main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[g] M.U.D. Titles

                                    -h-       `..`       `:+o+:.os`       
                                   :h-::`   oNMMMMmo    +MMMMMMM-.y-      
                                  +y-::::.  +mMMMMm+    `+ydddy/   s+     
                                 os-::::::-    ..                   /y`   
                        `:oo++++yy-::::::::-`      .::.       .//+/- .h- 
                     :oo+-      `/syo/:::::::`   sMMMMMMs    sMMMMMMm``y+ 
                 -+o+:              .+sy+:::::.  /dNMMNd/    .ohdmdy:   +s
             .+oo:`       `---.        `:oys/::-                         /h
           /s:`         .dMMMMMN+          .+yo:-                        `M
          oo``          `hNMMMMm/           ``os.````````````````````````+h
          d:::-.`          `..           `````.m````````````.+ssso:`````ss
          h::shs:-.`                  ``.++.```m```````````-MMMMMMMs``.h/ 
          h:yMMMy::::-`           `````.mMMN-``m```````````.:shdhy+.`:h.  
          h:mMMMd:::::::-`     ````````:MMMM/``m````````````````````+s    
      `/ymd:oMMMo:::::::::-`  ``/mNy.``.mMMN-``mo/-```````````````.s/     
  `/smMMMMd::/o/:::::::::::- ``.NMMM+```.oo-```mMMMo`````````````-y-     
                     -os+--. ```.+so.                                     
    GATEWAY - The MU* Community 6700 or 6677        
  |                  email:                    |
  |                      Website:                        |
  |            Primary e-list:                 |
  |  connect <name> <password>       WHO  - see who is currently connected. |
  |  create  <name> <password>       QUIT - disconnect from GATEWAY.        |
  |               To connect as a guest, type: connect guest                |

Welcome to GD2K! The Gold Digger 2000 MUSH. Running PennMUSH v1.7.6 pl 10 port 4210
Questions? or
To connect to a character:
 connect <name> <password>
To connect to a guest:
 connect Guest
To find out who's online:
 Please use the link on the website (above)

  ________.___       ____.              
 /  _____/|   |     |    | ____   ____  
/   \  ___|   |     |    |/  _ \_/ __ \ 
\    \_\  \   | /\__|    (  <_> )  ___/ 
 \______  /___| \________|\____/ \___  >
        \/                           \/ 

Use connect guest guest to connect as a guest..
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

This is New players, please log in as REGISTER.

Error reading command input
Timeout period expired

                         <>               8@8
                       .::::.             888
                   @\\/W\/\/W\//@         8@8
                    \\/^\/\/^\//     _    )8(    _
                     \_O_<>_O_/     (@)__/8@8\__(@)
                ____________________ `~"-=):(=-"~`
               |<><><>  |  |  <><><>|     |.|
               |<>      |  |      <>|     |||
               |<>      |  |      <>|     |'|
               |<>   .--------.   <>|     |.|
               |     |   ()   |     |     |G|
               |_____| (O\/O) |_____|     |'|
               |     \   /\   /     |     |.|
               |------\  \/  /------|     |O|
               |       '.__.'       |     |'|
               |        |  |        |     |.|
               :        |  |        :     |K|
                \<>     |  |     <>/      |'|
                 \<>    |  |    <>/       |.|
                  \<>   |  |   <>/        |||
                   `\<> |  | <>/'         |'|
                     `-.|  |.-`           \ /
                        '--'               ^
                  Welcome to Game of Kings
  Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
  Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
  Use connect Guest Guest to connect as a visitor
  Use QUIT to logout.
  Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

Welcome to TinyMUX
            ./++:`           -:::-                                      
           sMMMMMN:         /MMMM+                                      
          +MNhydMMM-       .NMMM+                                       
          dm`   .dMm      `dMMMo                                        
          d:     `mM/     sMMMo                                         
                  /Md    -MMMo                                          
                   NM.   mMMs                                           
                   sMo  +MMy             GAMMA                               
                   -Md .NMh                   WORLD                          
                    :MMm`           connect (name) (password)                                
                     NN.             create (name) (password)                           
                   :MMM.            WHO                                          
                  `NMMM.            HELP                                          
                 .MMMMN`            connect guest guest                                          
                 :MMMMh                to log in as a guest                                        

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

Garou: The MUSH is based on the game system created by White Wolf Game Studio.
In particular, _Werewolf: The Apocalypse_, _Vampire: The Masquerade_, and
_Mage: The Ascension_, are all Copyright 1993 by White Wolf.  We thank them
for their assistance in getting this game on the air.

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect guest guest" will allow you to login as a Guest.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands.

  If you want a character, e-mail your request to
  Include in your request the character name and password you want, and a
  brief background for the character.  If you're not familiar with the game,
  additional information is available by logging in as a Guest and typing 
  "news applications" (without the quotes).

 ____/  Gate Crashers  \_\___________________________________________________
    Gate*crash*er    pronunciaton key: gat'krash'er
    1. n. /slang/: someone who gets in (to a party) without an invitation
    or without paying [syn: crasher, unwelcome guest]
    2. n /slang/: an extra-solar entity or object that arrives via a 
  gate anomaly.
    3. n /slang/: A Multi-Origin Role Playing game with a somewhat-original
      "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character. 
           "connect guest guest" connects you to guest character.
                             "QUIT" exits the game.
         Instructions for acquiring a character are in the news files.
    On the web:
    Site email:
 ________________________________________________________    Page 001   _____

                           You enter the
                 ////                          //   //                 
               //  //           //            //   //                 
             //       ////    /////   ////   //   //  ////   //  // 
            //          //    //    //  //  // / //     //  //  // 
           //  ///  /////    //    //////  ///////  /////  //  // 
           //  //  //  //   //    //      /// ///  //  //  ///// 
           /////   /// //   //    ////   //   //   /// //    // 

            (Running MudOS, an enhanced native mode LPmud 3.x)

              Lowering GPAs of students everywhere since 1990

   Beyond this shimmering doorway are said to lie many realms of adventure 
   and danger. If you feel you have what it takes to withstand the many
   challenges ahead simply take a deep breath and step through the GateWay....

  1 - Enter the GateWay                i - Display information on GateWay
  2 - Visit GateWay as a Guest         q - Quit to visit another time
  3 - Create a new character

Enter your choice or character name:

Attempting to Detect Client, Please Wait...

[Client] Unknown | [Colors] Ansi | [MXP] No | [MSDP] No | [ATCP] No

                            G A U N T L E T   M U D

                 Based on tbaMUD, which is based on CircleMUD,
                            Created by Jeremy Elson

                      A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
                created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

                                             .~))>>             ___
                                           .~))>>)))>>      .-~))>>  
                                         .~)))))>>       .-~))>>)>
                                       .~)))>>))))>>  .-~)>>)>
                   )                 .~))>>))))>>  .-~)))))>>)>
                ( )@@*)             //)>))))))  .-~))))>>)>
              ).@(@@               //))>>))) .-~))>>)))))>>)>
            (( @.@).              //))))) .-~)>>)))))>>)>
          ))  )@@*.@@ )          //)>))) //))))))>>))))>>)>
       ((  ((@@@.@@             |/))))) //)))))>>)))>>)>
      )) @@*. )@@ )   (\_(\-\b  |))>)) //)))>>)))))))>>)>
    (( @@@(.@(@ .    _/`-`  ~|b |>))) //)>>)))))))>>)>
     )* @@@ )@*     (@) (@)  /\b|))) //))))))>>))))>>
   (( @. )@( @ .   _/       /  \b)) //))>>)))))>>>_._
    )@@ (@@*)@@.  (6,   6) / ^  \b)//))))))>>)))>>   ~~-.
 ( @jgs@@. @@@.*@_ ~^~^~, /\  ^  \b/)>>))))>>      _.     `,
  ((@@ @@@*.(@@ .   \^^^/' (  ^   \b)))>>        .'         `,
   ((@@).*@@ )@ )    `-'   ((   ^  ~)_          /             `,
     (@@. (@@ ).           (((   ^    `\        |               `.
       (*.@*              / ((((        \        \      .         `.
                         /   (((((  \    \    _.-~\     Y,         ;
                        /   / (((((( \    \.-~   _.`" _.-~`,       ;
                       /   /   `(((((()    )    (((((~      `,     ;
                     _/  _/      `"""/   /'                  ;     ;
                 _.-~_.-~           /  /'       jgs      _.-~   _.'
               ((((~~              / /'              _.-~ __.--~
                                  ((((          __.-~ _.-~
                                              .'   .~~
                                              :    ,'

 Welcome to GEAS, a fantasy MUD with a medieval theme. We hope you enjoy
 your stay.
 The webpage of GEAS can be found at It has a useful
 help section and offers plenty of interesting information about our
 background and history.
 The address of the forum is Read "help forum" from
 within the game to learn how to register a user there.

 You can also follow us on Facebook ( or
 on Twitter ( for news and announcements.

 Driver: DGD-DGD 1.4(using net package)             Mudlib Version: OL.DGD.1.1

What should your character's name be:

         ___  ____  ____  _  _  GEEK
  /|\   / __)( ___)( ___)( )/ ) BASIC
 ATARI ( (_-. )__)  )__)  )  (  COMPUTERS
 4LIFE  \___/(____)(____)(_)\_) 2007-2012
 __  __    __    ___  ____  ____  ____
(  \/  )  /__\  / __)(_  _)( ___)(  _ \
 )    (  //__\\ \__ \  )(   )__)  )   / V3
(_/\/\_)(__)(__)(___/ (__) (____)(_)\_)

Hits since server was started: 195
Enter your account name or type 'new':

    .--~~--.    ...----~~~~~~------.........------~~~~~~----...    .--~~--.
   |        |  |          ___ ___ _  _ ___ ___ ___ ___         |  |        |
   |        `--'         / __| __| \| | __/ __|_ _/ __|        `--'        |
   |        |  |        | (_ | _|| .` | _|\__ \| |\__ \        |  |        |
   |        |  |         \___|___|_|\_|___|___/___|___/        |  |        |
   |        |  |                                               |  |        |
   |        |  |               The original LPmud              |  |        |
   |.--~~--.|  |...----~~~~~~------.........------~~~~~~----...|  |.--~~--.|
    `      '.__.`                                             '.__.`      '
                    |--__                                                  .--.
                    |                                                 _ .-'_
                    X                           -.-              ,--.( (    )
           |-___   / \       |-_                    _ _      _,-(
           |      ~~~~~      |                       `      (_________________
           X      | .:|      X                                         . 
--....____/ \_____| O |_____/ \_____ __ _ ___ ___ __ _ _ _____ _ _ ___ |\_ ___
         /~~~~   |:  . |   ~~~~~--...___ ~-~ ~ -_~ -~_~ _-~_-_ -~- ~-_/]_\_
         |.: |__| .   : |__|: .|        ```--.._~ -_~ -_~ _-~- -_~~~ "~~~~~^~ 
         |  :|. :  ...   : |.  |                ``--._~-_ ~-~_-~ _-~ _- -__-
         | .    .  ||| .      :|                      ``-._~_-~_- ~_-~- - __
         WWW______"""______WWWWW                           `-._-~_-_~- - ~
         --    ___-    ____--_                                 `-._~-_ ~ - -
                                                                   `-._ ~ __

Please enter your name or type 'new' to create a new character:



G h o s t w h e e l

"In the world I see -- you're stalking elk through the damp canyon
forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center.  You will wear leather
clothes that last you the rest of your life.  You will climb the
wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower.  You will see tiny
figures pounding corn and laying strips of venison on the empty car
pool lane of the ruins of a superhighway."

   (found scrawled on a soapbox on Paper Street in Wilmington, Delaware)

Newbies type `connect guest`, or `who` to list players online.
Mail with questions or comments.

Welcome to...                                                   ______
 _________                              |\      /| |        |  /        |  /
/  _______|              ||  _          | \    / | |        | |         | /
| |          ( )         || //  _____   |  \  /  | |        | |         |/
| |           _   _____  ||//  | ___ |  |   \/   | |        | |         |\
| |       _  | | |  __ \ | |   ||   ||  |        | |        | |         | \
| |______\ \ | | | |  || ||\\  ||___||  |        | |        | |         |  \
\__________/ |_| |_|  || || \\ |_____|  |        |  \______/   \_______ |   \
                   You may type:
                      connect <name> <password> to connect.
                         connect guest guest to connect as a guest.
                            But don't bother typing WHO, it doesn't work.
   You may request a character at:

           ,      .-;
        ,  |\    / /  __,
        |\ '.`-.|  |.'.-'       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
         \`'-:  `; : /
          `-._'.  \'|                        Gizmo Mud
         ,_.-=` ` `  ~,_               a.k.a Imperial Omega
          '--,.    .-. ,=".
            /     { 0 )`;-.}
            |      '-' /__ |
            /          \_,\|    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
           |          (
       __ / '          \ 
      /,'`|     '   .-~"~~-.
     |   /  ' ,    /        \ 
     |  ; ,     . |  ,  '  . |
     |  |  ,  ,   |  :  ;  : |
     \  |.     ,  |  |  |  | |
      \ |   '     |\_|-'|_,'\|
       `\  '  . ' | |  | |  |
        | ,  '    |_/'-|_\_/     Based on DikuMUD I (GAMMA 2.5) by
        \ .  , ' .| | | | |         Staerfeldt, Nyboe, Madsen,
         \     ,  | | | | |             Seifert, and Hammer
          `\      \/|,| ;/'
          jgs\' ,  | ; /' 

By what name do you wish to be known?

           @@@@@@@@  @@@        @@@@@@    @@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@   
          @@@@@@@@@  @@@       @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@  
          !@@        @@!       @@!  @@@  @@!  @@@  @@! @@! @@!  
          !@!        !@!       !@!  @!@  !@!  @!@  !@! !@! !@!  
          !@! @!@!@  @!!       @!@  !@!  @!@  !@!  @!! !!@ @!@  
          !!! !!@!!  !!!       !@!  !!!  !@!  !!!  !@!   ! !@!  
          :!!   !!:  !!:       !!:  !!!  !!:  !!!  !!:     !!:  
          :!:   !::   :!:      :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!  :!:     :!:  
           ::: ::::   :: ::::  ::::: ::  ::::: ::  :::     ::   
           :: :: :   : :: : :   : :  :    : :  :    :      :    
                    @@@@@@@@@@   @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@  
                    @@@@@@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@  @@@  
                    @@! @@! @@!  @@!  @@@  @@!  !@@  
                    !@! !@! !@!  !@!  @!@  !@!  @!!  
                    @!! !!@ @!@  @!@  !@!   !@@!@!   
                    !@!   ! !@!  !@!  !!!    @!!!    
                    !!:     !!:  !!:  !!!   !: :!!   
                    :!:     :!:  :!:  !:!  :!:  !:!  
                    :::     ::   ::::: ::   ::  :::  
                     :      :     : :  :    :   ::   

  The game has moved servers. Please connect to the game using the game at
  the new address: port 4421. See you there!

Welcome to Glynrhos: the Guilded Age!

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  If you want a character, e-mail your request to 

  Include in your request the character name and password you want.
  New characters are normally created within 24 hours.


Identifying client, please wait...

yth and legend walked the earth
                      When the Supernaturalis ruled as gods
                              And war raged eternal

       ________            ___  __      __                        ___ ___ 
      /  _____/  ____   __| _/ /  \    /  \_____ _______  ______ |   |   |
     /   \  ___ /  _ \ / __ |  \   \/\/   /\__  \\_  __ \/  ___/ |   |   |
     \    \_\  (  <_> ) /_/ |   \        /  / __ \|  | \/\___ \  |   |   |
      \______  /\____/\____ |    \__/\  /  (____  /__|  /____  > |___|___|
             \/            \/         \/        \/           \/

To create a new character, type: create <name> <password>
To load an existing character, type: load <name> <password>
To see who is currently playing online, type: who


----------------[   LAST UPDATED ON: 29-Mar-2013 13:22:03  ]----------------
       _____              Rebirth of      .__ 6660                           
      /  _  \ ______   ____   ____ _____  |  | ___.________  ______ ____  
     /  /_\  \\____ \ /  _ \_/ ___\\__  \ |  |<   |  \____ \/  ____/ __ \ 
    /    |    |  |_> (  <_> \  \___ / __ \|  |_\___  |  |_> \___ \\  ___/ 
    \____|__  |   __/ \____/ \___  (____  |____/ ____|   __/____  >\___  >
            \/|__|               \/     \/     \/    |__|       \/     \/ 
                       NOT JUST A GOD WARS MUD, A WAY OF LIFE
              |  Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt,  |
              |     Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert,     |
              |               and Sebastian Hammer                |
              |    Merc 2.1 was created by Furey, Hatchet, Kahn.  |
              |          God Wars was created by KaVir.           |
              |    Apocalypse was created by Shimian and Tijer    |
                All code changes (c) 1997-2010 GodWars: Apocalypse
     This MUD is part of the GodWars Network - QUALITY MUDS, with QUALITY UPTIME
               Find us on Facebook @

Last Startup  : 14-Apr-2013 11:10:01 (1 week, 6 days, 6 hours, 54 minutes, 10 seconds ago)
Last Reboot   : 14-Apr-2013 11:10:01 (1 week, 6 days, 5 hours, 54 minutes, 10 seconds ago)

What name do you want engraved on your tombstone?

e to the official GreaterMUD test server!
Please enter your username or "new":

Found GueldenLand at Hamburg, Germany.
 Local time: Sat Apr 27 19:07:22 2013 MET
 GUELDENLAND LDmud, NATIVE mode, driver version 3.2.14

Dieser Server wird bereitgestellt von Frank 'Elbereth' Altpeter und
gehostet im Individuellen Rechenzentrum 42 -

"Das Schwarze Auge" und andere Begriffe sind eingetragene Warenzeichen.
Die Verwendung erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Firma Fantasy
Productions, Erkrath (siehe "hilfe copyright").

Du hast das Gefuehl zu fallen...
Sehr tief zu fallen...

Ueberall um Dich herum herrscht Dunkelheit! Ueberall? Nein, zwei gleissend
helle Lichter naehern sich Dir.
Augen, es sind Augen, gigantische und flammende Augen...!

           \____________             ____________/
              _________ \           / _________
               /     __\ \         / /__     \
               \    / * \           / * \    /
                \___\__/             \__/___/

Eine Stimme donnert: Wie heisst Du, Sterblicher?
Was willst Du antworten?

             ______                   __
            / ____/__  __ ____   ____/ /____ _ ___ ___
           / / __ / / / // __ \ / __  // __ `// __ `__ \
          / /_/ // /_/ // / / // /_/ // /_/ // / / / / /
          \____/ \__,_//_/ /_/ \__,_/ \__,_//_/ /_/ /_/

        OOOOOOOOO                MMMMMMM               MMMMMMM  
      OO:::::::::OO              M::::::M             M::::::M
    OO:::::::::::::OO     00     M:::::::M           M:::::::M
   O:::::::OOO:::::::O   0::0    M::::::::M         M::::::::M
   O::::::O   O::::::O   0::0    M:::::::::M       M:::::::::M
   O:::::O     O:::::O    00     M::::::::::M     M::::::::::M
   O:::::O     O:::::O           M::::::M::::M   M::::M::::::M
   O:::::O     O:::::O           M:::::M M::::M M::::M M:::::M
   O:::::O     O:::::O           M:::::M  M::::M::::M  M:::::M
   O:::::O     O:::::O           M:::::M   M:::::::M   M:::::M
   O:::::O     O:::::O    00     M:::::M    M:::::M    M:::::M
   O::::::O   O::::::O   0::0    M:::::M     MMMMM     M:::::M
   O:::::::OOO:::::::O   0::0    M:::::M               M:::::M
    OO:::::::::::::OO     00     M:::::M               M:::::M
      OO:::::::::OO              M:::::M               M:::::M
        OOOOOOOOO                MMMMMMM               MMMMMMM
                  -=Specialized in Rainbow Colour=-
*        Owner: Gunther                 Coder: Cray
*        Http://          *
* Attention: Do NOT come on and expect to receive an Immortal, if  *
* we want an immortal, we'll announce it, do NOT come on and try   *
*         to impress us with how good you think you are.           *
Access 'WHO' Or..
Please enter your name:

W e l c o m e   t o
                     _________     _     _ ____
                     \__   __/_   / \   / \\__/
                        \  \ / \__\  \ /  /___ 
                         \  \\   ___  \\  \\_/ _
                          \  \\  \  \  \\  \__/ \
                           \_/ \_/   \_/ \______/
   _ ____   ____ _________     _     _ ____   ____  ___  _____      _ ____
  / \\__/  _\__ \\__   __/_   / \   / \\__/  _\__ \ \_/ /  _  \_   / \\__/
 /  /____ / \_/  \  \  \ / \__\  \ /  /___  / \_/ /_   _\  \\_  \ /  /____
 \  \\___\\   __  \  \  \\   ___  \\  \\_/ _\   __  \ / \\  \ \  \\  \\___\ 
  \  \__/ \\  \ \  \  \  \\  \  \  \\  \__/ \\  \ \  \\  \\  \ \  \\  \__/ \
   \______/ \_/  \_/   \_/ \_/   \_/ \______/ \_/  \_/ \_/ \_/  \_/ \______/ 

                               the SU-free zone
                  To get help type (without quotes) ".help"
         For details on how to get an account read ".help accounts".
Please enter in your name:

          _,-/                                                                  \-,_
       ,--  /     .                                                         .   \  --,
      /     |    /(_                                                       _)\   |    `\
     /'   /  \._/  .\                                                     /.  \_./  \   `\
    /    |    /.  .-'                                                     `-.  .\    |    \
   |     | ,-. \ \_/|                                                     |\./ / .-, |     |
   |   ,-|/ / ._\._/_                                                     _\_./_  \ \|-,   |
   | /'    |   __.  _)                                                   (_  .__`  |    `\ |
   |/     `:--_.---                                                        ---._--:'      \|
          |      \ \__                                                  __/ /     |
        ,-,      `,-,``    "Forget just so you may remember again."    '',-,'      ,-,
       ((|))     ((|))--------------------------------------------------((|))     ((|))
        |||,-'-`-,||| ___ _,_ __,    _,  _, ___ _,_ __, __, _ _, _  _,   |||,-'-`-,|||
        |||,-'-'-,|||  |  |_| |_    / _ /_\  |  |_| |_  |_) | |\ | / _   |||,-'-`-,|||
        |||       |||  |  | | |     \ / | |  |  | | |   | \ | | \| \ /...|||       |||
        |||       |||  -  - - ---    -  - -  -  - - --- - - - -  -  - ---|||       |||
        |||       |||                        Admin:                      |||       |||
        |||       |||                       Kedanna                      |||       |||
        |||       |||                       Trellan                      |||       |||
        |||       |||                      Sheylynn                      |||       |||
       //|\\     //|\\                       Seir                       //|\\     //|\\
       |||||----|||/        MERC 2.1 by Hatchet, Furey and Kahn           \|||----||||||
       |||||----||/         ROM 2.4 (c) 1993-1996 by Russ Taylor           \||----||||||
       |||||----|/       Oblivion 2.0 (c) 1996-1997 by Wes Wagner           \|----||||||
       |||||----/ Based on Diku by Hans, Katya, Tom, Michael, and Sebastian, \----||||||
       |||||\  Based on The Dawn of Time v1.69r by Michael Garret (c) 1997-2004  /||||||
Enter 'who' to see who's online, or 'quit' to disconnect. What is thy name?

You've reached THE GREAT HUNT
Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert,
and Sebastian Hammer.  Based on Merc 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
Running ROM II code (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor

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What name shall the scriber enter for you in the ledgers?

                    The Green Leaf
* Welcome to pipers MUD *
For more informations join the games forum at 
 1 = Log into existing character 
 2 = Create new character 
 3 = Read some informations about the game 
                     9/bye = Log off 

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sat Apr 27 18:20:40 BST 2013 So_o2