?XX!!RRt?M@NRX?!XMX!R               Maintained by 
                 `!!MHXX!!Mt!MMXWMM!!!     BoltThrower, Drokalanatym, Jullias,
                   `!XM$$$R9M$RTMMX-      Nordewin, Pico, Sebeok, Valguarnera, 
                     #$WXXW$$MXW$"          Twist, Yanoreth, and Zulghinlour 
                                               Greeting screen designed by
                                               Zapata (
There is currently 1 character online.

By what name do you wish to be mourned?

Do you wish to use color? (yes/no/test):

                     Welcome to Castle D'Image MUSH

The world of Castle D'Image is a world in which intrigue and romance, adventure and magic are commonplace. It is land of possibilities, where almost anything an and does happen.

Please take some time to look over the news files and to look around
as Guest before attempting to create your character so that
you are familiar with the theme and atmosphere of CDI.

Recently, the site that had been running CDI made a decision with a new theme. This database stems from around August of 2001 and is pretty close to what I consider to be Classic Castle D'Image. We're running it here to make it available as it used to be to any longtime players who long for the golden age.

Thank you.
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

                T  H  E   
            /   __________\ 6116
           |   /         ____      __    __    ______
           |  |        /  __  \   |  |  |  |  |   ___|
           |  |       |  |__|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |__ 
           |  |       |   __   |  |  |  |  |  |   __| 
           |  |       |  |  |  |  |  \__/  |  |  |___
           |  |       |__|  |__|   \______/   |______|
           |   \___________
            \_____________/        M U S H

                        Welcome to CaveMUSH
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

Welcome to Celathryan the Uncharted...

Hosted by

Welcome to TinyMUX
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect Wanderer guest" connects you to a guest account if one is prepared.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.

  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".

                (               (\
              /  )              ((\
        /    (  /               (((\
       /)     \(_ M^\o-\)>      (((\\
     //)          ww_/_)  \>     ((((\\
    (((                )   \>     ))))))            Chalacyn Nights
   ((((           ____/__  )>    /)))))))
  ((((( .../"""""{{{{{{{{{"""---/)))\\\\\\            Version 3.53
  (((((........{{{{{{{{{/------))))) \\\\\\
   (((((  // / {{{{{{{{ />   \\ \\ \\ \\\\\\  Programmed by:  Troy Anfield
   (((((\ //    {{{{{{ |>      \\ \\ \  \\\\)
    (((\\ ((     {{{{{\ \>      ) ) )   )\\))  Scenario by:  Kaye Anfield
     ((\\   \     {{{{\\ \>    / / /  ///))   
      (\\          {{ka\\\>          /))))     ANSI Art by:  Kaye Anfield
        \\          \{{{\\>        //)
          \          {{{\\>      /
              ^       {{{\>
             ^^^      ///>                      There is 1 player online.
             ^^\^    //>
This world is Pueblo 1.10 enhanced.

Character name:

|------------------------------=[ WHAM!!]=---------------------------------|
|  _________ .__                          .__                         |
|  \_   ___ \|  |__ _____    _____ ______ |__| ____   ____   ______   |
|  /    \  \/|  |  \\__  \  /     \\____ \|  |/  _ \ /    \ /  ___/   |
|  \     \___|   Y  \/ __ \|  Y Y  \  |_> >  (  <_> )   |  \\___ \    |
|   \______  /___|  (____  /__|_|  /   __/|__|\____/|___|  /____  >   |
|          \/     \/     \/      \/|__|                  \/     \/    |
|              _____               .__        |
|             /     \  __ __  _____|  |__     |
|            /  \ /  \|  |  \/  ___/  |  \    |
|           /    Y    \  |  /\___ \|   Y  \     |
|           \____|__  /____//____  >___|  /   |
|                   \/           \/     \/    |
|   |
|        Home of the superheroes of Colonial Bay, Virginia, 2060!   |   
|   |
|       The *super* online internet role-playing game! Be a Hero!   |
|                 To connect as a guest: connect guest guest           |
| To connect to your existing character: connect <name> <password>    |
|                             To Logout: QUIT           |
|   To find out who is online currently: WHO   |
| Based on the game Champions by Hero Games. (No affiliation with Hero     |
| Games in any way.) For information, contact   |
|   |
| Note: You must used quotation marks around <name> if it contains spaces! |
| Example: connect "Iron Marshall" superchina   |
|   |
|---------------------=< PennMUSH version 1.8.4p1>=------------------------|

Connected to ChaosRealmReborn, an LP mud running on Linux.

                The Dead Souls Object Library version 2

                This software is copyrighted and not GPL. 

                 For more info:

Hosted by

       Driver: FluffOS v2.18-ds07               Mudlib: Dead Souls 3.1a11      

What name do you wish?

                 // \_\ ___
                (;    >\--'
                 \\  ,/ \  ____________________
                  \ /  \ \/____________________\
                   '    \//                    \\
                        //    h a o        .    \\
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 Diku: Hans Henrik Saerfelt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michal Seifert & Sebastian Hammer
      Merc: Furey, Hatchet & Khan                Godwars: KaVir
              Dystopia: Vladd, Tarasque, Dracknuur & Jobo

What name would you like to be known by?

                    +---+    ++                                          +
                  ||      ChicagoMUSH      +==+==========================/ 
      #################|       \######_____|@@|  |/   \#####/
+######################/       /#####/ /   |@@|       /####/
|#####################/       /######| \   |@@|      /####(
|##############/             /#######\-----|@@|&    /#####/
|########/                   |######/      |@@|    /#####(
|####/                       \#####(       |@@|    |#####/
|##/                          -----        |@@|     -----
|#/                                        +==+

            con <name> <password>  --  Connect to an existing character
      con guest guest  --  Connect to a guest
         create <name> <password>  --  Create a new character
                              WHO  --  See who is connected.
                             QUIT  --  Disconnect from the game     Twitter: @chicagomush

    ___  _   _ ____   ___  _   _ _____  ___  _     _____  ____  
   / _ \| | | |  _ \ / _ \| \ | |__ __|/   \| |   |  ___|/ ___| 
  / / \_| |_| | |_) | / \ |  \| | | | / / \_| |   | |_  ( (__   
  | |  _|  _  |    /| | | |     | | | | |  _| |   |  _|  \__ \  
  \ \_/ | | | | |\ \| \_/ | |\  |_| |_\ \_/ | |___| |___ ___) ) 
   \___/|_| |_|_| \_\\___/|_| \_|_____|\___/|_____|_____|____/  
      ___  _____   _____ _   _  ___  _     _____  ___  _____    
     / _ \|  ___| |_   _| | | |/ _ \| |   |_   _|/ _ \|  ___|   
    | / \ | |_      | | | | | | /_\ | |     | | / / \_| |_      
    | | | |  _|     | | | \_/ |  _  | |     | | | |  _|  _|     
    | \_/ | |      _| |_ \   /| | | | |___ _| |_\ \_/ | |___    
     \___/|_|     |_____| \_/ |_| |_|_____|_____|\___/|_____|   
               Chronicles of Ivalice: Emberstrand               
  To connect:     connect <username> <password>                 
  To register:    request <username> <password> <email>         
  To visit:       connect guest                                 
  For help:       help                                          
  See who's on:   WHO                                           
  To disconnect:  QUIT                                          
                   Let the adventure begin...
16 players on right now.  Log on and become another one!

Welcome to Cities of M'Dhoria

Do you want ANSI color (Y/N)?

Do you want ANSI color? [Y/n]

                                  oo      )  ooo8o  
                                    ___(__    ""  
                               .--''      ''-.._
                              /                 '.
                             /####)               \
                            |         (#####)      \
                            | (@)                   |
                     .-----.----..     (@)  .---------.
                         .'                         |
                    .---|                    .---------.
                        '.                          |
                          '-______.                 /
                             /      -....__..      /
                            . ---    .'  |   ---   |
                            \_______./   \_       _/
                  Cleft of Dimensions (c) 2000, Lunar Saber
    DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert,   
      and Sebastian Hammer. ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1997 Russ Taylor    

Type NEW to create a new character or enter your existing character's name:">

       _.-"""-._                             Benvenuto su
  _.-""         ""-._         ___  _                  _      _               
:"-.               .-":     / ___|| |  ___  ___  ___ (_)  __| | _ __   __ _ 
'"-_"-._       _.-".-"'    | |    | | / _ \/ __|/ __|| | / _` || '__| / _` | 
  ||"-._"-._.-"_.-"|       | |___ | ||  __/\__ \\__ \| || (_| || |   | (_| |  
  ||:   "-...-" : ||        \____||_| \___||___/|___/|_| \__,_||_|    \__,_| 
  || .     ||  .  ||
  ||  .    || .   ||                        WWW.CLESSIDRA.IT   
  ||   ';:;||'    ||          Il primo MUD tutto italiano e tutto originale!
  ||    ':;||     || 
  ||      )||     || Il codice del PizzaMUD di Clessidra e' basato sul DikuMud di
  ||     ':||     || K.Nyboe [Superwoman], H.Staerfeldt [God], M.Seifert [Papi],
  ||   .' :||.    || T.Madsen [Stormbringer] e S.Hammer [Quinn], senza i quali i
  ||  ' ..:||.'   || MUD non sarebbero esistiti ne quel che sono. Grazie a tutti!
  ||.'-.:;:||:-'._||     _____________________________________________________
.-'": .:;:;||::.: "'-. /                                                     \
:"-.'::::::||:; ' .-":| Nella casa del giusto anche colui che comanda non fa   |
 "-."-._"--||  .-".-" | altro che prestare servizio a coloro cui sembra        |
    "-._"-._.-".-"    | comandare, egli, infatti, non comanda per cupidigia di |
        "-.|.-"       | dominio, ma per dovere di guidare, non per orgoglio di |
                      | primeggiare, ma per amore di provvedere. In qui nasce  |
                      | l'ordinata concordia tra coloro che comandano e coloro |
       dal 1996       | che vivono insieme.                                    |
    16 anni di MUD    |                    S.Agostino - De Civitate Dei 19-14  |


Se vuoi creare un nuovo personaggio scrivi: nuovo
altrimenti inserisci il nome di un personaggio esistente:

      ._                                       __
      |*'--.,                                 /    _   _  (  |_ 
      |.--^'           |-.-.,                 \__ (_) (_| _) |_
      |                |.-='
 ,, .==,,==, _         |                     _     __
| I|'  || ''| |   __ ,====, _            _  (_    (_   _      _   _
| ''   ^^   ''|  |=:||    ||'|          (_) |     __) (-` \/ (-` | )
|_,,=='TT===,_|  |  ^^    '' |
 \:+   `'-_=:/   |_,==Y''Y==,|     |  _   _  _   _  _   _  |_ .  _   _  ( 
  |=     -_=|     \#=- ` _=|/      | | ) (_ (_| |  | ) (_| |_ | (_) | ) _)
__|=     -_=|_..,,:-;-   _=|  
-:|=  /^\-_=| . .-_=|-  /\=|   Based on Diku MUD (c) 1990-1991 by Sebastien Hammer,
:_|=  | |-_=| . .-_=|-  ||=|   Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.
-:|=  |_|-_=| . .-_=|-  LJ=|   
: |=     -_=|. ._- =|-   _=|   Server ROM 2.4b2 (c) 1993-1995 by Russ Taylor.
-:|=     -_=| ./^\\=|-   _=|   
:_|=     -_=|,|  ||=|-_,_  |                * telnet 3000
-:|=     -_=|.|  ||.,`    \,.-''--,         * telnet 4000
/-|/#.,--,#\|,|_.-'`````.,  '-._,_'---,     * telnet 5190
 ###\           ''=,_____/=;...,__'.;:;|    * telnet 9000
------+________.`'       |::::::::::::;|    *

1. KOI-8      2. Windows(ZMud)    3. DOS(866)        
4. Translit   5. Windows(JMC)     6. ISO8859-5       
7. Mac        8. Windows(ZMud6)   9. Windows(MUSH)   
10. UTF8      

     CCC   OO   FFFF  FFFF  EEEE  EEEE  M   M  U  U  DDD
    C     O  O  F     F     E     E     MM MM  U  U  D  D
    C     O  O  FFF   FFF   EEE   EEE   M M M  U  U  D  D
    C     O  O  F     F     E     E     M   M  U  U  D  D
     CCC   OO   F     F     EEEE  EEEE  M   M   UU   DDD    v5.7

                (C) 2000-2011 Bo Zimmerman

                          )     (
               .-""       )    (          ""-.
         .-''''|-._             )         _.-|
        /  .--.|   '""---...........---""'   |
       /  /    |                             |
       |  |    |                             |
        \  \   |                             |
         '\ '\ |                             |
           '\ '|                             |
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   :               '-.__             __.-'              :
   :                  ) ""---...---"" (                 :
    '._               '"--...___...--"'              _.'
  jgs \""--..__                              __..--""/
       '._     """----.....______.....----"""     _.'
          '""--..,,_____            _____,,..--""'
Welcome to CoffeeMud

Account name:

             _________                   _____        
             __  ____/______ _______ ___ ___(_)_______
             _  /     _  __ \__  __ `__ \__  / _  ___/
             / /___   / /_/ /_  / / / / /_  /  / /__  
             \____/   \____/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/   \___/  

_______ _________                      _____                               
___    |______  /___   _______ _______ __  /_____  _______________ ________
__  /| |_  __  / __ | / /_  _ \__  __ \_  __/_  / / /__  ___/_  _ \__  ___/
_  ___ |/ /_/ /  __ |/ / /  __/_  / / // /_  / /_/ / _  /    /  __/_(__  ) 
/_/  |_|\__,_/   _____/  \___/ /_/ /_/ \__/  \__,_/  /_/     \___/ /____/  

Welcome to Comic Adventures
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect superit" connects you to a guest account if one is prepared.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.

  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".

  _                 _   Original logo was by Atrion BlackHeart       .
 | |_______________| |                                              /|\
 | ._______________. |  Continents MUD was imagined and coded      / | \
 | |       |       | |  by Rudder, Jibboom, Kastagaar and          | | |
 | |       |       | |  Cerberus.                                  | | |
 | |               | |                                             | | |
 | |  Continents   | |  Based on Envy2.0 (see "help envy" and      | | |
 | |      MUD      | |  "help merc") EnvyMUD was created by:       | | |
 | |               | |  Kahn, and Hatchet.                         | | |
 | |   Version     | |                                             | | |
 | |     Four      | |  DikuMUD was created by: Hans Henrik,       | | |
  \ \    Beta     / /   Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,       | | |
   \ \     |     / /    Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer      | | |
    \ \    |    / /     (see "help diku").                      .. | | | ..
     \ \   |   / /                                              ||_|_|_|_||
      \ \  |  / /    Several of the areas in Continents Mud     |_________|
       \ \ | / /     were provided by the Curious Areas            |###|
        \ \|/ /      Workshop (see "help caw").                    |###|
         \ | /                                                     |###|
          \|/    Some code is based on ROM 2.4 beta, copyright     |###|
           ^     1993 - 1996 Russ Taylor (see "help rom")

You may sign in as a player by entering the name you have chosen or use
"guest" to investigate our mud. You agree to hold Continents Mud, its
owners, administrators, host, players or anyone else affiliated with
Continents Mud harmless for any claims you or any third party may have
against them.

State thy name:

       o                             Welcome to     
   ..  |  ..                          Core MUD
  .o   |   o.         "Company mining colony, Hermes-571G system"
  . \  |  / .                       
 .   \ | /   .                 telnet 4000
 .    \|/    .  Admin
 .    /|\    .      They came from all corners of the galaxy. Taking  
 ..  / | \  ..      one last look at the workers' transport shuttle, 
  . /  |  \ .       the new Company employees silently bade farewell
  .o   |   o.       to all thoughts of family, comfort, and home for
   ..  |  ..        the next 4 years.   
       o            All help files online at

Driver: MudOS v22.2b14    Mudlib: Colony 1.3    Enhanced for Portal(c) client
Type new if you are a new player. 
By what name is your character known?

         .oO8OOCCCocccocccc::::..::............     ........::::.
        :O8OOCoooocc:::::::::........ ...              ...........
      .oO8OCooCoooc::cc:::::.......                       .. .......
     :CO8OCCCoccc:...........                                   .....
  .oOOOCCoocc:::...... .     C o r p o r a t e   E x p a n s e
  cOOOCooooc::::.....                 From the Cradle
 cOOOCcccc:::.. .       port 7117
.oOCoCoc:::::....    create <name> <password>   create a character
.oOooooc::::..       connect <name> <password>  connect to an existing
 cOCoooc:::....                                 character
 cOOcoo::.....       connect guest              connect as a guest
 :CCocc::.:...       WHO                        see who's connected
 .oCoocc::....       QUIT                       log off From the Cradle
  .cCoocc::....                                          Head Director: Wilco
   .oCcccc:.....                                             PennMUSH 1.8.4p3
                  ... .

|||||||||||||* |     |||||||||||||
|||||||||||||-*-     |||||||||||||
|||||||||||||* |~     |||||||||||||
|||||||||||||  //================================\\  |||||||||||||
||||||||||||| || Cosmic  || |||||||||||||
||||||||||||| ||        /| /|  || |||||||||||||
||||||||||||| ||       / |/ || ||-|-||\|  || |||||||||||||
||||||||||||| ||      /  |  ||_||-|-|| |          || |||||||||||||
||||||||||||| ||                       MUX        || |||||||||||||
|||||||||||||  \\================================//  |||||||||||||
|||||||||||||*     |||||||||||||
Welcome to Cosmic Muffin MUX!
Our webpage can be found at
To connect to your character use 'connect <playername> <password>'
To connect to a guest character use 'connect guest guest'
By connecting, you agree to our Acceptable Usage Policy and all our rules, which may be found at our website or by typing NEWS AUP and NEWS INDEX when connected.

Horizon Version: 2.2.8a
Horizon Build Date: Mar 17 2013 @ 03:06:15

Welcome to Cosrin! A land of Adventure!
Game engine coded by Doug Goldner, game design by Paul Barnett
Concept, and all material herein is
Copyright(c) 1995-2012 Online Games Company Ltd.
All rights reserved

Enter your character name to logon as an existing
character, or, enter NEW to create a new character.

Login name? :

Welcome to Cowboy Bebop: Space Cowboy!
To stimulate roleplay and get new characters on the mud, for a limited
time we will allow new "background bonuses" upon character creation
that let you jump right into the game with certain levels, equipment,
and wulongs pre-set. This is the perfect time to jump in and shake things
Bebop (c) 2003-2012 - Spike/Teiwaz/Kristen/Gatz/Funf
Administrative Contact:
Ben Bradford (Spike) -
SWR 1.0 copyright (c) 1997, 1998 was created by Sean Cooper
DikuMud (c) Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Sebastian Hammer,
            Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, and Michael Seifert.
Merc 2.1 (c) was created by Furey 
SMAUG (c) was created by Derek Snider

  ,- _-.                                             /\         ,
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. -____-  \\,  \\ \\ \\ \\ ,-_-  \\,/  \\ \\        \\,  \/\\  \\,  \\,/ 

Crimson Fate / Project Insomnia authored by Astaelan and Draconar,
SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn,
Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. SMAUG 1.6 FUSS changes
by Samson. Original DikuMUD code by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer.

                               *   *   *
Enter your character's name, or type new:

Did you really think I would shutdown bob? :)

                               ___            ___
                              /  /\          /\__\
                             /  /::\        /::|  |
                            /  /:/\:\      /:|:|  |
                           /  /:/  \:\    /:/|:|  |__
                          /__/:/ \  \:\  /:/ |:| /\__\
                          \  \:\  \__\/  \/__|:|/:/  /
                           \  \:\            |:/:/  /
                            \  \:\           |::/  /
                             \  \:\          /:/  /
                              \__\/          \/__/

                             Crimson      Nightmares


                -            Diku Mud was created by:           -
                - Hans Henrik Staerfeldt,Katja Nyboe,Tom Madsen -
                -       Michael Seifert Sebastian Hammer        -
                -        Merc 2.1 - Furey, Hatchet, Kahn        -
                -                GodWars by Kavir               -

How shall we engrave your tombstone after you die...?

                                   . : " +  :   ;
                           "    "       *     . ."   +  ";
                      . @   +
               ;         "                            @   ";
         Welcome to the                               . .  *
         _____   *            +           __      "  ;  . "
        / ___/______  ______  _________  / /_  ___ .___,___
       / /.* / __/ / / / __ \/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ _ \/ __/ _ \
      / /___/ / / /_/ / /_/ (__  ) /_/ / / / /  __/ / /  __/+
      \____/_/  \__, /\____/____/ .___/_/ /_/\___/_/  \___/
         +     /____/          /_/       *            "  +
               +                                      "  . .  *
             * ..  +  , .    '  . "
                 .; .. "   +      *          *   "    "  ,
                   `   ,  .*  " . . +   :  ; @     ;vsmc
                            "       ;  .  .       .   '97
By what name shall I call you?

     ______                __        ______
    / ____/______  _______/ /_____ _/ / __ \________  ____ _____ ___  _____
   / /   / ___/ / / / ___/ __/ __ `/ / / / / ___/ _ \/ __ `/ __ `__ \/ ___/
  / /___/ /  / /_/ (__  ) /_/ /_/ / / /_/ / /  /  __/ /_/ / / / / / (__  )
  \____/_/   \__, /____/\__/\__,_/_/_____/_/   \___/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/____/
            /____/          __  _____  _______ __  __
                           /  |/  / / / / ___// / / /
                          / /|_/ / / / /\__ \/ /_/ /
                         / /  / / /_/ /___/ / __  /
                        /_/  /_/\____//____/_/ /_/

    The "Crystal Singer" series is copyrighted by Anne McCaffrey, (c)1975
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "connect guest guest" connects to a guest character.
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character (case sensitive).
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).

Wizards:  Taryn, Tamatari, Ellerisse, Nightsong, Cirocco, Amberlynn,
          and Melody

Welcome to CthulhuMUD! We are a a derivative of Diku, Merc, Sunder, ROM,
and many custom modifications. Parts of the code may be Copyright Sebasitan
Hammer, Michael Seifert, Hans Stoerfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyobe
(Diku 1990-1991); Michael Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse (Merc
1992-1993); Russ Taylor (ROM 1993-1996); Lotherious, Zeran (Sunder 1997);
Michael Clarke, Marduk, Foxbird, Quanqued (Cthulhu 2008). For further
after getting connected.

This world is Pueblo 1.10 enhanced.
Autodetecting IMP...v1.30 
This world supports COLOR!.
If the word COLOR is in color, enter Y, otherwise, enter N (y/n)

                 _____                     _ _ _ _
                / ____|                   | (_) | |
               | |    _   _  ___ _ __   __| |_| | | __ _ _ __
               | |   | | | |/ _ \ '_ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__|
               | | __| |_| |  __/ | | | (_| | | | | (_| | |
                \_____\__,_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_|_|_|\__,_|_|
   ,'`  OOOOOOO,
 |      qOOOOOOOO
 |       'qOOOOOO
 |         qOOOOO
  \        OOOOp
   ',     OOOO'


              A MUSH based on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series.
          Cuendillar is operated with the permission of Robert Jordan.
                    All players should read: NEWS PERMISSION
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

Attempting to Detect Client, Please Wait...

[Client] Unknown | [Colors] Ansi | [MXP] No | [MSDP] No | [ATCP] No

-=-=-Welcome To+-+++-++-++-++-++-++-+=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=+-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+++-++-+=-=-=-
                                                              __,-~~/~    `---.     
                                                             _/_,---(      ,   )    
                                                         __ /        <    /   )  \___      
  ______ ____    ____ .______    _______ .______            \/  ~-~-~-~-~-~\~-~)~-,1/     
 /      |\   \  /   / |   _  \  |   ____||   _  \           (_ (   \  (     >    \)            
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 \______|    |__|     |______/  |_______|| _| `._____|             <|i::|i|>     
     ___           _______.     _______.     ___      __    __   __  ||:||.__________.
    /   \         /       |    /       |    /   \    |  |  |  | |  |     |           |
   /  ^  \       |   (----`   |   (----`   /  ^  \   |  |  |  | |  |     `---|  |----`
  /  /_\  \       \   \        \   \      /  /_\  \  |  |  |  | |  |         |  |     
 /  _____  \  .----)   |   .----)   |    /  _____  \ |  `--'  | |  `----.    |  |     
/__/     \__\ |_______/    |_______/    /__/     \__\ \______/  |_______|    |__|     

Based on tbaMUD/CircleMUD, Created by Jeremy Elson. A derivative of DikuMUD which was created by:
Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

By what name do you wish to be known? __

Timed out... goodbye.

         "..quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est.         
      [...a sword never kills anybody; it's a tool in the killer's hand."      
               -- (Lucius Annaeus) Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)       

                       -=[ C Y B E R S P H E R E ]=-

    `connect <username> <password>` to connect to an existing character.
      `connect guest` and type `@register` to create a new character.
   PARENTAL WARNING:  Due to CyberSphere's explicit nature and violent
 content, parental discretion is advised for those under 18 years of age.

               Problems?  Send mail to or .
         Check out the CyberSphere homepage!
      Also see our forums at:
         Cybersphere also has a Wiki page at:

 [ The content of this database is the property of its respective authors ]
         [ implicitly licensed for unrestricted use by Netsville ]

Cybersphere is sponsored exclusively by Netsville, please visit their website:
                         The current lag is 0 seconds.                 

 .     _///_,      _____ __
.     / ` ' '>    /_  _// /__  ____                          Screen by Azrial
 )   o'  __/_'>    / / /_/ )_)( ()_)
(   /  _/  )_\'>   \_\_        \_\__
 ' "__/   /_/\_>  ____ _____  __________________________  _____ _____ __   __
     ____/_/_/_/ / __ \\ __ \ \_ _/\__   __/\  ___/\ __ \ \_ _//  _  \\ \ | /
    /,---, _/ / | /  \/| |_) ) | |    | |   | |__  | |_) ) | | | | | ||  \| |
   ""  /_/_/_/  | |    |    /  | |    | |   |  __| |    /  | | | | | || . ` |
      /_(_(_(_  | \__/\| |\ \  | |    | |   | |___ | |\ \  | | \ \_/ /| |\  |
     (   \_\_\\_ \____//_| \_\/___\  /___\  /_____\/_| \_\/___\ \___/ /_| \_\
      \'__\_\_\_\__         ).\
      //____|___\__)         )_/  Based on DikuMUD, Sillymud.  (See Credits)
      |  _  \'___'_(          /' ABSOLUTELY NO RACIST or HOMOPHOBIC comments
       \_ (-'\'___'_\      __,'_'      will be tolerated on this mud.
       __) \  \\___(_   __/.__,' If you can't abide by that, disconnect now!
    ,((,-,__\  '", __\_/. __,' 

This world is Pueblo 1.10 enhanced.
Halt! Who goes there?

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sat Apr 27 18:41:29 BST 2013 So_o2