main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[h] M.U.D. Titles

                 HackMud v1.0, the hacking simulation MUD engine.

                                  Created By

                                 The Darkness


                          Based on SocketMud(tm) by
                               Brian Graversen

== Options Are ================================================================
    Load account   : load   <account> <password>
    Create account : create <account> <password>
    Play as guest  : guest

Choose an option:

To create an account:
    REGISTER <account name> <password> <email address>
Ex: REGISTER FredJ pass123
To log in with an existing account:
    LOGIN <account name> <password>
Ex: LOGIN FredJ pass123
Note: New account registrations MUST provide a valid
email address to play.  Account names and passwords are
not case sensitive.
If you have forgotten your account or password, type:
PASSWORD <email address registered to>   -or-
PASSWORD <account name>
Your account and password will be emailed to the address
your account is registered with.
If you are unable to log in or create an account, please
If you are connected and wish to disconnect your active
connection, please type DISCONNECT.

                                                ___---|          Based on
           @@  @@   @@@   @@@@@   @@@@  @@  @@  '--\__|    DikuMUD GAMMA(0.0)
           @@  @@  @@ @@  @@  @@ @@     @@  @@     __---| original concept by:
           @@@@@@  @@@@@  @@@@@   @@@@  @@@@@@     '-\__|Hans Henrik Staerfeldt
           @@  @@ @@   @@ @@ @@      @@ @@  @@   _______|__    Tom Madson
           @@  @@ @@   @@ @@  @@  @@@@  @@  @@   ]-l--l-l-[    Katja Nyboe
 ___---|                                         \'_ '__/   Michael Seifert
 '--\__|    @@      @@@   @@   @@ @@@@    @@@@    |_  . |   Sebastian Hammer
_______|__  @@     @@ @@  @@@  @@ @@ @@  @@       | []  |
]-|-|-|--[  @@     @@@@@  @@ @@@@ @@  @@  @@@@    |'^^ _| Harshlands:
 \ '_ '_/   @@    @@   @@ @@   @@ @@ @@      @@   |_ .__|   Charles Rand
  | _'[]|   @@@@@ @@   @@ @@   @@ @@@@    @@@@    |   []| Shadows of Isildur:
  |   ^^|                                      ___| __^^|__ C.W. McHenry
  |  .__|                                      |_||__|__|_|
  |..   |                                      \=\===|==/=/
  | []  |                      \|/              |_[] '. -|
  |__ ..|                     --O--             | ^^     |
  | '  '|                      /|\              |''..   '|
  |   _l|                                       |     .' |
__|_____|___                              ____ _|_ __ ___|___
|-|-|-|-|-|-|                              |-|-|-|-|--|-|-|-|-|
|.'__      '| ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___ |__.'       =====  |
|    ''.    |_|-|__|-|__|-|__|-|__|-|__|-|_|   ' []__.. \_/   |
Welcome to the NEW Harshlands using NEW CODE!
Rated: "Teen"
Blood, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence
ESRB Notice:  Game Experience May Change During Online Play
Sources: and
Email Contacts: and
C) Create a new game account. (NOTE: Not your character name)
L) Login to an existing account.
X) Disconnect from the server.

Your Selection:

                        _   _           ___  ___
                       | | | |          |  \/  |
                       | |_| | aunted   | .  . |
                       |  _  |          | |\/| |
                       | | | |          | |  | | emories
                       \_| |_/          \_|  |_/
                             Vienna By Night
If you have trouble connecting and have been away a while, please log in and
use +name <name-of-character>.  Your character may have been frozen and
renamed due to long periods of idle.  We never delete accounts, so you should
be able to find it. Log in with the new name and +request for assistance.
Use "create <name> <password>"      to create a new character. Case Sensitive.
Use "connect <name> <password>"     to connect to your existing character.
Use "connect guest guest"           to log in as a guest.
Use "QUIT" to logout.               Use "WHO" to see who is connected.

                      (*>      Haven


         All information and ideas on Haven are copyright 1996-2011
          held by Duuk@Haven (Eric S Johnson) All rights reserved.

                 Driver: FluffOS v2.9-ds2.14 Mudlib: Haven 0.1                 

What name do you wish?

                |     |                            |      |
                 |\   /|                            |\    /|
                 | | | |  ___   |           |  ___  | |  | |
                 | |_| | / _  \ |\         /| / __\ |  \ \ |
                 |  _  || /_|  || |       | | | __> | | \  |
                / /  |_| \___/\| \ \     / /  \___/ |_|  \ \
               /_/                \ \   / /               \_\
              /                    \ \ / /                   \
   |                                \ v /                               |
   |\_______             _         Of  The                             /|
   |_   ____\          <   >          V                               / |
     | |     |        | | |     _______   _____     ____    ____      | |
     | |__   |\__  __/| | |____ \   __ \ /____ \   / __ \  / __ \     | |
    <   __/  |  _\/_  |<   ___ \ | |  \||/____\ \ | /  \/ | /__\/    /  |
     | |     | | \/ | | | \   \ \| |   | /    \|| | >     |  __>    //| |
     | |____ | |    | | | /___/ /| |    | <-->  \ | \__/\ | \__/\  //_| \
    /_______/| |    | |/_______/ | |     \____/| | \____/  \____/ /______\
   /         | |    | |          |/             \|                        \
              V      V

                    Created by Ugha (
             Actively maintained by Zelan (
          Massive code overhauls by Matthew (
     Based on Rom 2.4b4. (Please see 'help credits' for full ROM credits)

By what name do you wish to be known?

Would you like colour? (Y/n)

            _____________________ Welcome To _____________________
           /       _   _           _   _   _   _                  \
          |   /_/ /_  /_/| / \/   /   /_  /_/ /_/   /| /|  / / |/  |
          |  / / /_  / / |/  /   /_/ /_  / / / \   / |/ | /_/ /|   |
               Online with special permission from Dream Pod 9

  To connect, type:            connect <name> <password>
  To log in as a guest, type:  connect guest guest
  To create a character:       create <name> <password>

  If you only want to look around, please log in as a guest.

for more information and help:
see you in hell

 h e l l

 "Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus,
   that he might dip the tip of his finger in water,
    and cool my tongue --
     for I am tormented in this flame!"

            -- Luke 16:24

You must be at least 18 years old to play HellMOO.

To request a character:
  request <player_name> for <email_address>
To connect with an existing player: 
  connect <player> <password>
If you forgot your password: 
  password <player> for <email_address>

(server v1.10.4 up 617:15:01:44, 80 connected out of 524 active players)

       ______       ___________________ ____________  _____________
       \_    |     |    _/\            |\           \ \            \   
         | * |     | * |   | *  ______ | | * ____    | | * ______   |  
         | * |     | * |   | * |      \| | * |   |   | | * |    | * |  
         | * |     | * |   | * |_______  | * |___|   | | * |    | * |  
         | * |_____| * |   | *         | | *        /  | * |    | * |  
         | *         * |   | * ________| | * ____   \  | * |    | * |  
         | * _______ * |   | * |         | * |   |   | | * |    | * |  
         | * |     | * |   | * |_______  | * |   |   | | * |    | * |  
         | * |     | * |   | *         | | * |   |   | | * |    | * |  
         | * |     | * |   |___________| |___|   |___| | * |    | * |  
         | * |     | * |   ____  ___   _    _  _    _  | * |    | * |  
         | * |     | * |   |   \/   | / |  | |\ \  / / | * |____| * |  
        _| * |     | * |_  | _    _ | | |  | | \ \/ /  | *        * |  
       /_____|     |_____\ | \\  // | | |  | |  >  <    \__________/   
                           |  |\/|  | | |__| | / /\ \                  
                           \__|  |__/ \____\\|/_/  \_\                 

                                  | |                          
                                  |'|            ._____        
                          ___    |  |            |.   |' .---"|
                  _    .-'   '-. |  |     .--'|  ||   | _|    |
               .-'|  _.|  |    ||   '-__  |   |  |    ||      |
               |' | |.    |    ||       | |   |  |    ||      |
_______________|  '-'     '    ""       '-'   '-.'    '`      |___________jgs_ 

    connect Guest guest       - Connect to the game as a visitor.  Please do!
    connect <name> <password> - Connects you to an existing character.
    create <name> <password>  - Creates a new character.
    QUIT                      - Exits the game and saves your character.

This world is Pueblo 1.10 enhanced.
...   _   _                                   __   _   _               /@\
     |=| | |   `     +      '                / _| | | | |      +       8@8
`    | |_| | ___ _ __ ___   ___  ___    ___ | |_  | |_| |__   ___ (@__/@8@\__@)
     |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ _ \ / _ \/ __|  / _ \|= _| |=__| '_ \ / _ \     |||
   + | | |=| =__/ | | (_) |  __/\__ \ | (_) | |   | |_| | | |  __/     |||
 -+  \_| |_/\___|_|  \___/ \___||___/  \___/|_|    \__|_| |_|\___|     |||
                    +         ;     ,                    +   |         |||
    _     ~         '    .               +  +  .   .                   |||
+ .| |                              ### ### ###                        |||
   | |     __ _ _ __   ___ ___       #   #   #                         |||
 . |=|    / _`=| '_ \ / __/ _ \      #   #   #     A Fusion & Books based Mud
   | |___| (_| | | | | (_|  __/      #   #   #                         |||
  .\_____/\__,_|_| |_|\___\___|     ### ### ###                 . `+   |||

By what name do you wish to be known as?

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

                             .;                                   .    
        .;.       .-.       .;'                               ...;...  
           `;     ;' .-.    .;  .-.   .-.  . ,';.,';.  .-.      .'.-.   
            ;;    ;.;.-'   ::  ;     ;   ;';;  ;;  ;;.;.-'    .; ;   ;' 
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  @+     ;@    @@@    @@@  .@@          `@@#      @.   @@@    :@@       @@@@ 
  @@     :@    @@@    @@@  .@@           @@@      @.   @@@    :@@        @@.
  @@'    @@    @@@    @@@  .@@            @@`    @@.   @@@    :@@ .`     @@ 
  @@@#  @@   .:@@@:  :@@@::;@@:.           @@: `@@@.  :@@@::  :@@+@      ;@
     ,+:`                                    :+:               :':       @: 
         Heroes: Sin City MUSH is based on Heroes the TV Series. 
                      !!! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT !!!
   Heroes: Sin City is now CLOSED to all new applications. We are in the
   process of creating a new MUSH, still set in Vegas but not based on
   Old accounts and characters are still accessible for the immediate

   To connect to an existing character: connect <character> <password>
   To log in as a guest:connect guest

        For more help, see +news and +help once you're on the game.

       __    __     __     _____         _____       _______     __    __ 
      |  |\ |  |\  |  |\  |     \\     /|     \    /|       |  /|  \ /|  |
      |  | \|  | \ |  | | |   _  \\   | |   _  \  | |   ____| / |   \ |  |
      |  |_ |  |  ||  | | |  | |  |\  | |  | |  | | |  |__ / |  |    \|  |
      |  ____  |  ||  | | |  | |  | | | |  | |  | | |   __|  |  |        |
      |  |  |  |  ||  | | |  |_|  |/  | |  |_|  | | |  |___\_|  |  |\    |
      |  | /|  | / |  | | |      //   | |      /  | |       | \ |  |\\   |
      |__|/ |__|/  |__|/  |_____//     \|_____/    \|_______|  \|__| \\__|
       ........     .......      ---*---               
        :MM'         :MT           /|\            jF           jF
        jMT         jMT                          :y          :y
       ,MM     j   ,MM      ,j'";g   -gg'.j+#,  jg      ./'";jg   ,j'";
       dMD   ,MT  dMD     ,+'   |M   .MT/      ,MT    ,+P   ,MT   \M.  
      jMP   ,gM  jMp     jM'   .MT   jM/      ,gM    ,MT   ,gM     'i\
      +M'  ;:M`. mT      MM   ,+T   ,MT       :M| .  +M    :M|   +  ,+T
       T|/'  Mxr/'       qMxxxr'    dP        |Mr/   'M#xxrRc.    T|T/

 Diku Mud was originally created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
          Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

  Special credit goes to Hatchet, Furey and Kahn, for Merc code,
               without whom it wouldn't be possible.

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

 _   _ _                              _
| | | (_) ___ _ ____   ____ _ _ __ __| |
| |_| | |/ _ \ '__\ \ / / _` | '__/ _` |
|  _  | |  __/ |   \ V / (_| | | | (_| |
|_| |_|_|\___|_|    \_/ \__,_|_|  \__,_|
  __  __ _   _ ____                {    }
 |  \/  | | | |  _ \               K,   }
 | |\/| | | | | | | |             /  `Y`
 | |  | | |_| | |_| |        _   /   /
 |_|  |_|\___/|____/        {_'-K.__/
                              /  ' /`\_}
                             /  ' /
                     ____   /  ' /                    Based on CircleMUD 3.1,
              ,-'~~~~    ~~/  ' /_                    Created by Jeremy Elson
            ,'             ``~~~%',
           (                     % Y           A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0),
          {                      % I     created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
         {      -                 % `.  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
         |       ',                % )
         |        |   ,..__      __. Y          Welcome to the world of Nick Perumov!
         |    .,_./  Y ' / ^Y   J   )|         Our site is:
         \           |' /   |   |   ||
          \          L_/    . _ (_,.'(
           \,   ,      ^^""' / |      )
             \_  \          /,L]     /
               '-_`-,       ` `   ./`
                  `-(_            )

1. KOI8-R [Unix/Linux users] 
2. Win with capital russian 'YA' [JMC, MMC, zMUD, Win9x Telnet]
3. Alt [Win2k/XP Telnet]  
4. Win [JMC, MMC, Win9x Telnet]    
5. Translit input, Win output
6. Translit input, KOI8-R output
7. Translit input, translit output

Please, select your encoding [ENTER = 4]:

Welcome to Hogwarts: Legacy!                    Running on PennMUSH 1.8.3p10

                                    _----|         _ _ _ _ _
                                     ----|_----|   ]-I-I-I-[
                 _ _ _ _ _ _ _----|      | ----|   \ `  ' /
                 ]-I-I-I-I-[  ----|      |     |    |. ` |
                  \ `   '_/       |     / \    |    | /^\|
                   []  `__|       ^    / ^ \   ^    | |*||
                   |__   ,|      / \  / ^ ^`\ / \   | ===|
                ___| ___ ,|__   / ^  /=_=_=_=\ ^ \  |, `_|
                I_I__I_I__I_I  (====(_________)_^___|____|____
                \-\--|-|--/-/  |     I  [ ]__I I_I__|____I_I_|
                 |[] `    '|_  |_   _|`__  ._[  _-\--|-|--/-/
                / \  [] ` .| |-| |-| |_| |_| |_| | []   [] |
               <===>      .|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|        / \
               ] []|` ` [] | .   _________   .   |-      <===>
               <===>  `  ' ||||  |       |  |||  |  []   <===>
                \_/     -- ||||  |       |  |||  | .  '   \_/
               ./|' . . . .|||||/|_______|\|||| /|. . . . .|\_
      ,-_/,.                       .      ,.   .                        
      ' |_|/ ,-. ,-. . , , ,-. ,-. |- ,-. `'   |    ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. . . 
       /| |  | | | | |/|/  ,-| |   |  `-. ,.   |    |-' | | ,-| |   | | 
       `' `' `-' `-| ' '   `-^ '   `' `-' `'   `--' `-' `-| `-^ `-' `-| 
                  ,|                                     ,|          /| 
                  `'                                     `'         `-'                                                                              Email:      Website:
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use connect guest guest to connect to a guest character.
Use create <name> <password> to create a new character.
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

       W e l c o m e   t o   . . .  
                       H O L L O W  W O R L D  M U D                 
                              'Enjoy the Mud!'                         
                                 Since 1997                            
               Based on Jeremy Elson's CircleMUD, a derivative         
                of DikuMud created by Hans Henrik Staerfeld,           
       Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seiferd and Sebastian Hammer.  
                               Founded in 1997 by                      
                           Centauro, Godac and Wolvehf                 
                        Fundamental Contributions from                 
                       Hrimhari, Threepwood and Aldones                

By what name do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

     oo        Welcome   oo   to     oo                         oo
    oooo    oo          oooo        oooo     oo                oooo
   oooooo  oooo        oooooo      oooooo   oooo              oooooo
   oo ooo   ooo        oo ooo      oo ooooooooo               oo ooo
    o ooo   ooo         o ooo       o ooo o ooo                o ooo  oo
      ooooooooo     oooo  ooo   oooo  ooo   ooo     o  o   oooo  ooo oooo
      ooo   ooo o  oooooo ooo  oooooo ooo   ooo o  oo  oo oooooo oooooo
      ooo   ooo oo oo  oo ooo  oo  oo ooo   ooo oo oo  oo oo     ooo ooo
      oooo  oooooo oooooo oooo oooooo oooo  oooooo oooooo oooooo oooo ooo
     oooo    oooo   oooo oooo   oooo oooo    oooo   oooo   oooo oooo   ooo
      oo                  oo          oo                         oo
      o                   o           o                          o
  -----=<     WHO = show all the users who are currently online     >=----- 
  -----=<  QUIT = disconnect from the server without going online   >=-----
  -----=<  connect <player> <password> = connect to your character  >=-----
  -----=<   connect guest guest = connect to the guest character    >=-----
  -----=<        Mail for a character         >=-----
  -----=<              or see               >=-----

  -----=>   If you see this screen but your input is ignored, try   <=-----
  -----=>              using port 7575 instead of 5757.             <=-----

                             Welcome to HoloTrek!

          HoloTrek is a virtual recreation of the Star Trek universe,
                           run by "The Q Continuum"

DISCLAIMER:  Star Trek, Star Trek:TNG, Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek
             Voyager are all trademarks of Paramount (A subsidiary of
             Viacom, Inc.)  HoloTrek is non-profit and is not
             affiliated with Paramount or Viacom.  Any questions can
             be directed to the administrators at

Connection HELP

Connecting as a guest:    'connect-guest <name> <email>'
              Example:    'connect-guest John'

Connecting as a user:     'connect <name> <password>'
             Example:     'connect John mypassword'

Quitting (this screen):   '@quit'   or   'quit'

Connected Users Listing:  '@who'    or   'who'

HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Welcome to Holy Mission(LP) in Linz, Austria - running on LDMud 3.3.720
===================================  .-.  ====================================
                                    /   \
                                   /     \
                                  /       \
                                 I         I
                                 I *  *  * I
 .              _____            I         I                # # # # # #
  ---..--_====./     ____        I  _____  I      ..       .I^ ^ ^ ^ ^I
                       ____ ::-- I /  Y  \ I--.__   ....... I ^ ^ ^ ^ I
                       \  / \  / I/   Y   \I __             I^ ^ ^ ^ ^I
                        ||___||   /~~\ _\~~/  \~\  /~/      <<<<<->>>>>
                        | ___ |- | /\ |  ||I    \\//        i   ....  i
                _    _  ||   || ^| \/ |  ||___   ||         i  /    \ i
               | \  / |/__\ /__\  \__/   |____\ /__\
               ||\\//||   ()  /~~~\  /~~~\  ()  /~~\  |~\  ||
               || \/ ||   ,.  \ \~~' \ \~~' ,. | /\ | ||\\ ||
               ||    ||   ||  __\`\  __\`\  || | \/ | || \\||
              /__\  /__\  \/  \___/' \___/' \/  \__/  ||  \_|

Sic transit gloria mundi...__________________________________________________
News Updated: Aug 13

There is no-one visibly online.
Please use 'who' to see who is currently logged on, or 'guest' to take a
look around.

What is your name:

        .                 ____   ____     ____   ____     .
             .       .   /   /__/   /_____\   \__\   \              .
   ____   ____   _______/                  _          \_______   ____   ____
  /   /__/   /__/      /   -_    _  WELCOME      -_    \      \__\   \__\   \
    -              -  /  -          _        _          \   -             -
            _-       /       /\       T O       /\   -   \     _
     -              /    -  /..\     _         /..\       \     -
                   /  --   /.  .\   _   _-    /.  .\       \              _-
       -_         /       /.    .\___________/.    .\  -    \    _-
                 /  #### /####   ######   ####.  ###.\  ###  \      -
              - /   ####/.#### ####  #### ####\.  ###.\###    \
       -       /    ########## ####  #### #### \.  ######      \
              /     ##########/####  #### ####  \.  ####\       \   -   -
             /  _   ####  #### ####  #### ####   \. ####.\   __  \
       -    /  -    ####  ####   ######   #########.#### .\       \      _
           /       /.     ./           |           \.     .\       \    -
      -   /   -    \.    ./        \       /        \.    ./        \
         /          \.  ./     -     HM 99    -      \.  ./    _     \     -
   -    /     --_    \../___ __ _  /   .   \  _ __ ___\../      -     \     -
 ______/______________\/               |               \/______________\_______
Driver: Amylaar 32.319 
What is your name, friend?:

        .                 ____   ____     ____   ____     .
             .       .   /   /__/   /_____\   \__\   \              .
   ____   ____   _______/                  _          \_______   ____   ____
  /   /__/   /__/      /   -_    _  WELCOME      -_    \      \__\   \__\   \
    -              -  /  -          _        _          \   -             -
            _-       /       /\       T O       /\   -   \     _
     -              /    -  /..\     _         /..\       \     -
                   /  --   /.  .\   _   _-    /.  .\       \              _-
       -_         /       /.    .\___________/.    .\  -    \    _-
                 /  #### /####   ######   ####.  ###.\  ###  \      -
              - /   ####/.#### ####  #### ####\.  ###.\###    \
       -       /    ########## ####  #### #### \.  ######      \
              /     ##########/####  #### ####  \.  ####\       \   -   -
             /  _   ####  #### ####  #### ####   \. ####.\   __  \
       -    /  -    ####  ####   ######   #########.#### .\       \      _
           /       /.     ./       MISSION         \.     .\     - \    -
      -   /   -    \.    ./        \  99   /        \.    ./        \
         /          \.  ./     - RESURRECTED -       \.  ./    _     \     -
   -    /     --_    \../___ __ _  /   .   \  _ __ ___\../      -     \     -
       /\/     /         |         \     \/              \ 
 _____/_______________|                |                |_______________\_____
What is your name:

      __  __  ______  __ __   __  ______  __  __  _____  _____  _______
     / / / / / __  / / / \ \ / / / __  / / / / / / ___/ / ___/ /__  __/
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 /_/ /_/ /_____/ /_____/ /_/ /____ \ /_____/ /_____/ /____/   /_/
Welcome to HolyQuest!

Appropriate names can be found at:
Female -
Male   -

Create a new character Y-N?

No input ... closing connection

Awake, in our lives, we play roles we
have consciously or unconsciously accrued.
Here, we achieve the liberty to explore
roles our circumstances, and societies
rarely allow.

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   [][_/-----------------\_     | |         |+|     |+|  |+++++++++|
#####/*     You are       *\################|+|     |+|################
#####|*                   *|################|+|     |+|################    
,,,,_|*   Now  Entering   *|_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'       ''''''''''''''''''
,,,/                         \,,,,,,,,,,,,,'          '''''''''''''''''  
,,,| ~ H Y P E R B O R E A ~ |,,,,,,,,,,,,'           '''''''''''''''''
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,,,,,|*     an LP MUD     *|,,,,,,,,,'               '''''''''''''''''' 
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|  |,,,,,,,,,      '                  '''''''''''''''''''
              There are no Hyperboreans connected right now

What is your name: 

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sat Apr 27 18:22:42 BST 2013 So_o2