main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[d] M.U.D. Titles

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    //|8|\(                                                     ,   ;#'
   ((/ o||    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= `'''`
    )/|8||    |Original DikuMUD: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,|
      |o||/\  |                  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, |
     /|8||/\\ |                  and Sebastian Hammer         |
     ||o\/ || |MERC 2.1: Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn             |
     |/\   || |SMAUG1.4: Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn  |
   /\  ) . || |          Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog   |
  (/\\//||\/| |          Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade, Nivek |
  (| \/ ||\/  |  DBSAGA: Goku, Guava, Saiyr, and Ubuu         |
   \\   ||    |See Also credits command, and version command. |
    \\  ||    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
     \\ //
       V    Please Enter Your Name :
Enter your character's name, or type new:

                d8P""8b                ,d88b,                d8""Y8b
                / | \                  `WWWW'                  / | \
               /  |  \                 ,dMMb,                 /  |  \
              /   |   \                I8888I                /   |   \
             /    |    \               `Y88P'               /    |    \
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       `""Y888888888888888P""'        ,888888,        `""Y888888888888888P""'
       _                     _               __      _         _   _
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      | |__/ -_) _` / _` / _| / -_|_-< / _ \  _| | || | || (_-<  _| / _/ -_)
      |____\___\__, \__,_\__|_\___/__/ \___/_|    \__/ \_,_/__/\__|_\__\___|
      CREATE  <NAME> <PASSWORD> for NEW Characters
   CONNECT <NAME> <PASSWORD> for existing characters
 CONNECT GUEST GUEST for a look around

                                WELCOME TO

DDD    SSS      W   W   OO   N   N  DDD  EEEE  RRR   L     AA  N   N DDD 
D  D  S         W   W  O  O  NN  N  D  D E     R  R  L    A  A NN  N D  D
D  D   SSS      W W W  O  O  N N N  D  D EEE   RRR   L    AAAA N N N D  D
D  D      S     W W W  O  O  N  NN  D  D E     R R   L    A  A N  NN D  D
DDD    SSS       W W    OO   N   N  DDD  EEEE  R  R  LLLL A  A N   N DDD

                                              --- open since March 8, 2004

              This is an adult talker with a femdom theme. 
              You must be at least 18 years old to enter! 
       Visit us on the web: 

                           )       \   /      (
                          /|\      )\_/(     /|\
 __^__                   / | \    (/\|/\)   / | \                  __^__
( ___ )_________________/__|__o____\`|'/___o__|__\________________( ___ )
 | / |                       '^`    \|/   '^`                      | \ |
 | / |  Welcome to DUMII, stranger!  V   The adventure awaits you. | \ |
 | / |                                                             | \ |
 | / |    Guest users, log in as 'Guest' and other users don't!    | \ |
 | / |                                                             | \ |
 | / |                      (c) 1990-2013 by                       | \ |
 | / |         Christer Holgersson, Mikael Jakobsson et al.        | \ |
 | / |   See for more info about the game.  | \ |
(_____)            l   /\ /        \\         \ /\   l            (_____)
   v               l /   V          ))         V   \ l               v
                   l/              //               \I

Type "guest" if you want to look around, "help" if you want to know how to
create a new character, or enter your character's name to log in. You can
also type "who" to see who is currently logged in (and visible).

By what name shall I call you (3-10 letters, no spaces):

med by:
          Brett J. Vickers
     Major programming contributions by:
          Brooke Paul, Steve Smith, & Roy Wilson
          Also, many thanks to Egbert Hinzen

     There is an information web page at:

          On the internet since 1994
          (Linux 1.0 was introduced March 14, 1994)

     Your Dungeonmaster is Styx.

Styx welcomes you to Darbonne...
Please enter your character's name:

    Inspiration from: M.Seifert, H.Staerfeldt, S.Hammer, T.Madsen, K.Nyboe
 |=|                                                                       |/|
 |/|                          _______        ____  _______   ____   ____   |=|
 |=|                          `|||||||.     ,|||||`||||||||  `|||   |||'   |/|
 |/|  A Sh*t-Kicking MUD from  |||   '||.   |||`|| |||  `|||  |||__|||     |=|
 |=|  the Dark Castle Online   |||    '||  |||__|| |||__,|||  ||||||'      |/|
 |/|  Gaming code team!        |||    ,|| ,||||||| ||||||||   |||||||      |=|
 |=|                           |||___,||',|||  ||| |||   |||  |||  |||_,   |/|
 |/|  _________               ,|||||||' ,|||   |||,|||    |||,|||   ||||   |=|
 | ,,|||||||||||  _______     ____________________________     ____________|/|
  |||||''         "|||||"   ,||||||||||||||||||||||'|||||'     '||||||||||||=|
 |||||            ,|||||.  ,|||,     |'   |||||   '||||||       |||||      ' 
 |||||           ,|||'|||  ||||||||,,     |||||     |||||       |||||____,   
 |||||          ,|||  ,|||.''||||||||,    |||||     |||||       ||||||||||   
 |||||         ,|||",|'||||.       '||'   |||||     |||||       |||||    '   
  |||||,______,|||||'   ||||..____,,||'   |||||     |||||______,|||||______, |
 | ''||||||||||||||,   ,||||||||||||'    ,|||||,   ,||||||||||||||||||||||||/|
 |=|                                                                       |=|
 |/|  Game Implementers:  Apocalypse  Julian                               |/|
 |=|                      Scyld       Sergio                               |=|
 |/|                                                                       |/|
 |=| ports:  23, 80, 4000, 6666      |=|

What name for the roster?

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

The Skyline has returned to the Internet!                     |
                                                            \ | /
                           ..                                \|/
                             o                            ----@---- 
     |---------------|        O                              /|\
     | ##   ###   ## |        /\                            / | \
     |    []   ##    |        ||                              | 
     | ##   ###   ## |------------------|
     |    ##   ##    |#  []  []  ##  [] |
 ____| []   ###   ## | ##  []  ##  ##   |
|    |    ##   ##    |]  ##  ##  ##  [] |          PITTSBURGH
| ## | ##   ###   ## | ##  ##  []  ##   |           BY
|    |    []   []    |#  []  ##  ##  ## |            NIGHT
| [] | ##   ### |--------| ##  ##  ##   |
|    |    ##   #|        |-------------------| 6251
| ## | []   ### |   []   | ##   []   []   ## | 6251
|    |    ##   [|        | []   ##   ##   ## |
| ## | ##   ### |   ##   | ##   ##   ##   [] |
|    |          |        |                   |
Welcome to Dark Gift!
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.
  "Dark Gift" uses the "Storyteller"(tm) game system.  All terms 
      used in conjunction with this system are copyrights of White Wolf.  
   Reproduction of any of the text files containing game mechanics without 
              permission of White Wolf is strictly prohibited.
        (Neither White Wolf Game Studio nor the Management assumes
               responsibility for the contents of this MUSH.)
   Dark Gift's content is inappropriate for those under 18.  By connecting,
                you agree that you are 18 years old or more.

Based on CircleMUD 3.1 by Jeremy Elson. A derivative of DikuMUD, made by
Staerfeldt, Nyboe, Madsen, Seifert and Hammer. 

                                 Dark Isles

                        .-~~~~~~~~~-._       _.-~~~~~~~~~-.
                    __.'              ~.   .~              `.__
                  .'//                  \./                  \\`.
                .'//                     |                     \\`.
              .'// .-~"""""""~~~~-._     |     _,-~~~~"""""""~-. \\`.    
            .'//.-"                 `-.  |  .-'                 "-.\\`.
          .'//______.============-..   \ | /   ..-============.______\\`.

        An immersive story-telling experience.

---------------------------- Welcome To Dark Isles -----------------------------

                     1) Login to an existing account.
                     2) Create a new account.

                     0) Exit game.

  Please select an option:

|                         D A R K   L A I R                         |
|    Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,   |
*         Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer         *
|      Merc 2.1 created by Furey, Hatchet, Khan on 01 Aug 1993      |
*                                                                   *
|                   GodWars was created by KaVir!                   |
*              HIGHLY modified Godwars: Dark City code              *
|             Changes Code written by Dreimas and Cirin             |
*                  Quest Code (c) 1996 Ryan Addams                  *
|               MudProg Code is based on EmberMUD code              |
*  Weather Code is based on GhostMud 3.0, Copyright 1999-2000 TAKA  *
|         Got questions? Email Tiopon at         |
|        Based upon the World of Darkness books, by White Wolf.     |
*  (c) 1990-2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.   *
| The mention of or reference to any company or product in this MUD |
*    is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.    *
|  White Wolf's terms of use:   |
What name do you want engraved on your tombstone?

===== CONNECTED ==============================================================
 Welcome to...       _____      ___      _______   ___    _
                    /_    \    /   \    /_   _  \ /_  \  / \
                     /  _  \  /  _  \    /  /_\  \ /  /_/  /
                    /  / \  \/  /_\  \  /  _    _//     __/
          _________/  /__/  /  _____  \/  / \  \_/  /\  \___________
          \____  \____________/     \____/   \_____/  \___/    ____/
            \____    ___  ___ _____           ___        _   ____/
              \____ /   |/   /  ___)      ___/   \______/ \____/
                   /    /   (  (__  |    |  /  _  \    /  /
                  /  /|/  /  )  __) |    | /  /_\  \  /  /
                 /  / /  /| (  (___ |    |/  _____  \/  /____
                /__/ /__/ |__\_____)|    |__/     \_________/
                                   _|    |_
                                   \      /        MUSH
                                    \    /
                                     \  /  Will you survive the journey?
                                      \/ 2039
| "connect <name> <password>"  -- Connects you to an existing character.   |
| "create <name> <password>"   -- Creates a new character.                 |
| "connect Guest guest"        -- Logs you on as a Guest to look around.   | 
| "WHO"                        -- Shows who is logged on (case sensitive). |
| "QUIT"                       -- Disconnects.                             |   
| "help"                       -- Gives you help on common commands.       | 
============================================================== CONNECTED =====

         _/          ,          .
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     , ,-/ |          /\_) )     \/            ,' _.----------------------,\
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     ####||  (_ `-v-------  ^--v' , )     #################'\\,
     ####||    (    , _,-  /  -./ )'                         `)
     `###'|     ),  ,'    '     )'                ROM Version 2.4 beta
        ' ;    /  ,'          ,'                  
       /,'    /  /      '    /     , - --- .      Original DikuMUD by 
       \|    /  (          ,'   '           `.    Hans Staerfeldt, Katja
       ('  ,'    `.    "  / ,'                \   Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
         ,'        \    ,/,'        '`)   (_   )  Michael Seifert, and
        /           \ , /'          ,      /  /   Sebastian Hammer
       .             )  ,       ,         '  /    Based on MERC 2.1 code
                      )      ,              /     by Hatchet, Furey, and
       .            ' `|   ,'              /      Kahn
                    '  |  /              ,'      
        |\             | <    ______,---'         ROM 2.4 copyright (c)
        ` \            ','   (                    1993-1996 Russ Taylor
         \ '          /(____ ,`-._,-.          
          `.         /      `._, )---)         Welcome to Dark Mists
            `-------'\         `/ \          
                                              ( port 2222)

Implementor: Xyza, The One True Spell, Goddess of Magic and Wisdom

Welcome to the Dark Mists, a medieval fantasy role-playing and PK MUD!

Please choose a good name for role-playing.  Do not string two names together
(SunStarer), use names with multiple capitalization (McNeil), use famous names
(Bilbo, Megaman), or string together common words (Dragonslayer, Goddess,
Killyouall).  DM is anti-multicharring; please do not play with more than one 

By what name do you wish to be known?

Welcome to Dark Rifts.
_____________   __  __      ____________           ________________________
_\__\__\__\__\ /\__\__\    /\__\__\__\__\         /\__\__\__\__\__\__\__\__\
__\__\__\__\__\**\__\__\  /**\__\__\__\__\       |**\__\__\__\__\__\__\__\__\
\__\__\__\__\__\**\__\__\ \***\__\__\__\__\      /***\__\__\__\__\__\__\__\__\
',',',',,',',',/**/,',','\/***/',',',',',',\    /****/,',',',',',',',',',',','
,',',',',',',',\*/,',',',|***/,',',',',',','\  /*****|',',',',',',',',',',',',
','I----------=========----------I',',',',',/  |*****/,'   Where the       ','
,',I      -E-L-E-M-E-N-T-S-      I,',',',',|   |****/,',    realms of      ,',
','I----------=========----------I',',',','|   \***/,','                   ','
,',I          Air: Cyliena       I,',',',',\    |**|',',        S          ,',
','I                             I',',',,','\   |**|,','   M     C         ','
,',I        Earth: Zelgar        I,',',',','|  /***\',',    A     I        ,',
','I                             I',',',',','\ \****|','     G  &  E       ','
,',I         Fire: Krynor        I,',',',',','\ \***|,',      I     N      ,',
','I                             I',',',',',',/ /**/,','       C     C     ','
,',I        Water: Leekle        I,',',',',',/  |**\',',              E    ,',
','I                             I',',',',','| /****\','                   ','
,',I       Spirit: Relax         I,',',',',','\\****/,', come together...  ,',
','I----------=========----------I',',',',',','\****|','                   ','
,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','\**/',', with a VENGEANCE! ,',
',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','\*\,',',',',',',',',',',', ,'
,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','\/',',',',',',',',',',',' ',
Dark Rifts Running : SCB v1.0.070111
There are 2 immortals and 0 of 500 mortals online (Active Users: 12)

Dark Rifts has been up for 3d 19h 59m 32s
Reboot in: 3 days 9 hours 22 minutes.
Mud Status: Normal Boot

All systems normal.
What is your name:

\@\                                                              \-\/
  \_|                                                              |
    | You are floating in the nameless void and before you shines  |
    | a bright light. As the light gets closer you feel a presence |
    | surrounding you. The light shines brighter and you become    |
    | blinded. A voice from the light begins speaking, shaking you |
    | to your very foundations. "Welcome soul," it says, "Dost     |
    | thou wish to enter the realm of mortal men?" You nod your    |
    | head and try to speak when appearing before you is a dark-   |
    | robed figure. He pulls a large leather-bound book from his   |
    | robes, opens it, and in his fingers appears a large          |
    | feather-quill pen.                                           |
    |                                                              |
    | "I am the chronicler of the gods," the figure says. "Before  |
    | thou art able to continue, soul, I doth need thy name for my |
    | records." He puts the pen to the book and looks at you       |
    | expectantly. The figure speaks again and you know you must   |
    | answer.....                                                  |
    |                                                              |
    |  "What is thy name soul?"

       Travel this path at your own peril, for you are entering:
                                 (`  ).                         
                                (     ).              .:(`  )`.                 
                               _(       '`.          :(   .    )                   
                           .=(`(      .   )     .--  `.  (    ) )                
               .--.       ((    (..__.:'-'   .+(   )   ` _`  ) )                    
             _(    `.     `(       ) )       (   .  )     (   )  ._            
            (        )      ` __.:'   )     (   (   ))    /`-'.-(`  )        
           ( `  .  )  )  ( )     / --'       `- __.'     /   :(      ))   
            `--(___.-'  (_.'    /     .')               /    `(    )  ))     
                 /             /\    (_  )              \      ` __.:'        
                /             /  \                       \                        
                \                 \                       \
                /               Dark Skies                 \
               /                                           /                            
              /                                           /       
             /                                            \                         
             \      _____                      .---     -..\__                     
              \ .--'     `-   .         .--..-'               ""`---.... 
     _____.----.           `.._____ .'                                   
                                      /       -.            _.---  
                                      : `--...                               
                                       `.     ``.              
                                         :       :.            
                                        .'          )              
                                     .'            /               
                                  _.'              |   .              
                              ,:'               |     '                    
                            .'                 <          
                           '                   |
                          /                    |                                           
                         '                     .                              

 Diku : Hans Henrik Strfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer
           Merc : Furey, Hatchet & Khan                  Godwars : KaVir
                     Dystopia : Vladd, Tarasque, Dracknuur & Jobo
           Welcome to Dark Skies. Vote for us on TMC!
 Come in and prepare to die!

Welcome to TinyMUX
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest" connects you to a guest account if one is prepared.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.

  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".

                                    /   \
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  | |    -                -   | | |__| | |  |-    -                     | |
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  | |    -  {o)xxx|===============- *    * -===============|xxx(o}      | |
  | | -      -    O   \  -   / || --/ /\  |-\ |\ |-\ \  /  O      -     |-|
  |-|  -               \    /  ||  / |__| | | | || |  \/     -          | |
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  (@)                 l   /\ /      ( (       \ /\   l                `\|-|
                      l /   V        \ \       V   \ l                  (@)
                      l/             _) )_          \I       
By what name do you wish to be known?

Do you want color? (Y/N) ->

Jade Codebase - Version 2.2.42 BETA
                                                        /(    )\
                                      Dark Legacy MUD  |  -^^-  |
                        \_ `' _/
                             \  )
                                     10 years of fun!      )/
     .    .                 M u l t i p l a y e r   F a n t a s y
  ____  _____ _____ __  __   __    _____ _____ _____ _____ __  __ 
 |    \|     |     |  |/  / |  |__|   __|   __|     |     |  \/  |
 |  |  |  :  |  :  <     <  |  |  |   _|:  |  |  '  |   __|\    /
 |_____|__|__|__|__|__|\__\ |_____|_____|_____|__|__|_____| |__|
   Crafting * Pet Breeding * Delving * Exploring * High Fantasy
Welcome traveler,
Create your account and join us now! Type new<enter>         
Enter your account's name, or type new:

 _                __            _____    _                   _     ______
| >       A      I  >   K   K  |  _  \  | |          A      | >   |  ____\
|  >     A A     I   >  K  K   | |_|  | | |         A A     |  >  | |
|   >   A   A    I==>   <O>    |_____/  | |        A   A    |   > |  ====\
|   >  AAAAAAA   I  A   K  K   |  _  \  | |       AAAAAAA   |   > |  ====/
|  >  A       A  I   A  K   K  | |_|  | | |___   A       A  |  >  | |_____
|_>  A         A I    A K    K |_____/  |_____| A         A |_>   |______/
                   By:  Jekteir  (
 |                                                                           |
 =      If you're new, please use 'con new char' to create a character!      =
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 =   To connect to an existing character use 'con <playername> <password>'   =
 |                                                                           |

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         )\\      )\                       /(      //(

For information, you can find us on WWW at
DarkWind VisualActiveMudlib V3.0 OSR3 (0 of 100 connections, 120 maximum)

You can use the commands 'who' 'quit' and 'uptime' here.

By what name do you wish to be known?

,:;.,",;  ..:".; . ,:'":' :,.';.\|/"<;.;.\|/,'. ,' '';.;,".;,.;',',';,,; .;,,;
, :.::' "  , ";. ::  ";:.  ;;';,-*-.;,;.,-*-,;.'; ";. ,..;,: :;';,,  ;"::.:.,'
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,..\/ |***/\*  */  \**/\/\/  \* **/\ **/\* /\ /  \/\**/\/\**  /\**/\**|\**/':;

                  No life is known where Darkwind has blown.
     For information, you can find us on WWW at
DarkWind VisualActiveMudlib V3.0 OSR3 (0 of 100 connections, 120 maximum)

You can use the commands 'who' 'quit' and 'uptime' here.

By what name do you wish to be known?

                            ==(W{==========-      /===-   _________
     Welcome to               ||  (.--.)         /===-_---         ------____
      DarkeMUD                | \_,|**|,__      |===--___               __,-'
                 -==\\        `\ ' `--'   ),    `//=\\   ----`---.___.--
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                (^(-           /-_>---<__-    /
              ( '))           |__>--<__|    /
           ' )) (              \__>--<__\   \
                   Admins: MacTORG Nathan Din
              Test Admins: Cyric Mallorean
             Test Wizards: (none)
           Retired Admins: Cerberus Helios Madoc Nevin Shadowraith
             ==== help policy ====   ==== help rules ====

              (C) Copyright 2007 - DarkeMUD Administration
                 Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.
                      Site Provider - MacTORG

            Driver: MudOS v22.1b22        Mudlib: DarkeLIB 2.0

Login (enter your handle for new players):

             Welcome to Darker Realms - LPMud (version 3.1.6-DR),
                   opened and operating since June of 1990.

                    The Founders are Lucifer and Raistlin.
            The Elder Wizards are Emrys, Galeck, Ulysses, and Unk.
              The Senior Wizards are Freya, Shamgar, and Norbert.

     Report any complaints/comments/criticisms to Emrys in the post office,
           or e-mail Your input is appreciated.


                  Mud has moved hardware.  Excuse our dust.


What is your name:

        ______   _______ _______ ___ ___ ______  _______ _______ _______
       Y   _  \ Y   _   Y   _   Y   Y   )   _  \Y   _   Y   _   Y   _   Y
       |   |   \|   l   |   l   /   l  /|   |   |   l___|   l___l   l___l
       |   |    \   _   |   _   l   _  \|   |   |   __)_l____   |____   |
       |   l   ...  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   l   |   l   |   l   |
       l_____;::::;_|   |___|   |___|   |___|   l_______|_______|_______|
           ;::::; :;`---'   `---'   `---'   `---'
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       ,:::::'       ;           OOO\           / _` | '_ \ / _` |
       ::::::;       ;          OOOOO\       --| (_| | |-| | (_| |--
       ;:::::;       ;         OOOOOOOO         \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|
      ,;::::::;     ;'         / OOOOOOO
    ;:::::::::`. ,,,;.        /  / DOOOOOO
  .';:::::::::::::::::;,     /  /     DOOOO
 ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;,   /  /        DOOO
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:`:::::::`;::::::;;:::l   _  \ (   _   Y  DOOO Y   _   Y   _   Y   Y   _   \
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 ::::`:::::::`;:::::::l_______/l_______|____DO_|___|   l___|   |   l___|   |
 `:::::`::::::::::::;'`:;::#                O              `---'---'   `---'

     ( Welcome back to DnD -- For support contact )
        Driver: FluffOS v2.9-ds2.08        Mudlib: Nightmare+DnD 3.2/0.9

What name do you wish?

                 Brought to you by Kedysh, Kashmire,
                         Tyson, and Odhinn. 
                     Original concept by Tonster

                         \                  /           
                _________))                ((__________ 
               /.-------./\\    \    /    //\.--------.\ 
              //#######//##\\   ))  ((   //##\\########\\
             //#######//###((  ((    ))  ))###\\########\\
            ((#######((#####\\  \\  //  //#####))########))
             \##' `###\######\\  \)(/  //######/####' `##/
              )'    ``#)'  `##\`->oo<-'/##'  `(#''     `(
                      (       ``\`..'/''       )
  A derivative of DikuMUD         `- )            Based on D20MUD 0.90
  (GAMMA 0.0), created by         / /           Created by Stephen Squiresd
  Hans-Henrick Staerfeldt,       ( /\
  Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,       /\| \           Based on CircleMud 3.1
    Michael Seifert, and          (  \           Created by Jeremy Elson
      Sebastian Hammer             )   
      _____              _         /           __  __ _    _ _____
     |  __ \            | |       (           |  \/  | |  | |  __ \
     | |  | |  __ _ _ __| | _  ___  _ __      | \  / | |  | | |  | |
     | |  | | / _` | '__| |/ // _ \| '_ \     | |\/| | |  | | |  | |
     | |__| || (_| | |  |   <| (_) | | | |    | |  | | |__| | |__| |
     |_____/  \__,_|_|  |_|\_\\___/|_| |_|    |_|  |_|\____/|_____/

And now we give you Darkon Mud! 

Enter your account name:

[] Welcome to Darkover!
[] Color Preferences - (? for help, or just hit ENTER):

std/obj/master: Connect to player.c...
           | |
    _ _ _ _|:|______________________________________
           |_|   The Creators of DartMUD 

                       Welcome You To 

                            The Lands of Ferdarchi!
     Celebrating our 20th Anniversary!   | | 1 9 9 1
   ______________________________________|:|_ _ _ _ 
          [Version 1.3.1-3.2.1]          |_| 2 0 1 1


Checking site information... accepted.

Welcome to Dawn.

                       WELCOME TO DAWN OF THE DRAGON
                            ==(W{============-    /===-
                              ||  (.--.)         /===-_---~~~~~~~~~------____
                              | \_,|**|,__      |===-~___                _,-' `
                 -==\\        `\ ' `--'   ),    `//~\\   ~~~~`---.___.-~~
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            ( ( '))          |__>--<__|    |                 /' _---_~\
         `-)) )) (           |__>--<__|    |               /'  /     ~\`\
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  ._-~//( )/ )) `                    ~~-'_/_/ /~~~~~~~__--~ 
   ;'( ')/ ,)(                              ~~~~~~~~~~ 
  ' ') '( (/
    '   '  `        
               Check out our website at the below link: 

Enter your name:

Checking site information... accepted.

Welcome to Dawn.

                       WELCOME TO DAWN OF THE DRAGON
                            ==(W{============-    /===-
                              ||  (.--.)         /===-_---~~~~~~~~~------____
                              | \_,|**|,__      |===-~___                _,-' `
                 -==\\        `\ ' `--'   ),    `//~\\   ~~~~`---.___.-~~
             ______-==|        /`\_. .__/\ \    | |  \\           _-~`
       __--~~~  ,-/-==\\      (   | .  |~~~~|   | |   `\        ,'
    _-~       /'    |  \\     )__/==0==-\<>/   / /      \      /
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/-'~    ~~~~~---__  |     ~-/~         ( )   /'        _--~`
                  \_|      /        _) | ;  ),   __--~~
                    '~~--_/      _-~/- |/ \   '-~ \             
                   {\__--_/}    / \\_>-|)<__\      \
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                  |   _/) )-~     | |__>--<__|      |   
                  / /~ ,_/       / /__>---<__/      |  
                 o-o _//        /-~_>---<__-~      / 
                 (^(~          /~_>---<__-      _-~              
                ,/|           /__>--<__/     _-~                 
             ,//('(          |__>--<__|     /                  .----_ 
            ( ( '))          |__>--<__|    |                 /' _---_~\
         `-)) )) (           |__>--<__|    |               /'  /     ~\`\
        ,/,'//( (             \__>--<__\    \            /'  //        ||
      ,( ( ((, ))              ~-__>--<_~-_  ~--____---~' _/'/        /'
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  ._-~//( )/ )) `                    ~~-'_/_/ /~~~~~~~__--~ 
   ;'( ')/ ,)(                              ~~~~~~~~~~ 
  ' ') '( (/
    '   '  `        
               Check out our website at the below link: 

Enter your name:

           A                     .:::.:::.
          /.\..              ...':::::::.:::.
     -|.:[""M#:::....     ..::::::::::::::::::::.....
      A   | #        .:::..                 s8888a
     /.\ [""M#                             888PPI::::...::..
    [""M# | #  U"U#U           ....:::::::::PPP8888
     | #  | #  \ .:/                       "Y8888P  SMAUG 1.0 written by:
     | #  | #___| #      __ \   _ \  __ \            Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai,
     | "--'     .-"      |   | (   | |   |           Narn, Haus, Scryn,
   |"-"-"-"-"-#-#-##    ____/ \___/ ____/            Swordbearer, Rennard,
   |     # ## ######                                 Tricops, and Gorog
    \       .::::'/     Dawn of Demise...           MERC 2.1 written by:
     \      ::::'/                                   Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
   :8a|    # # ##                                   DikuMUD written by:
   ::88a      ###                                    Hans Staerfeldt,
  ::::888a  8a ##::.                                 Katja Nyboe,
 ::::::::aSUNDOGa8a::::. ..              ... ..      Tom Madsen,
 :::::8:::8888:Y8888:::::::::...       .:::::::::... Michael Seifert,
:::::88::::888::8888a::::::::::::.    .::::::::::::: Sebastian Hammer
:: :::888a::::88a:Y88a                                  __---__-- __
' .: ::Y88a:::::8a:Y88a                            __----_-- -------_-__
DoD is currently being written and developed by the DoD staff.
For questions or concerns, contact :
  Implementor  : Minex (rkinney -at-
  Head Coder   : Gangien

Enter your character's name or type NEW:

You are about to enter... 

 ____,  ___,   __    _, ____,                 ___,   ____    ____, ____ 
(-|  \ (-|_\_,(-| | |  (-|  |      of the    (-|_\_,(-/  `_,(-|_, (-(__`
 _|__/  _|  )  _|_|_|   _|  |_,               _|  )   \___)  _|__, ____)
(      (      (        (                     (              (     (
Origional DikuMUD by             / \          This MUD is written totally
Hans Staerfeld, Katja       ^   _|.|_   ^     in JAVA(tm). 
Nyboe, Tom Madsen,        _|I|  |I .|  |.|_   Copyright(c) by Peter Herth,
Michael Seifert and       \II||--| |--||  /   Theo Doukas, Bernd Blecha and
Sebastian Hammer. Based    -\-|-------|-/-    the numerous immortals of Dawn
on MERC 2.1 code by          \|II I ..|/         (see CREDITS)
Hatchet, Furey and      /\    |II.    |    /\      
Kahn.                  /  \  _|III .  |_  /  \     Homepage:
ROM 2.4 copyright      |--| /(|I.I I  |)\ |--|
(c) 1993-1996        _/(I | +-----------+ |. )\_    
by Russ Taylor       \------/____---____\------/   ASCII-Art by jgs.
                      |I.III|  /(===)\  |  .. |
                     `##########!\-#####%!!!!!| |\      Now leave your
                    _/###########!!\---_##%!!!\_/|      world behind you
                    \##############!!!!!/---_%!!!!\     and prepare to
                     -)#################!!!!!/----\_    walk on the lands
                  __ /#####################%%!!!!/ /    of A Y R E O N...
                  /!!!!\ \ \--_###########%%%!!!!\      

 How shall thy name be in Dawn of the Ages?

<?xml version='1.0'?><!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ''><cross-domain-policy><site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies='all'/><allow-access-from domain='*' to-ports='*'/><allow-access-from domain='*' secure='false'/><allow-http-request-headers-from domain='*' headers='*' secure='false'/></cross-domain-policy> password' om in te loggen.     
| ` ` |/ __ \   )| '__/ _ \  Tik 'cr naam password' voor een nieuwe speler.
| | | | (___/| !_| | | (_) | Tik 'co gast' om als gast in te loggen.      
|_|_|_|\____| \__|_|  \___/  Mail voor hulp.             

Connected to Frontiers, an LP mud running on Linux.

                The Dead Souls Object Library version 2

                This software is copyrighted and not GPL. 

                 For more info:

        Driver: FluffOS v2.15-ds05               Mudlib: Dead Souls 2.10       

What name do you wish?

   ______________    ___   ______                 ..~~~~~~~~~..
   \     \\   __ |  / _ \  \     \           ..'''     XII     ```..
    | |\  || |_ \| / /_\ \  | |\  |       .''  X\                   ``. 
    | | | ||  _|  |  ___  | | | | |     .'     \X\   .#.               `.
    | |/  || |__/|| |   | | | |/  |   .'        \X\  ###                 `.
   /_____//______||_|   |_|/_____/   :           \X\ `##.                  : 
                _  __               :             \X\ ###                   :
          ___  / \|_   ___         :               \X\`##.                   :
               \_/|               .'                \X\##'o                  `.
___     _______ ________   ___ _______               \X/ /                    :
\   \  | |\   //  __\\  | |  /| _   _ |               | @ |                   :
 |   \ | | | ||  / __ | |_| | |/ | | \|                /_/                    :
 | |\ \| | | || | |_ ||  _  |    | |                  /                      .'
 | | \   | | ||  \_/ || | | |    | |                 /                       :
/__|  \__|/___\\____//__| |__\   |_|:               /                       :
                                     :             /                       :
                                      `.          /                      .'
                                        `.       /                     .'
                                          `..   /                   ..'
                                             ``/..             ...''
      Running on Amylaar 3.2.1@141

One user currently logged in:
As whom might you be known:

Welcome to...
 ______ _____  ___ _____ _   _ _ _____  ______ ________  ___  ___  _____ _   _
 |  _  \  ___|/ _ \_   _| | | ( )  ___| |  _  \  _  |  \/  | / _ \|_   _| \ | |
 | | | | |__ / /_\ \| | | |_| |/\ `--.  | | | | | | | .  . |/ /_\ \ | | |  \| |
 | | | |  __||  _  || | |  _  |  `--. \ | | | | | | | |\/| ||  _  | | | | . ` |
 | |/ /| |___| | | || | | | | | /\__/ / | |/ /\ \_/ / |  | || | | |_| |_| |\  |
 |___/ \____/\_| |_/\_/ \_| |_/ \____/  |___/  \___/\_|  |_/\_| |_/\___/\_| \_/

          Death's Domain is a modified DIKUmud based on the original
     Diku Gamma written by Hammer, Seifert, Storfeldt, Madsen, and Nyboe.

                   Death's Domain was created by Nick Borko
                 Portions Copyright (c)1992-2003 by Nick Borko
                       See 'credits' for more details.

By what name do you wish to be known?

Step into the shadows of..   
   ________                                                ____  ____ 
  /.______.\   ===--..                              ___    \==_| \==_|
  `/\     \ \  |==--``                    __      /     \   |=\   |=|
   ||     /,.) ||       ______           .===-__ |   ,   |  |=^\  |=|
   ||     '::  ||      /  ___ \ '.   .'  |.==-   |  /|\  |  |=|=\ |=|
   ||      ::  |==--.. \ /   \/.|-|  /=| ||      < | | | >  |=|==\|=|
   ||      ::  |==--``  ||    `.|=| /=/  ||==-_  | |-+-| |  |=|\====|
   ||     .::  ||       <|      |=|/=/   | ==-   < | | | >  |=| \===|
   ||     \`.) ||       ||    ..|=<=<    ||      |  \|/  |  |=|  \==|
  ,\/_____/ /  |==--.. / \___/\.|=|\=\   ||==-__ |   '   |  /=\   |=|
  \________/   ===--`` \______/.|_| \=|  '===-    \,___,/  /===\ /=A=\
               A Shadowrun MUD based on the 3rd edition rules 
                     from WizKids Inc. and FanPro LLC
        DikuMUD by Staerfeldt, Nyboe, Madsen, Seifert, and Hammer. 
               Based on MERC 2.1 by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. 
               ROM 2.4 beta  copyright 1993-1996 Russ Taylor.
So, what's your name chummer?

Welcome to... 
     ____                               ______                 __    __   
    / __ \___  ___  ____  ___  _____   /_  __/________  __  __/ /_  / /__ 
   / / / / _ \/ _ \/ __ \/ _ \/ ___/    / / / ___/ __ \/ / / / __ \/ / _ \
  / /_/ /  __/  __/ /_/ /  __/ /       / / / /  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  __/
 /_____/\___/\___/ .___/\___/_/       /_/ /_/   \____/\__,_/_.___/_/\___/ 

        Council: Amokoma, Caine, Exarkun, Harlquinth and Zordiac

            Visit our website:

     Be S U R E you have read and understood the rules of this MUD.
   You can read the rules by typing 'rules' after you have logged in.

        Can't find a good name? Try:

Please note our new address: 4242. Spread the word! :)
If you just want to look around, use the name 'guest' (? for help).
Welcome to Deeper Trouble. (Type 'quit' to log off)
Please enter your character name:

   /||__||  ___  <> ___  __   ___   __,   
  _|||__|| || \\ /\ |.-\/-.| || \\ //
 ' ||/__|| ||--' || || || || || || \--\   
  _/----'  \\__. |/ \/ \/ |/ \\_|| __//
          __      __   __     __   ________     \
         |   \  /   | |  |   |  | |        \    /|
      ___|    \/    |_|  |___|  |_|  .--.   |__O /      _
 _,-``   |          | |  |   |  | |  |   |  |  \ |`````| \
  `-,,___|  |\  /|  |_|  |___|  |_|  |___|  |__/ |,,,,,|_/
         |  | \/ |  | |   '-'   | |  '--'   |  O \
         |__|    |__|  \_______/  |________/    \|
                                               -ascii by mobius-

                        Based on CircleMUD 3.0,
                       Created by Jeremy Elson

                  A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
            created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
           Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer


Timed out... goodbye.

                 _.-'  '--.__  _____  _____
               .'      _  -`\_ ____  /  \/  / / / / _ \
              / .----.`_.'----'/___/ / /\_/ / /_/ / // /
              ;/         `     /_/  /_/\____/____/
          ._      ._      ._      ._      ._      ._      ._
          ._      ._      ._      ._      ._      ._      ._

                 Welcome, brave adventurer, to Delphine MUD!
            Read for more information.

           (c) Create a new character          
           (v) Visit the game as guest         
           (w) Who is currently online      (q) Quit

Please enter your name or choice:

        _        "Reality is an illusion caused by ripples
       | \                         in the Fountain of Life...
       |  |  ___ /         ___  __  ____  _    ___
       |  | /__//    /  / /__   /  / . / / \/ /__ 
       |_/ /__ /___ /__/ ___/ _/_ /___/ /  / ___/
        _   __  ___  __  ___  __   ___       ___
       | \  \   \   \  \    \  \  \   \ \  \    \
       |  \  \-- \   \  \ \---  \  \ . \ \ /\ \---
       |   |  \_\ \   \  \ \___ _\_ \___\ \  \ \___
       |   |
       |  /      ...and delusions are but reflections in its waters."
           Hosted by ~
To connect, use:  connect <name> <password>
To be our guest:  connect guest guest
To request your own character:  e-mail
   with your RL name, e-mail address, 1st and 2nd choice of character
   name, and a preferred starting password.

                  ,/                          `,
        _________{(           :D 2:          })_________
       /.-------./``         DIBROVA        /`.-------.``
      /@@@@@@@/@@``  )                    (  /@@``@@@@@@@``
     /@@@@@@@/@@@@>>/       A Fantasy     `<<@@@@``@@@@@@@``
    /O@O@O@O/@O@O/      Roleplaying Game    ``O@O@``O@O@O@O``
  /OOOOOOOO/OOOO||            `  /          ||OOOO``OOOOOOOO``
 /O%O%O%O%/O%O%O%``           ))((          /%O%O%O``%O%O%O%O``
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  )'     `;)'      (`  ` `` `<@  @>' / / '  ')      `(;'     `(
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     (@)                    '  `'   /                       _
     |-|'________oOo_________'__^__/_________oOo__________ (@)
     | |         VVV                         VVV          `|-|
     | |              Based on CircleMUD 3.0               | |
     |-|             Created by  Jeremy Elson              |-|
     | |         A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)       | |
     | |                    Created by                     |-|
     | |         Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,      | |
     | | Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer |-|
     |_|`________________________________________________  | |
     (@)                   ` ,/ `_____/ `` ~`/~          ``|-|
      ~               ___/^~      `____/``                (@)
                     <<<  `     __  <____/||                ~
                               <-- ` <___/||
                                  || <___/
                                  ` `/__/

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

                          ^                       ^
                         (_)     DISCORDIA       (_)
  /\    /\    /\    /\   /X\                     /X\   /\    /\    /\    /\
  XX____XX____XX____XX___XXX  _________________  XXX___XX____XX____XX____XX
  XX    XX    XX    XX   XXX |.               .| XXX   XX    XX    XX    XX
  XX    XX    XX    XX   XX/#|:      ___      .| XXX   XX    XX    XX    XX
  XX    XX |\_XX __/|X   XX\#|:.....I I I......| XXX   X|\__ XX_/| XX    XX
  XX    XX \ _ \/ _ /X   XXX |.    .I_I_I.    .| XXX   X\ _ \/ _ / XX    XX
  XX    XX  (I)\/(I)XX   XXX |.       .       .|_XXX   XX(I)\/(I)  XX    XX
  XX    XX  \/(oo)\/XX   XXX |...............:(==)XX   XX\/(oo)\/  XX    XX
  XX    XX   |V,,V| XX   XXX |.       .       .| XXX   XX |V,,V|   XX    XX
  XX____XX  /|A^^A|\XX __XXX |.       .       .| XXX_ _XX/|A^^A|\  XX____XX
  XXXXXX/ \/  TTTT  \/\XXXXX |.................| XXXXX/\/  TTTT  \/ \XXXXXX
  XX  X/    (  ||  )   \ XX/#|:       .       .| XXX /   (  ||  )    \X  XX
  XX_ X_\    \ || /   /__XX\#|:       .       .| XXX__\   \ || /    /_X _XX
  XXX/   \   \||||/  /   \XX |.................| XX/   \  \||||/   /   \XXX
  XX/   oooo_/||||\_ooo   \X |_________________| X/   ooo_/||||\_oooo   \XX
   /         oooooo        \                     /        oooooo         \
  /_________________________\                   /_________________________\
  |_________________________|    ADULTS ONLY    |_________________________|
   |___I___I___I___I__I___|                       |___I__I___I___I___I___|
   |_I___I___I___I__I___I_|   Enter, Ye Who Dare  |_I__I___I___I___I___I_|
 | connect <name> <password> connects  | connect guest guest to be a guest|
 | WHO to see who is on                | QUIT quits ths prompt            |
 | Normal Port: 8888                   | SSL Port: 8889                   |

Welcome to                                        TinyMUSH 2.0.10 patchlevel 6+

                     * * * * UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT * * * *

              |    __ \ _)                         |_)         |
              |    |   | |  __|  __|  _ \   __| _` | |  _` |   |
              |    |   | |\__ \ (    (   | |   (   | | (   |   |
              |   ____/ _|____/\___|\___/ _|  \__,_|_|\__,_|   |
                     Infested at 4201    
    connect <name> <password> ... connects you to an existing character.
    connect guest guest ... connects you to the guest to look around.
    info ... show you information on how to get a character created.
    WHO, finger, and doing ... shows you who is connected right now.
    quit or QUIT ... disconnect from the game, but why do that? =*)
       CAUTION:  By connecting to a player, you agree to the terms in 
       the disclaimer.  To read our disclaimer, type disclaimer now.

LPmud version : FluffOS v2.26.1 on port 4242.
Welcome to Discworld: the stuff of which dreams are made.

Silently, slowly and surely, Great A'Tuin paddles through space, its
great eyes surveying the dark, empty wastes before and behind it.
Standing on A'Tuin's great back are four enormous elephants, straining
under the colossal weight of the Discworld itself.  It sparkles with
magic, reflects the light of the stars and generally fails to be as
unobtrusive as possible.

Q - Quit
M - Print this menu again
D - Delete your character
R - Request a temporary password
U - Short list of who is on-line
L - Short list of liaisons on-line
P - Uptime
F - Finger someone
N - New character
G - Guest character

Or, enter your current character's name

Your choice:

Distant Lands (Version 2.6.1)
Type 'new' to create a new account.


                                WELCOME TO
    ___                                  ___    _                      _
   (  _`\  _         _                  (  _`\ (_ )                   ( )
   | | ) |(_) _   _ (_)  ___     __     | (_) ) | |    _      _      _| |
   | | | )| |( ) ( )| |/' _ `\ /'__`\   |  _ <' | |  /'_`\  /'_`\  /'_` |
   | |_) || || \_/ || || ( ) |(  ___/   | (_) ) | | ( (_) )( (_) )( (_| |
   (____/'(_)`\___/'(_)(_) (_)`\____)   (____/'(___)`\___/'`\___/'`\__,_)

                                   \\__||__//                 ]=I==II==I=[
              ]=I==II==I=[          |.. ` *|                   \\__||__//
               \\__||__//           |. /\ #|                    |-_ []#|
                | []   |            |  ## *|                    |      |
                |    ..|            | . , #|                  ]=I==II==I=[
___   ____  ___ |   .. |         __ |..__.*| __                \\__||__//
] I---I  I--I [ |..    |        |  ||_|  |_|| |                 |    _*|
]_____________[ | .. []|         \--\-|-|--/-//                 |   _ #|
 \_\| |_| |/_/  |_   _ | _   _   _|      ' *|                   |`    *|
  |  .     |'-'-` '-` '-` '-` '-` | []     #|-|--|-_-_-_-_ _ _ _|_'   #|
  |     '  |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|      []*|-----________` ` `   ]   *|
  |  ` ` []|      _-_-_-_-_  '    |-       #|      ,    ' ```````['  _#|
  | '  `  '|   [] | | | | |  []`  |  []    *|   `          . `   |'  I*|
  |      - |    ` | | | | | `     | ;  '   #|     .  |        '  |    #|
 /_'_-_-___-\__,__|_|_|_|_|_______|   `  , *|    ________+__,__,-/._.._.\
             _,--'    __,-'      /,_,_v_Y_,_v\\-'       -Trinity

                             ROM Version 2.4b6

               Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor

What is thy name?

                                    /  _________  \
                                   /  /         \  \
                                  /  /           \  \
                                 /  /             \  \
                                (  (               )  )
 DDDD  IIIII ZZZZZ ZZZZZ YY YY   \  \     / \     /  /  MM  MM UU UU DDD
 DD  D   I     ZZZ   ZZZ  YYY     \  \   )   (   /  /   M MM M UU UU DD D
 DD  D   I   ZZZ   ZZZ     Y       \  \  ]   [  /  /    M MM M UU UU DD D
 DDDD  IIIII ZZZZZ ZZZZZ   Y        \  \  [ ]  /  /     M MM M UUUUU DDD
                                     \  \ | | /  /
                             ____     \  \| |/  /     ____      
                            [    -----_\__J L__/_-----    ]     
                            [         ____   ____         ]     
 ROM Version 2.4 beta       [____-----    | |    -----____]
                                          | |                  V
 Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt,     | |                  o
 Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael         [ ]                  r
 Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.          ]   [                 t   Mozart
 Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet,      |   |             Jessa   o
 Furey, and Kahn.  ROM 2.4 copyright     |   |             o   y   n
 (c) 1993-1995 Russ Taylor               |   |             h   n   t
                                         [   ]         Lissa  Temperant
 Greeting by Lightning & Lotus          ]     [            n       e
                                        |     |                    y
                                        |     |                    |  _  | By what name do you wish
                                        [,' ',] to be known?

Welcome to...
|       \
|   __   \
|  |  \   \                               ___      ___
|  |   \   \                             |   \    /   |
|  |   |   |                             |    \  /    |
|  |   |   | |     \/     |
|  |   |   |______ _   _ _ _    _ _ _____|   _    _   |_    _ _____
|  |   /   |  __  | \_/ | | \  | | |  _  |  | \  / |  | |  | |  _  \ 
|  |__/   /| |  | |     | |  \ | | | |_| |  |  \/  |  | |  | | | | |
|        / | |__| | |`| | | \ ~  | |  _  |  |      |  | |__| | |_| | 
|_______/  |______|_| |_|_|_|\ __|_|_| |_|__|      |__|______|_____/ 

                 Based on Magic: The Gathering

                   Implemented by Deathblade 3333

By what name do you wish to be known?

                              )       \   /      (
                             /|\      )\_/(     /|\
*                           / | \    (/\|/\)   / | \                          *
| Welcome to...                 '^`    \|/   '^`                              |
|           ____                        V    _      ____                      |
|   THE    |  _ \ _ __ __ _  __ _  ___  _ __( )__  |  _ \  ___ _ __           |
|          | | | | '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| | | | |/ _ \ '_ \          |
|          | |_| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | \__ \ | |_| |  __/ | | |         |
|          |____/|_|  \__,_|\__, |\___/|_| |_|___/ |____/ \___|_| |_|         |
|                           |___/                                             |
|   Active Gods                                              Inactive Gods    |
|   -----------      2222         ----------      |
|      Draes         Home of the Dragon Mudlib - Since 1991      Brnt         |
|      Fain                                                    Cowofjoy       |
|      Kevin             -= Type "help" to get started =-                     |
| ._________________________________________________________________________. |
|'                   |    /\ /     \\            \ /\   |                    `|
*                    |  /   V       ))            V   \ |                     *
                     |/            //                  \|
   - Search Facebook for Dragon's Den MUD and Like us!
   - Follow us for updates, hints, establishment of new or old areas
     and hints or clues. 
Dragon's Den is currently running MudOS v22.2b14.
What is your name:

Welcome to
|""""--.--.._                                           ___     ,--.
|       `.   "-.'""\_...-----..     ,--. .--..-----..""|   |   /   /
|_   _    \__   ).  \         /.---.|   \|  ||  ..  \   `. |  /   /
  | | `.   ._)  /|\  \ .-"""";/  .  \    `  ||  |.' ;'`. | |_/_  /
  | |_.'   |   / ""`  \|  ===| --|-- ;      ||     < ""  '.    |/__
  `.      ;    \ ,--   \-..-";  /"\  ; .    ||  |>  )--.  |    .   |
   |__..-'__||__\   |___\ __./\_____/__|\___||_____./  |__|--""____/
                .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.
               ( * ) ( A ) ( R ) ( E ) ( N ) ( A ) ( * )
                `-'   `-'   `-'   `-'   `-'   `-'   `-'
        Created by Antor, 2000-'02; aided by Jerry Gaspard, 2002-'04
          Maintained by Rumble, 2005-Present; Coded by Bojack 2007-Present
            ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor, Michael 
           Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.  Based on MERC 2.1 code 
           by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  Original DikuMUD by Hans 
            Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen. To everyone who 
                         helped make MUDs: thanks!

         (C) 2003 BIRD STUDIO/SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION. Licensed by 
     FUNimation(R) Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Dragon Ball Z 
     and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses thereof are 
                       trademarks of TOEI ANIMATION.


                                                |===-~___            _,-'
                 -==\\                         `//~\\   ~~~~`---.___.-~~
             ______-==|                         | | \\           _-~`
       __--~~~  ,-/-==\\                        | |  `\        ,'
    _-~       /'    |  \\                      / /     \      /
  .'        /       |   \\                   /' /       \   /'
 /  ____  /         |    \`\.__/-~~ ~ \ _ _/'  /         \/'
/-'~    ~~~~~---__  |     ~-/~         ( )   /'       _--~`
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                    '~~--_/      _-~/-  / \   '-~ \
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                   /'   (_/  _-~  | |__>--<__|      |
                  |0  0 _/) )-~   | |__>--<__|      |
                  / /~ ,_/       / /__>---<__/      |          
                 o o _//        /-~_>---<__-~      /
                 (^(~          /~_>---<__-      _-~
                ,/|           /__>--<__/     _-~
             ,//('(          |__>--<__|     /                  .----_
            ( ( '))          |__>--<__|    |                 /' _---_~\
         `-)) )) (           |__>--<__|    |               /'  /     ~\`\
        ,/,'//( (             \__>--<__\    \            /'  //        ||
      ,( ( ((, ))              ~-__>--<_~-_  ~--____---~' _/'/        /'
    `~/  )` ) ,/|                 ~-_~>--<_/-__       __-~ _/
  ._-~//( )/ )) `                    ~~-'_/_/ /~~~~~~~__--~
   ;'( ')/ ,)(                              ~~~~~~~~~~
  ' ') '( (/                  WELCOME TO
    '   '  `               Dragon Realm MUD
                          circa 2007 (v1.3)

              Arch-God Emeritus



              Town Idiot


What name do you wish?

.                /|                    Intro Screen By Beldin
 _             //
 \\           /+\
 [///////////////{*}:::==M=Y=S=T=I=C=A=L==D=R=A=G=O=N=S=W=O=R=D==-             >
 //           \+/   Original Creators: Hans Henrik Staerfeldt  |\
               \\          Sebastian Hammer,  Katja Nyboe       \\             _
                \|         Tom Madsen and Michael Seifert       /+\           //
 <            -========PLATINUM==MYSTICAL==DRAGON==SWORD==:::{*}///////////////]
                /|                                              \+/           \\
 _             //           "Praise the DragonSwords"           //
 \\           /+\                                              |/
 [///////////////{*}:::==A=N=C=I=E=N=T==D=R=A=G=O=N=S=W=O=R=D==========-       >
 //           \+/   Founded 1995 by Arn, Ssylth and Chao       |\
               \\          Implementors: Gilraen, Kregg       \\             _
                \|                       Kaya                       /+\           //
 <            -=========PLATINUM==ANCIENT==DRAGON==SWORD==:::{*}///////////////]
                                                                \+/           \\
By what name do you wish to be known?

                         .'   `.                       
                         |  *  |                        
          ___                                  ___
        .'   `.    Dragonball Evolution      .'* *`.    
        | * * |         Created by           | * * |   
        '.___.'    Ozma, Jugogou, Chubs,     '.___.'  
                    Zeveris and Krono.
                   ___    ____    _____                    
                  [   \  [  _ \  [ ____] 
                  [ |  ] [ |   | [ ]__      
                  [ |  ] [  _ /  [  __]        
                  [ |  ] [ |   | [ ]___      
                  [___/  [____/  [_____]
     ___                                            ___  
   .' * `.                                        .'***`. 
   | * * |        Based on CircleMUD 3.0          | *** | 
   '.___.'        Created by Jeremy Elson         '.___.' 
                   ___              ___                 
                 .'** `.          .'***`.               
                 | *** |          | ****|                
                 '.___.'          '.___.'           

             A Derivative of DikuMUD(GAMMA 0.0)
                       Created by 
      Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,  Tom Madsen 
           Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
Read the character name rules below.

1. No names with transformations in them.
2. No compound words.
3. No extra letters in your name like "x" or "z" at the beginning or end.
4. No Mock DBZ names(Ex: Gohun).

Any inappropriate names will be forced to recreate.
This is not a Saga clone, please do not expect it to play like one.

Timed out... goodbye.

       D R A G O N B A L L
          `.        .'-\/'""\ |  '  | /  .-/'"`\' //            _.-"
    /'`.____`-.  ,'"\  ''''?-.V`.   |/ .'..-P''''  /"`.     _.-"
   '(   `.-._""  ||(?|    /'   >.\  ' /.<   `\    |P)||_..-"___.....---
     `.   `. "-._ \ ('   |     `8      8'     |   `) /"""""    _".""
       `.   `.   `.`.b|   `.__            __.'   |d.'  __...--""
         `.   `.   ".`-  .---      ,-.     ---.  -'.-""
                                                     X T R E M E
  DBArena2 by Antor, 2001.
  DB Xtreme by MajinFred and Xezza, 2003.
  DB Xtreme resurrected by Rumble, 2008.
  ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor, Michael Seifert, and
  Sebastian Hammer.  Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and
  Kahn.  Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen.
  To everyone who helped make MUDs: thanks!

  Immortals Needed!: Please contact Rumble on the mud or at

(Hit enter to continue.)
Drag(*)nBall Z: Epic BETA
World status: OPEN
Dev. Team: ThunderZ, Zeranamu


Welcome to the DragonBall Infinity.  A MUD based on the DragonBall,
DragonBall Z, and DragonBall: GT anime and manga universe.

DragonBall Infinity (DBI) v1.5 [SMAUG Code Base]
Code by: Kilan, Rendo, Luther, Boko, Chosen, Picard (DBI) 2.1.9
  Original Code by: Goku(Warren), Melora, Islvin, Karma (DBS v2.5)
Areas by: Kilan, Hao, Veritas, Fenris,  Ranmyaku, Talling, Gohan, Sasuke,
               Bojack, Borfin, Sixteen, Picard, Rhys, Luke, Arcimedes, Nell

  Original Areas by: Ubuu, Melora, Thirteen, Bardock, Islvin, Koronto,
                       Ferrin, Dabura, Scyrok, Viola, Kalia

Dragon Ball Z and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses
thereof are trademarks of Toei Animation.  2000 Bird Studio/Shueisha,
Toei Animation.
SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn,
Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.
Original MERC 2.1 code by: Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer

Enter your character's name, or type new:

Welcome to DragonMud!
Use the WHO command to find out who is currently active.
You can disconnect at any time by typing QUIT in all caps.
[ Commands: connect <Name> <password>,  create <Name> <password>,  WHO ]
[ Exits: QUIT ]

________                                    ___.          .__  .__   
\______ \____________     ____   ____   ____\_ |__ _____  |  | |  |  
 |    |  \_  __ \__  \   / ___\ /  _ \ /    \| __ \\__  \ |  | |  |  
 |    `   \  | \// __ \_/ /_/  >  <_> )   |  \ \_\ \/ __ \|  |_|  |__
/_______  /__|  (____  /\___  / \____/|___|  /___  (____  /____/____/
        \/           \//_____/             \/    \/     \/           
                             Owned By: Iovan & Xyron & Samael
                       ___________              __  .__
             Advent    \__    ___/______ __ ___/  |_|  |__
                         |    |  \_  __ \  |  \   __\  |  \
                         |    |   |  | \/  |  /|  | |   Y  \
                         |____|   |__|  |____/ |__| |___|  /
                      Based on CircleMUD 3.1
                      Created by Jeremy Elson

                A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
           created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
          Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
                  Welcome to Dragonball Advent Truth
                 ---(Peak Logon Count Today:   13)---
                 ---(Highest Logon Count   :   33)---
                 ---(Total Characters Made :  283)---

Enter your desired username or the username you have already made.
Enter Username:

             ___                               _           _  _ 
            |   \  _ _  __ _  __ _  ___  _ _  | |__  __ _ | || |
            | |) || '_|/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| ' \ | '_ \/ _` || || |
            |___/ |_|  \__,_|\__, |\___/|_||_||_.__/\__,_||_||_|
          _  _               _   _        _                         
         | \| | ___ __ __ __| | | | _ _  (_)__ __ ___  _ _  ___ ___ 
         | .` |/ -_)\ V  V /| |_| || ' \ | |\ V // -_)| '_|(_-</ -_)
         |_|\_|\___| \_/\_/  \___/ |_||_||_| \_/ \___||_|  /__/\___|                                                            
    _  _                      ___             _              _             
   | || | ___  _ __  ___  ___| _ ) ___  __ _ (_) _ _   _ _  (_) _ _   __ _ 
   | __ |/ _ \| '_ \/ -_)(_-<| _ \/ -_)/ _` || || ' \ | ' \ | || ' \ / _` |
   |_||_|\___/| .__/\___|/__/|___/\___|\__, ||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_|\__, |
              |_|                      |___/                         |___/ 
|Dragon Ball Z and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses     | 
|thereof are trademarks of Toei Animation.  2000 Bird Studio/Shueisha, Toei  |
|Animation. SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, |
|Haus, Narn, Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh,         |
|Firebladeand Nivek. Original MERC 2.1 code by: Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.    |
|Original DikuMUD code by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja, Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael| 
|Seifert & Sebastian Hammer.DBSaga CodeBy:Goku(Warren), Melora, Islvin, Karma|

There is 3 Mortals and 0 Immies online right now 

Enter your character's name, or type new:

  |  ""--.--.._  .                                          __..    ,--.
  |       `.   "-.'""\_...-----..._   ,--. .--..-----.._.""|   |   /   /
  |_   _    \__   ).  \           _/_ |   \|  ||  ..    >  `.  |  /   /
    | | `.   ._)  /|\  \ .-"""":-"   "-.   `  ||  |.'  ,'`. |  |_/_  /
    | |_.'   |   / ""`  \  ===/  ..|..  \     ||      < ""  `.  "  |/__
    `.      .    \ ,--   \-..-\   /"\   /     ||  |>   )--   |    /    |
     |__..-'__||__\   |___\ __.:-.._..-'_|\___||____..-/| |__|--""____/
                       Dragonball:The Forsaken Future        
                              Ver 1.0.3b
Coder:       Kalthizar
Owner:       Kalthizar
Head Admin:  Arianna
Builders:    Fatty
Areas by:    DBNA Staff, DBSaga Staff
New Areas:   DBTFF Staff

Dragon Ball Z and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses
   thereof are trademarks of Toei Animation.  2000 Bird Studio/Shueisha,
   Toei Animation.  
SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag,
   Blodkai, Haus, Narn, Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard,
   Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.  
Original MERC 2.1 code by: 
   Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  
Original DikuMUD code by: 
   Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian
Original DBSaga code by:
   Warren, Steven, Saiyr and Ubuu
Enter your character's name, or type new:

___  __ \__  ____/
__  / / /_  /_    
_  /_/ /_  __/    
/_____/ /_/       
Welcome to the realm of Dragonfire III.

This port hosts both Classic Dragonfire II as well as the latest Dragonfire III,
both in the same port.

 Type DF2 if you want to log into classic Dragonfire. Otherwise you will log
into Dragonfire III.

.   ,     .      .                        .       .     .      .    .
.  ,    .   '  ,    ' . , ''  ..   ' ' . .   .     .. .   ,       '
            .                              ,   .            ,  
.    .   .  . .  .  '      '    '     '  ,    ' '               '
   '          .  '     '     '            /-  '     \ | /    '  '   '
 .  '                     '    '   v   ' /  \   /\  - * -  '   '  '
     .  .   .        V                '//    | /  \ / | \   '       '
  .       .      '          v    '    /       |    \         '
                   '   .             //        |    \-\_          w
Dragons' Star v2.5     '      '   '  /         |        |     v
                .                  /           |         \       .
Imps: Infoteq, Dranor, Trillian.  //             \        \\  .
,                                |/               \        \|
  ,     '    .    ,     ,  ,    ||                 |        ||    V
   .  '                        ||                   \        ||     .
                               |                     |        | ,
------------------------------//                      \       \\-----
Based on CircleMUD, a        //                        \       \\
derivative of DikuMUD       //                          |       \\

Please wait
e do you wish to be known?">
fwd: Negotiating client <-> fwd compression...timeout (bad)
fwd: connecting to official...connected

DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert,
and Sebastian Hammer. Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.
ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1995 Russ Taylor.
ANATOLIA 2.1, copyright 1997 by Serdar BULUT and Ibrahim CANPUNAR
DREAMLAND 2.0 by Igor Antonenko, Olga Ridvanuk, Igor Petrenko, Denis Lukinykh,
Nazar Koval, Vladimir Doropey, Denis Kulgeiko, Aleksandr Andreyanov,
Aleksandr Zadvinsky, Vladimir Kirichenko, Vladimir Gulyaev, Sergey Tereschenko
Russian localization: Olga Ridvanuk and others who play and build this MUD.
Greeting by Eugene Orlov.
DREAMLAND 3.0 by Ruffina (see 'help credits' for details)

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.::  :::Y88as88a...s88aa    3) WIN (CP1251)    6) Transliteration

Please, select your Russian codepage:

 ______                          _____                             _____ _____ 
 |  _  \                        /  ___|                           |_   _|_   _|
 | | | |_ __ ___  __ _ _ __ ___ \ `--.  ___ __ _ _ __   ___  ___    | |   | |  
 | | | | '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \ `--. \/ __/ _` | '_ \ / _ \/ __|   | |   | |  
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 |___/ |_|  \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_\____/ \___\__,_| .__/ \___||___/  \___/ \___/ 
                                                | |                            
                      This world is Pueblo 2.60 enhanced
                      and uses the Mud eXtension Protocol

                    Implemented by Andy Hubbard, [Melleth]

                            Based on CircleMUD 3.1,
                            Created by Jeremy Elson
                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

Character Name:

 Welcome to.. 
 'oooooooo  ,ooooooooo  `oooooooooo      o      oooo     oooo  oooooooo'
  888    88o 888    888  888    88      888      8888o   888  888       
  888    888 888oooo88   888ooo8       8  88     88 888o8 88   888oooooo  
  888    888 888  88o    888    oo    8oooo88    88  888  88          888 
 `888ooo88  ,888.  88o8 ,888ooo888, ,88o  o888, ,88o  8  o88. ,88oooo888  
   Original Diku Code by: Hans Hendrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom      
                          Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer. 
   Original Merc Code by: Kahn, Hatchet, and Furey                       
   Original Envy Code by: Kahn, Hatchet, and Staff                       
   MUD Address: port 3000 or port 3000
   Web Site:      

What is your name fellow dreamer?

Do you want ANSI color? [Y/n]

Welcome to Dune.

                             _/\_         Emperors: Genesis, Mreh, Iria
                           _/ .'.\_                 
                         _/ {  | . \_        Dukes: Paradox, Benedict
                       _/  } _/'\_ ; \_ Shai'hulud: Clutch, Bubbs
                     _/  { _/;,.:`\_'  \_   Barons: Pic
                   _/  } _/.,`,.`,..\_`  \_
                 _/   ,./`,.,.`;,.;`,.\_.` \_
               _/ .,`_/`,..;,`;.`,;`.;,.\_;` \_
             _/`.}{_/.,`;`.,;`,;`,;`,;.`,;\_"` \_
           _/~;,._/`,`.;,`.;.`,.;,`;,`.;,,`,\_:` \_____
         _/  ; _/`,.;,`.,`;,.;,`;.,`.;,`.;`,;,\_.: .,. \___ 
       _/ , . /;.,`;`,;,`.,`;.,`.;,`;.,`;`,.;,.;\ ,.`,.`.,.\__
 _____|___;  |..______;.______;`.___,;.,._____ /___________`  \___
\   _____  \ |,;\    /  \    /   |  \    |   / |\   _____  |` ,.  \___
 |  |    \  ||..,|  |    |  |    |   \   |  |  | |  |     \| ,.,`.;   \___
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 |  |____/  ||,.`|  \____/  |    |  |  \    |  | |  |_____/|.,.,.``````___/
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      |_ ; ., \_',`;'`;'';`';`';`'`;';`';`';',_/',';..',.,.``  ___/
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          \_    , \_`.,;`,.`;,.`;.,`;.,`;._/,;.;;...,``___/
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             /    \_  ,   \_`.;,.,_/  `  _/      \
    `        |      \_   ;  \_`._/ ,, ,./        |
    `,.``    |,.,.    \_  .   \/  , ,_/       ,.,|        `
     ,..     |    \,.,.,\_ ; ,  .  _/,.,.,.,./   |         ```
   `  ,  `   |            \_  .  _/              |     ``  ` ` `
  `  ,.  `  /,.,.,          \  _/           ,.,.,.\  ` ,.,   `
` ` ,..,    |     \,.,.,.,.,,\/,.,.,.,.,.,./      | .. ,..   `  `
` ,. .,..   /                                     \ ,`.`,,    `  `
There are currently 11 users logged on :
Mreh            Clutch          Someone         Chibiace        Agnus          
Tryndamere      Ulricke         Irelia          Barric          Faelun         

Please enter your name:

Looking up your hostname...

      Original DikuCode
   Hans Henrik, Katja Nyboe
 Tom Madsen, Michel Seifert
 and Sebastian Hammer

Modifided for Duris
     A bunch of insane Imp's




By what name do you wish to be known? Type 'generate' to generate names.By what name do you wish to be known? Type 'generate' to generate names.

       :`'-,.                 .
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      _|    |          /'`^`'\|   |        _.  _.,  /'`^'`\    _.,     __
   /'`      |~-,. .,--|   :   |   `,.--;/'`  `'   `|       |/'`_  `\/'`  '`\
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  |    |    |    |    |____   |   :    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   :   _____|
  |    |    |    |    |   |   |   |  __:   |   |   |   :   |   :___|   |    :
  :    :    |    :    |   :   :   `-'  |   :   :   |   _   |   |   :   :    |
   `-,.__.,-'`-,._____:`-,.,-' `-,_.,-'|___|---|   |--' `--:___|    `-,._.,-`
<<---------------------------------------------|   |------------------------->>
                                                `. |

Enter your character's name, or type new: 4201  Website at
Direct questions to  Welcome to...
 ____                           _                    __           _
|  _ \ _   _ _ __   __ _ _ _ _ |_| _  _  /\/\  /\ /\/ _\  /\  /\ | |
| | \ | | | | '_ `,/ _` | ' ' | _ \ \/ //    \/ / \ \ \  / /_/ / | |
| |_/ | |_| | | | | (_| | | | || | >  </ /\/\ \ \_/ /\ \/ __  /  `_'
|____/ \__, |_| |_|\__,_|_|_|_||_|/_/\_\/    \/\___/\__/\/ /_/   |_|
        _/ /
Use 'create <name> <password>' to create a character.
Use 'connect <name> <password>' to connect to your existing character.
Use 'connect guest guest' to connect to the Guest character.
Use QUIT to logout.  Use the WHO command to find out who is online.

Attempting to Detect Client, Please Wait...

[Client] Unknown | [Colors] Ansi | [MXP] No | [MSDP] No | [ATCP] No

                                  \  `
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             ,' ,'.'  `:>-._._________,<;'    (/            (,'
           ,'  /  |     `^-^--^--^-^-^-'
 .--------'   /   |
(       .----'    |                 Realms of Luminari 3E
 \ <`.  \         |
  \ \ `. \        |                 Based on CircleMUD / tbaMUD
   \ \  `.`.      |                 By Jeremy Elson (see credits)
    \ \   `.`.    |
     \ \    `.`.  |         A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
      \ \     `.`.|    created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe
       \ \      `.`. Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
        \ \     ,^-'
         \ \    |
          `.`.  |

   What is your name, adventurer? 

Timed out... goodbye.

Based on CircleMUD 3.1 Created by Jeremy Elson

A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0), created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, 
Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer 

 |')/\|\/|| ||\  |)   _  _ _ ,_|- _ .
(|/_\/|  ||_||/  | |`(/__\(/_|||__\ .
                A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

             ########################   ######     ###########               
           ##########################  ########    #############
          ########################### ####  ####   #####   ######
           ########      ######       ####  ####   #############
             ########    ######      ############  ###########
#####################    ######     ############## ##### ####################
###################      ######     #####    ##### #####  ###################

###########    ##    #####   ######     ###########        ##################
############  ####  ######  ########    #############    ####################
#########################  ####  ####   #####   ######  #####################
       ##################  ####  ####   #############    ########
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           |\|||(||||__\  ()|   |_||(/_  \/|(|  |\(/_|)L||)||(_
                _|                                   |         

Enter your account name.  If you are a new account, simply type what you would like it to be: 

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sat Apr 27 19:07:06 BST 2013 So_o2