main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[f] M.U.D. Titles

     .     .       .   .            .     .       .   .    .         .
  . .   .   .   .    .        . .       .    . .        .     .
      .        .   .      .          .           .   .
 .         .           .          .        . 
    .  .       .  .           .       S T A R      C R U S A D E  
 ____   .  .            .                        
-\  /-_    .    .  Fighting for the Prophet is the Prophet attained.                 
_-\/-_  \ .  .      .   .  .             The Rule of Battle
       \ \    .  .    .  
       _--~|    .  
       ~--_|  .    .
       / / . .  .     .                      5001
Based on the award-winning Fading Suns RPG
connect guest guest will connect to a guest character.
create <name> <password> will create a character.
connect <name> <password> will connect to a character.
WHO will tell you who is logged on the game.
QUIT will exit the game.                                           TinyMUX 2.9

Welcome to Fairytail MUSH

Thanks to our generous host, Cooee.
Also to the man who helped do a lot of the coding.
Lexx who also runs Merchant Wars.

One day, this will have a nice ASCII drawing, be patient

Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.
This file has been modified by Squishy, please stop yelling at me.

Administrative Email:
   Merc was created by:                      DikuMud was created by:
   Furey                            oo       Katja Nyboe
   Hatchet                         $""$      Sebastian Hammer
   Kahn                           $"$$$$     Michael Seifert
                                   $$$$      Tom Madsen
God Wars was created by KaVir      o "$o     Hans Henrik Staerfeldt
                                  o"  "$        
             oo"$$$"  oo$"$ooo   o$    "$    ooo"$oo  $$$"o
o o o o    oo"  o"      "o    $$o$"     o o$""  o$      "$  "oo   o o o o
"$o   ""$$$"   $$         $      "   o   ""    o"         $   "o$$"    o$$
  ""o       o  $          $"       $$$$$       o          $  ooo     o""
     "o   $$$$o $o       o$        $$$$$"       $o        " $$$$o  o"
      ""o $$$$o  oo o  o$"         $$$$$"        "o o o o"  "$$$o $
        "" "$"     """""            ""$"            """      """ "
          "$$$$"$$$$" $$$$$$$"$$$$$$"  "$$$$$"$$$$$$"  $$$""$$$$
           $$$oo$$$$   $$$$$$o$$$$$$o" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$$$o$$$"
           $"                   Welcome to                    "$ 
           $"                 Fallen  Majesty                 "$
           $"                                                 "$

What shall we call thee?

                        . **x**xxxx**x**            _ 
            _        _     *** xxxx *** .          |=|
           |=|  _ _ |=||    .  xxxx .  .    _   _  |=|_
           |=|_|=|=||=||  ...  xxxx  / /   |=|_|=| |=|=|
           |=|=|=|=||=||=|.    xxxx/ .   |=|=|=|=| |=|=|
              +---+  +-+  +    +     +-+  +   + +-+-+   
              |     |   | |    |    |   | |   |   |     
              +--+  +---+ |    |    |   | |   |   |     
              |     |   | |    |    |   | |   |   |     
              |     |   | |    |    |   | |   |   |     
              +     +   + +--- +---  +-+   +-+    +     

           Only after you have lost everything....
                    ...are you truly free to do anything

Fallout is based on CircleMUD 3.0 created by Jeremy Elson
and DikuMUD Gamma 0.0 created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt,
Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer

What do they call ya? 

Timed out... goodbye.

                           Welcome to FANTASY MOON
  )) To continue old character   ----------=>   connect <player> <password>(( 
 ((  To connect a guest          ----------=>   connect guest guest         ))
  )) To see who is on            ----------=>   WHO                        (( 
 ((  To quit your character      ----------=>   QUIT                        ))
  )) To get help once connected  ----------=>   help (i.e. : help commands)(( 
   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
      __________   ___     _________  ___     ___     ___     ____    ___     ___  
     ___        ___ ___   ___    ___ ___     ___   ___ ___   _____   ___   ___ ___ 
    ___       ___   ___  ___    ___ ___     ___  ___   ___  ______  ___  ___   ___ 
   ________ ___________ _________  ___     ___ ___________ ___ ___ ___ ___________ 
  ___      ___     ___ ___    ___  ___   ___  ___     ___ ___  ______ ___     ___  
 ___      ___     ___ ___    ___   _______   ___     ___ ___   _____ ___     ___   
___      ___     ___ ___    ___     ___     ___     ___ ___    ____ ___     ___    

        ___   ___   ___    ___  ________  ___    ___ 
      _____ _____  ___    ___ ___    ___ ___   ___   
    ___ _____ ___ ___    ___ ___        ___  ___     
   ___  ___  ___ ___    ___ ___        _______       
  ___       ___ ___    ___ ___        ___  ___       
 ___       ___ ___    ___ ___    ___ ___   ___       
___       ___  ________   ________  ___    ___
You have reached Farvana MUCK, formerly Ingvi's World.    

To connect to your character use 'connect <character> <password>'
Use the WHO command to see WHO's on.  Guests are invited to use
'connect guest guest' to take a look around.

Contact for character registration, wizardry,
and any other MUCK issues.  See also the MUCK web page, at

News updated 2009/05/07.  Enter 'news' after connecting to your

                dP""Yb,                         ,d"                
Code by:     ,d"      "b,a,.__,aP"         a,._,d"              Fate Staff:
             d'        `YC`"""''             ""YdPa,.
Drak         8          `8           __      ,d" `"'            Baraka
Eraser       `b,_       ,P        ,dP""b,   ,d"      ,dPYq,     Drak 
Murazor                ,dAa,,,  ,d"   ,P'  ,8"     ,d'   :Y     Barco
Avanon                ,P"       d'    d'  ,8P      d8baadP'     Darkside   
Shadowheart          ,P'        8     8   :8       8'                    
            a,.__,aP'          `b,_,dPb, `Yb.dP"  `b,_,a,        
             `'""''              '""'     `""'     `"""' 
                       - LEGENDS OF FATE -
                                                Running FateCode (Emlen Based) 
Options: <Playername>, Create <player> or Quit.

[Connection Timed Out]

                        Alan Lenton's Federation 2
                              Serenity Edition

           Copyright (c) 1985-2012 Interactive Broadcasting Ltd

                         Welcome to Federation 2

If you do not have a Federation 2 account, login with the account name 'new' (without the quote marks) and you will be taken through setting up an account.


Do you want ANSI terminal support? (Y/n) 

Timed out... goodbye.

o /|            #######################################     #+ ###  |\ o
 //          +    ###################/|##############  #             \\
//|                 #############_##//#############     +            |\\
|/|      +# ##        ###########\\//############     #  #           |\|
|/      # ##  +           ######//\\#########        ###   ##         \|
|     +      #              ###//  \|###### :        +                 |
o               +           F I N A L     ::                           o
|  ...               ::      F A N T A S Y                             |
|\ .   ::     .      :      // MUX             .          :    .      /|
|\|       :     .          //  /                         :    .  .:: |/|
\\|:::::::   ....   ::  : //  /   :         ::     ::.       .::::   |//
 \\     :::::            //  /  ::           :::            ::       //
o \|:::::::::...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...:...:::.....::::: |/ o
-The following commands work at this login screen:
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character. 
  "connect Guest guest" connects you to a Guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game (case sensitive at login screen). 
-The following commands only work when connected to a character: 
  "news" gives information about the theme and other items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands. 
  An application is required to get a character. Instructions on what to
  include in your application and what format to use, as well as other
  general information about the MUX, can be found on the website at  Once you finish your application,
  email it to  Applications that don't follow
  the guidelines provided in the news files and on the website will be
  immediately rejected.  General questions can also be sent to; however, it is generally easier to connect
  as a guest and page a staff member for help.

This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.
                          / |
___________              /  |   ___
\          \            /   | _/  /
 \__  _____ \          /_|  | \  /                 _
   |  |  (_\|          | |  | / /_)               | |
   |  |   _ _ __   __ _| |  |/ / _ _ __   __ _  __| | ___  _ _  _
   |  |_/| | '_ \ / _` | |   <  | | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \| ' `. `.
   |   _ | | | | | (_| | |  |\ \| | | | | (_| | (_| | |_| | |`. | |
+--|  | \|_|_| |_|\__._ _|  | \ `_|_| |_|\__. |\__._|\___/|_| |_|_|----------+
|  |  |                 /   | _\  \_      __/ |     World of Ruin            |
|  |  |                .    | \_____\    |___/                               |
|  |  |                 \   |                                                |
|  |  /                  \  |  Who is online?  -- WHO                        |
|  | /                    \ |  Disconnect      -- QUIT                       |
|  ./                      \|  Guest login     -- CONNECT guest              |
|                              Character login -- CONNECT <name> <pass>      |
|                                                                            |
+---------------------------------------------------------[Login Commands]---+

LPmud version: FluffOS v2.23.
FRlib IV

                             Final Realms

                         Your god is Baldrick

                   Titan, Silbago, Rystal and Bruno

                           People to Thank 
         Ducky, Pinkfish, Bivins, Devoe, Asmodean, Grimbrand,
            Hokemj, Hamlet, Radix, Cailet, Malik, Cadogan,
             Timion, Raisa, Taniwha, Calm, Athene, Flode,
                Rincewind, Titan, Driadan, Elminster,
                  James, Dyno, Bishop and Silbago.

         Mail to reach admins
         Official Websites 
         You are connected to port 4001

                     Choose option from this menu:
Q - Quit                             M - Print this menu again
U - Short list of who is on-line     F - Finger someone
N - New character                    G - Guest character
O - OMIQ News                        E - External Window (HUD)

Or, enter your current characters name

Your choice [F,G,M,N,U,Q,O,E,A,V,<name>]:

#$#mcp version: 1.0 to: 2.1

         Der Weltraum, unendliche Weiten, Du befindest Dich in einer
               fernen Zukunft, dies sind Deine Abenteuer in 
                     ___________.__              .__  
                     \_   _____/|__| ____ _____  |  |  
                      |    __)  |  |/    \\__  \ |  |  
                      |     \   |  |   |  \/ __ \|  |__
                      \___  /   |__|___|  (____  /____/
                          \/            \/     \/      
           ___________                     __  .__              
           \_   _____/______  ____   _____/  |_|__| ___________ 
            |    __) \_  __ \/  _ \ /    \   __\  |/ __ \_  __ \
            |     \   |  | \(  (_) )   |  \  | |  \  ___/|  | \/
            \___  /   |__|   \____/|___|  /__| |__|\___  >__|   
                \/                      \/             \/       

        Du wirst neuen Zivilisationen begegnen, fremde Lebensformen
       kennenlernen und viele aussergewoehnliche Situationen erleben.
    Du kannst das Universum erforschen, indem Du Dir einen Namen und ein
    Passwort auswaehlst. Moechtest Du aber nur einen Blick in eine ferne
   Zukunft werfen, so waehle "gast" oder den Namen der gewuenschten Rasse.

Wie lautet Dein Name:

    |            F I R A N  M U X            |     
      ~~    ~~    ~~    ~~    ~~    ~~    ~~       
      ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||     To connect to an existing
      ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||     character, type:
      ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||       connect <name> <password>
      ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||       
      ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||     To connect as a guest, type:
      ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||       connect guest guest
      ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||     
      ~~    ~~    ~~    ~~    ~~    ~~    ~~     
  ============================================== 5000 / 5000 (also ports 50000 and 8080)

This world best viewed on black background with ANSI.


                                                |===-'___                _,-' `
                 -==\\                          `//'\\   ''''`---.___.-''
             ______-==|                         | |  \\           _-'`
       __--'''  ,-/-==\\                        | |   `\        ,'
    _-'       /'    |  \\                      / /      \      /  _-'      
  /'         |         \\                      / /      \      /
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                  |   _/) )-'      ||__>--<__|     '|   
                  / /' ,_/        //__>--<___|     '|   
                  / /' ,_/        //__>---<__/      |  
                 o-o _//         /'_>---<__-'      /  
                 (^('           /_>---<__-       /          
                ,/|           /__>--<__/     _-'               
                /,'          /__>--<__/     _-'                  
             ,//('(          |__>--<__|     /                  .----_ 
           /:,/)             |__-- >< |   ,|                 /' _---_'\
          //'/               |__- -<__|    |               /'  /'\   ,`\
         /// :'/              \_ - <__\    \,             ,'\`\,      '\
         /.. :'/               \_ -  <__\    \           ,/' //       ||
       '// /                   '\>--<_'-_  '--____---'',_/'/'         /'
    `'//..// (                     >--<_/-__  /    __-' _/ '/
  ._-' /(: ' (                      '-_--_'''-'''   _/_/ /_/ 
   ;'( )/' ('' /                        '-_--_'''-' _/_/ / 
   ;'( )/' ('' /                        -'-''''__--' 
  ' ') ' ':  '                               
          '  `                      
       Heaven 2.1
    Raolin and Tyaira
                           ROM Version 2.4 Beta
               Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1995 Russ Taylor
                       Heaven 2.0 copyright (c) 1996
      Marillion, Raolin, Thorin, Agelmar, Tyaira and Raen 

Enter the name by which you will be woven into the Pattern:

Welcome to Flexible Survival: 
   Connect <name> <password>
      - To log in         
   Connect guest            
      - To log in as a guest      
By logging in, you agree that you are a legal adult wherever you live.
If you are not a legal adult, please log off now.
Type Create <Name> <Password> to create a character from login.
Names must be one word.
106 players on right now.  Log on and become another one!

Welcome to the latest issue of

  /      LIGHTS

                                   /     IGHTS

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest" connects you to a guest account if one is prepared.
  Page a staffer to have a character created for you!

  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".

O______OO___OOOOO___OO_____`OO'_____OO___OO_____`OO______OOO' .O      OO
O   __OOO   OOOOO   OO   OO OO.___ `OO   OO   OO OO   __OOO            O
O   OOOOO   OOOOO   OO   __.OOOOOO' OO   OO   OO OO   OOOOO            O
O   OOOOO      OO   OO   OOOOO      OO   OO      OO      OO            O
O___OOOOO______OO___OO___OOOOO_____.OO___OO_____.OO______OOOOOOO      OO
    A multi-themed multi-world muck
               SysAdmin: Tursi        Complaints: /dev/NULL
        To connect, use: connect <name> <password>
      To request a character, or the AUP, see
        Connecting indictes acceptance of the Acceptable Use Policy

You're entering...
      __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
     ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
   (   _ _ _ _ _   _ _         _ _     _ _     _ _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _   )
  (   |_|_|_|_|_| |_|_|       |_|_|   |_|_|   |_|_|_|_|_|   |_|_|_|_|_|   )
 (    |_|_|       |_|_|       |_|_|   |_|_|   |_|_|         |_|_|          )
(     |_|_|_ _    |_|_|       |_|_|   |_|_|   |_|_|_ _      |_|_|_ _        )
(     |_|_|_|_|   |_|_|       |_|_|   |_|_|   |_|_|_|_|     |_|_|_|_|       )
 (    |_|_|       |_|_|_ _ _  |_|_|_ _|_|_|   |_|_|         |_|_|          )
  (   |_|_|       |_|_|_|_|_|     |_|_|       |_|_|         |_|_|         )
   (                                                                     )
                                                         Est. 1995

To connect to your existing character, type connect <playername> <password>
To connect as a Guest, type: connect guest guest

                      ______            __  _______  ____
                     / ____/___  ____  /  |/  / __ \/ __ \
                    / /_  / __ \/ __ \/ /|_/ / / / / / / /   ^. .^
                   / __/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  / / /_/ / /_/ /    ( O )
                  /_/    \____/\____/_/  /_/\____/\____/
       /              Welcome to FooMOO (               \
      /                                                                  \
     / +---------------------+ /*                                         \
    /  | Logging on:         |  *          FooMOO's Wizards:               \
   /   +---------------------+  * Archwiz: dive                             \
  /    | CON <player> <pass> |  * Coding.: dive, Matrix, Ashen, Trunks, End, \
 /     |      *** OR ***     |  *          Czar                               \
/      | CON guest           |  * Admin..: dive, Matrix, Cheyan, Czar          \
\      | ^ to login as guest |  *                                              /
 \     +---------------------+  */                                            /
  \ (*): If you do not have a player, and would like one, use the @request   /
   \   command after connecting as a guest. This will walk you through      /
    \  the creation process. If you have any problems, use @wizcall to     /
     \ send a message to the wizards.                                     /

                       _---|         _ _ _ _ _     
                    o   ---|     o   ]-I-I-I-[      
   _ _ _ _ _ _  _---|      | _---|    \ ` ' /        
   ]-I-I-I-I-[   ---|      |  ---|    |.   |          
    \ `   '_/       |     / \    |    | /^\|          
     |__   ,|      / \  /    `\ / \   | ===|      
  ___| ___ ,|__   /    /=_=_=_=\   \  |,  _|
  I_I__I_I__I_I  (====(_________)___|_|____|____
  \-\--|-|--/-/  |     I  [ ]__I I_I__|____I_I_|    
   |[]      '|   | []  |`__  . [  \-\--|-|--/-/   
   |.   | |' |___|_____I___|___I___|---------|  
  / \| []   .|_|-|_|-|-|_|-|_|-|_|-| []   [] |      
 <===>  |   .|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|   |    / \       
 ] []|`   [] ||.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.||-      <===>    
 ] []| ` |   |/////////\\\\\\\\\\.||__.  | |[] [     
 <===>     ' ||||| |   |   | ||||.||  []   <===>       
  \T/  | |-- ||||| | O | O | ||||.|| . |'   \T/         
   |      . _||||| |   |   | ||||.|| |     | |
../|' v . | .|||||/____|____\|||| /|. . | . ./

This environment is becoming Pueblo 1.0 Enhanced. --Stil
Press RETURN <if you are not using pueblo> to continue.

   Forgotten Destinies is a medieval, fantasy role-playing game roughly based on the Advanced
Dungeons and Dragons game. We have tried to create a unique gaming environment in which role-playing
is highly encouraged. If you wish to join other adventurers in the realm, please choose an appropriate
role-playing name to begin the creation process.  However, be warned:

        Forgotten Destinies can be exciting and you may well become very addicted.
        Please game responsibly. For more information, please visit our website at:


We hope you enjoy your time here. Thank you, and GAME ON!!!

Press [Enter] for ANSI color...
Press [N] for no color.

    F    K             _ _ _ _ _ _                Michael Seifert,
                      | V V V V V |      DIKU 1.0 Sebastian Hammer, 
    O    I            |_         _|          1990 Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, 
                   _ _ _|       |                 Hans Henrik Staerfeldt 
    R    N        | V V | []    |_ _    Merc 2.1 Created by: Furey, Kahn, 
                  |_    |       | V |   01 Aug 1993             Hatchet 
    G    G     _ _ _|_ _|       |  / 
              | V V V V |   []  | /       F O R G O T T E N 
    O    D    |_       _|       |/      K I N G D O M S 
                |     | |       | 
    T    O      | []  | |       |    SMAUG 1.0 Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai, 
             _ _|_ _ _|_|       |_ _ 01 Dec 96 Narn, Haus, Scryn 
    T    M  | V V V V V           V | 
            |              ___      |  SWMUD 2.6  Martin Gallwey, 
    E    S  |             /|||\     |  1997       Kenneth McKeever 
            |             |||||     | 
    N       |             |||||     |  FKMud 4.0.  Martin Gallwey
            |             |||||     |  29 Nov 2007  Christophe Leclere
            |             |||||     | 
            |             |||||     |  FKMud 4.1   Martin Gallwey
            |             |||||     |  31 Jul 2009  and the FK Team
            |             |||||     | 
           /             /     \     \ See help version in game for
                                       full version history
            (New accounts should enter 'NEW')
Only one account per player, all characters owned by a player are
stored in a single account.
Enter your ACCOUNT name (not your character name):

           /\                                                 /\
 _         )( ______________________   ______________________ )(         _
(_)///////(**)______________________> <______________________(**)\\\\\\\(_)
           )(                                                 )(
           \/                                                 \/
           /\       /\
 _         )( ______________________   ______________________ )(         _
(_)///////(**)______________________> <______________________(**)\\\\\\\(_)
           )(                                                 )(
           \/                Based on CircleMUD 3.0,          \/
                             Created by Jeremy Elson

                       A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                 created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
                Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

CircleMUD, version 3.1 
OasisOLC 2.0.6
DG Scripts Version 0.99 Patch Level 11   07/03
CWG Buddha - Version 0.10.31

MUD VERSION 1.5 (type 'INFO' for more details and bug fixes)

By J.H. Graham Foss (Roztov)

[To encourage new players there is 'Antique Equipment' in the starting location and all kills give an
extra 250XP! Also check out the NEW PLAYERS INDUCTION as well as the existing newbie zones.]


08/05/2012 Version 1.6 - See INFO for details

For all news type NEWS will in-game.

By what name do you wish to be known?

Timed out... goodbye.

Code inspired by DikuMUD written by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer, Merc 2.1 by Furey, Hatchet, and Kahn,
CircleMUD 3.0 by Jeremy Elson, Envy 2.0 created by Hatchet, Kahn & Staff, and
ROM 2.4 beta, copyright 1993 - 1996 Russ Taylor; this is the original Fox MUD
envisioned by Cook, Asvos, Doubek and Dluger.  (
                                                       -_  --
             _______    _____     __    __   |\.-./|      \###\
            /       / _-     -   / /  _/_/   / _ _ \      |###-
           / ______/ / ____  /  | | _/_/     |_/ \_|__    /#/
          / /___    / /   / /   | |-_/         \=/    --_|/
         /     /   / /   / /    | |/           |         -\
        / ___ /   / /   / /    _| |            | \_| /_/  |
       / /       / /___/ /   _/_| |            ||  || //  /
      / /       /      _/  _/_/ | |            Oo  OoOOo--
     /_/        -_____-   /_/   /_/       __   __    __   ______
                               /_/_   ___/_/  /_/   /_/  /_/_/_/_
           Fast Connection.   /__/_/_/_/ _/  /_/   /_/  /_/   /_/
         Friendly Players.   /_/ /_/_/ /_/  /_/   /_/  /_/   /_/
       Fabulous Features.   /_/  /_/  /_/  /_/   /_/  /_/   /_/
    Fair Administration.   /_/       /_/  /_/___/_/  /_/   /_/
Fun and Original Areas.   /_/       /_/  /_/_/_/_/  /_/___/_/
                  Fox.   /_/       /_/    /_/_/-   /_/_/_/-    (ver. 2.0)
By what name shall you be known?

           /\      |                        _____    _    _  ___  __
           \/  ____|                       |  __ \  | |  | | |  \/  |
  o        ||  |      _ __   __ _   _ __   | |  | | | |  | | | \  / |
 /         ||  |__   | '__| / _` | | '_ \  | |  | | | |  | | | |\/| |  v 5.1
/|_________|--|   |---||-------| |-----| |------| |------| |------| |--------,
o###########>=| __|===||=======| |=====| |======| |======| |======| |===------>
\|~~~~~~~~~|--||------||-------| |-----| |------| |------| |------| |--------'
 \         ||  |     |_|    \__,_| |_| |_| |_____/   \____/  |_|  |_|
  o        ||  |
By what name shall I call you (3-10 letters, no spaces):

Welcome to:

           #####                ######
         #######              ########                 (Running fb5.68)
        ##                      ##
       ######  ##  ##  #####   ##   ####    ####   ##  ##  ######   ####
      ######  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ### ##    ##    ##  ##
     ##      ##  ##  #####   ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ######    ##    ######
    ##      ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ## ###    ##    ##  ##
   ##       ####   ##  ##  ##   ####    ####   ##  ##  ######  ##  ##


To connect to your existing character, enter "connect name password"
To visit as a guest, enter "connect guest guest"
To receive a new character, send email to

Use the WHO command to find out who is currently active.
You can disconnect using the QUIT command, which must be capitalized as shown.

Welcome to
              _____                      _____     _
             |  ___|   _ _ __ _ __ _   _|  ___|_ _(_)_ __ ___
             | |_ | | | | '__| '__| | | | |_ / _` | | '__/ _ \
             |  _|| |_| | |  | |  | |_| |  _| (_| | | | |  __/
             |_|   \__,_|_|  |_|   \__, |_|  \__,_|_|_|  \___|
FurryFaire is a 100% Anthropomorphic, Fantasy-Medieval Roleplaying MUCK.
FurryFaire is Copyrighted 2005 by FurryFaire and its admins.
All other content within retains copyrights of respective authors.
-> Existing players: to connect, type 'connect [name] [password]'.
-> Guests: please type 'connect guest guest'.
-> To request a new character, type '@request' AFTER you log in.
-> After logging in: use the 'wizzes' command to see what wizards are online.
All users of FurryFaire are bound by our AUP. Type 'news aup' to read the AUP.
21 players on right now.  Log on and become another one!

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
Welcome to
              _____                 _ _ _   _    _ __   _   ,  SM
               /  '                ' ) ) ) ' )  / /  ) ' ) /
            ,-/-, . . __  __  __  , / / /   /  / /      /-<
           (_/   (_/_/ (_/ (_/ (_/ / ' (_  (__/ (__/   /   )
          The first 99 & 44/100% anthropomorphic/Furry TinyMu*

(The SM means that FurryMuck is a Service Mark of the FurryMuck Wizards)
To connect to your existing character, type "connect <name> <password>".
To receive a new character, send mail to
To see the latest news, type "news" after connecting to a character.
To disconnect from a character, type "QUIT".
Use the WHO command to find out who is currently online.
Use the 'whereare' command to find places with active people.
Use the 'wizzes' command to see what Wizards are on line, or the 'helpstaff'
 command to see who of the help staff is on.
Use "connect guest guest" to visit FurryMUCK as a guest.
All users of FurryMuck are bound by our AUP. "NEWS AUP" to read this document.

Furscape MUCK:, port 2001
*  + * ______________________________________________________________ *
 *  . /   ___________________________________________________________\ *
 + * /   / *____ *________________ +_____* ________ *________ +________*
* * /   /__/   / /   /   __/   ___\/   __\/_____   \/   __   \/   __   \
 * /   ___/   / /   /   / /   /_* /   / *______/   /   / /   /   /_/   /
 +/   /* /   /*/   /   / *\__   \/   /* /   __    /   /*/   /   ______/
*/   / ./   /_/   /   /.____/   /   /__/   /_/   /   /_/   /   /_____ .
/___/ * \________/___/ *\______/\_____/\________/   ______/\________/  *
 * + * +    *      *  . .  *  .  *     * +   * /   /    *    +    *  o
Where the final frontier is blown away .... * /___/   *  o *  *  * *  +
*  + ____________________________________________________________ +   *
+ * /Connecting instructions:                                   /   .
 . /       To connect as a user: connect <username> <password> /  *   +
 */       To connect as a guest: connect guest guest          / +   *
+/       To see who's online:    WHO                         /   *   +
/___________________________________________________________/ *    *   .
9 players on right now.  Log on and become another one!


  _|_|_| _|    _| _|_|_|_|_|   _|_|   _|      _| _|    _| _|    _| 
_|       _|    _|     _|     _|    _| _|_|  _|_| _|    _|  _|  _|  
_|       _|    _|     _|     _|    _| _|  _|  _| _|    _|   _|_|   
_|_|_|_| _|    _|     _|     _|_|_|_| _|  _|  _| _|    _|    _|    
_|       _|    _|     _|     _|    _| _|      _| _|    _|   _|_|   
_|       _|    _|     _|     _|    _| _|      _| _|    _|  _|  _|  
_|         _|_|       _|     _|    _| _|      _|   _|_|   _|    _| 

            The MUX with that little something extra!


  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character, just for you.
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest" connects you to a guest account if one is prepared.

  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "news".

This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.
Welcome to:

    TT      FF    FF   GG   GG
    TT      FF  F     GG
    TT      FFFFF     GG  GGGG
    TT      FF  F     GG    GG
    TT      FF         GG   GG
   TTTT he FFFF airy    GGGGG arden

PennMUSH 1.8.5p3 r1651
In-game Contact: Alara

Currently we only support registration by email or guest-based request to 
reduce spam. 

If you would like your own character, please log in as one of our five guest 
accounts and contact Alara or any of the other online admins listed via the 
WIZARDS command. 

If no wizard is available, you may also use the Registry in the guest housing. 
Please read these instructions fully to request a character. Note: a player 
name and valid email will be required. The password will be generated for you 
if you choose to utilize the Registry.

You may also register by email. Just send your requested username and a 
temporary password to 

We have a website which can be found at This 
website features a full wiki, an image server based off of the Shimmie engine
and an in-browser game client.

CONNECT <name> <password> - Connect to your character
CONNECT GUEST - Connect as a guest
LOGOUT - Logout and return to this screen
QUIT - Logout and close the connection

If for any reason you fail to log in as your character, please log in as a 
Guest and request a password reset for your character.


 ______  __                  ______                        ___
/\__  _\/\ \                /\  ___\  __                  /\_ \
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     \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \____\    \ \_\   \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\/\____\
      \/_/  \/_/\/_/\/____/     \/_/    \/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\/____/
 ____     __                ___    ___
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    \/___/   \/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\/____/\/____/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/___L\ \/____/

   Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, 
Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer. 08/01/93 Merc 2.1 Furey, Hatchet, Kahn

         TFC WEB SITE  :
         TFC FORUMS    : 
         TWITTER       :
         WIKI          :
         RSS NEWS FEED :

      Sponsored by Fastq - - Webhosting, Dialup,
      Broadband, Colocations
By what name do you wish to be known? 

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sat Apr 27 18:30:04 BST 2013 So_o2