main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[i] M.U.D. Titles

          ___ _               _         __  __ _   _ ____  
         |_ _| |__   ___ _ __(_) __ _  |  \/  | | | |  _ \ 
          | || '_ \ / _ \ '__| |/ _` | | |\/| | | | | | | |
          | || |_) |  __/ |  | | (_| | | |  | | |_| | |_| |
         |___|_.__/ \___|_|  |_|\__,_| |_|  |_|\___/|____/ 

      Iberia MUD is running in Iberia MUD Engine (IME) v0.994b
         Type "credits" for copyright and creation details.

"Maneuvering with an army is advantageous; with an undisciplined multitude, 
most dangerous." - Sun Tzu, Art of War

'connect <name> <password>' connects you to an existing character.
'create <name> <password> <re-type password>' creates a new character.


  --== Lost passwords and other problems: ==--
 *     /\    * Welcome to.. *         *          *       *       *         *
     _/ )\       ____*            *                /\
    /\_/ |  *   /  _/_______  _______  _______    // \
   / * \ /\     / // ___/ _ \/ ___/ / / / ___/   / \*|       *    *      *
 _/ )   ) |   _/ // /__/  __(__  ) /_/ (__  )   /   ) \  /\
/\_/ \_/ \_\ /___/\___/\___/____/\__,_/____/ __/ \_/ \_\/\_\          *
 / * / \ / |         *                      // \ / \ / \\/ \\  *
)   )   ) __\ *           *    *     *   *  \   ) * )   |   )\
 \_/_____/"""""""""""""""*""""""""""""""""""\__/ \_/____\____/"""*"""""""*""""
""""""*"""""""""""""" - - """""""""""""*"""""""*"""""""
""""""""""""""Online Since 1995 - Open since 15.10.1998 """"""""""""""""""""""
           Type 'quit' to leave, otherwise please enter your name.

Icesus is running Icelib 1.0 with 61 players currently online.
By what name do you wish to be known?

        /\  .   /\              /\            *-- -
     /\/  \    /  \     .  /\  /  \    /^\           .  /^\
 \  /^^^^^^\  /^^^^\      /^^\/^^^^\  /^^^\ .  /\      /^^^\      /\ 
  \/     .  \/      \    / .        \/     \  /  \    /     \ .  /  \      /\
         >~\   *-- - \. /         >^\    >~\\/ _  \/\/ *-- - \  /    \    /
    *-- -|  |         \/          |  |   |  | (_)             \/      \  /
         |  | |^~~~^~~| |^~~^~~^| |  |   >  |  _  |~\   |^| |~~^~^\    \/
     .   >  | | |"~"~"' | |~"~"~' |  |   |  | | | |  \  > | | |~"\ \         
         |  | | |   .   > `~~~|   |  |   |  | | | | |\\ | | | | . | |  *-- -
  .      |  | | |       | |~"~'   >  | | |  | > | | | \\| | | |   > |
         |  | | `^~~^~`~' `~~^~~`~'  `~^~'  | | | | |  \  | | `~^~' |   .
 *-- -  /'  `~'       ' `       ' `    ^    `~' `~' `   ' `~'       `\ 
 ()                                                              MUD       )
  |                  Welcome to the world of the Icewind!                  |
  >                    Use the name 'guest' if you just                   |
  |                          want to take a look.                         <
  | _______________________________________________________________________|
                                                                  |  |

Driver version: MudOS v21.7.
There is nobody playing right now!
What is your name:

Trying ... rerouting ...
Connected to
There is no escape!

Matrix 8.0.8 (iconoclast)


Connection timed out.

            )           \       /          (
           /|\          ) \___/ (         /|\
         /  |  \       ( /\   /\ )      /  |  \
       /    |    \      \ ` | ' /     /    |    \
+----/------|-----O-------\ |-/------O-----|------\------+
|                 '^`       V      '^`                   |
|                   W E L C O M E  T O                   |
|    ____, ____    ____,  ___,   _____,  __   _,  ____,  |
|     |   (-/  `_,(-/  \ (-|_)  (-| | |  (-|  |  (-|  \  |
|   __|__,  \___)   \__/  _| \_, _| | |_,  |__|_, _|__/  |
|  (                     (      (                (       |
|                                                        |
|   Archwizards are: Damien * Garlix * Narkaulov         |
|                    Tavlon * Mutter * Demosthenex       |
|                    Akira                               |
|       - No playerkilling, except in the arena! -       |
  l     /\     /    ( (                 \     /\     t
  l  /     \ /      _) )_                 \ /     \  t
   I/       V       `\ /'                  V       \I

Running DGD 1.4.11. Type "users" to see the current list of players.
Type "finger player" to request information about a player.
What is your name:

Welcome to Illusions of the Mind.

Welcome to Tibernas!!  We hope you enjoy your stay with us.  Please
have fun and remember, this is all an Illusion.

                                           _   __,----'^^^^^`-----.__
                                    .  .    `//====-              ____,'^`
                    -.            \_|// .   /||\\  `^^`---.___./
              ______-==.       _-^o  `\/    |||  \\           _,'`
        __,--'   ,=='||\=_    ;_,_,/ _-'|-   |`\   \\        ,'
     _-'      ,='    | \\`.    '',/+7  /-   /  ||   `\.     /
   .'       ,'       |  \\  \_  "  /  /-   /   ||      \   /
  / _____  /         |     \\.`-_/  /|- _/   ,||       \ /
 ,-'     `-|--'|`--_ \     `==-/  `| \'--===-'       _/`
           '   '     `-|      /|    )-'\/'      _,--"'
                       '-^^\_/ |    |   `\_   ,^             /\
                            /  \     \__   \/^               `\__
                        _,-' _/'\ ,-'^____-'`-/                 ``===\
                       ((->/'    \|||' `.     `\.  ,                _||
         ./                       \_     `\      `^---|__i__i__\--/'_/
        <_n_                     __-^-_    `)  \-.______________,-/'
         `B'\)                  ///,-'^`__--^-  |-------**^'
         /^>                           ///,--/`-\
        `  `                                            -Tua Xiong or Tom

                  ___ _ _           _
                 |_ _| | |_   _ ___(_) ___  _ __  ___
                  | || | | | | / __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
                  | || | | |_| \__ \ | (_) | | | \__ \
                 |___|_|_|\__,_|___/_|\___/|_| |_|___/
         ___   __   _____ _            __  __ _           _
        / _ \ / _| |_   _| |__   ___  |  \/  (_)_ __   __| |
       | | | | |_    | | | '_ \ / _ \ | |\/| | | '_ \ / _` |
       | |_| |  _|   | | | | | |  __/ | |  | | | | | | (_| |
        \___/|_|     |_| |_| |_|\___| |_|  |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
Based on:  ROM Version 2.4 beta

          Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
          Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
          Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
          ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1995 Russ Taylor

*** ADMIN  email Aldere at  **

**You have reached the LIVE game site!**

And now, what are your Illusions?

                                                          > <@>  | .
         .                              m                --^--^--|
                                       m   \                     |  .
     .          _-^-|                /  m    \             _ __ _|
           .     -^-|              /  m   m    \         ]U-U  U- U[
                  _ | _ _ _- ---------m      m ---------  \  ` '  / 
       |        ]U-U-U-U-U-[    /    m /(   )\ m   \       |.`   |
      - -        \  `   '_/\  /     m           m    \   / | /-\ |
       |          [] [] [|  /\     m    -   -    m     /\  | ||| |  .
          .       |__   ,|/    \   m     / \     m   /    \<=====>
               ___| ___ ,|__ ----- m             m --------|,  _ | .
        .      U_U__U_U__U_U      \ m   V^^^V   m /    ___ |____ |___
               \-\--|-|--/-/         m  ^(((^  m        U_U__U_U__U_U 
                |[]  []  [|            m  \)m          \-\--|-|--/-/ 
                |         |_   _   _   _ \/   _ _ _ _ _|---------| 
               / \ .| . . | |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| - - - - | []   [] |
              <<<>>_ _|  _|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  _|    |   |    / \ 
              ( []|   |   | IMPERIAL DikuMUD V3.5     | |       <<>>>
      ( []| | .   | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      + |__.  | |[] )
      <<<>>     . |   ||||||||||| |     |  |    |       <<<>>
       \U/    |  _| | ||||||||||| | - +- - +    | . |    \U/  Logo by:
|.  | |   | +-|vvvvvvvvv| |     |     | | |     | |   Gruff 
|  .    . | |/_________\|       _|    |. . | . .  |\\ 
     \\\\\\\\\\\|//\)//)\\\\/           \////))((/////)////\\\////|// 

Internet connection provided by:
Modeemi Ry.

                            Based on original Diku by:
                       Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
                Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

to contact administrators:

By what name do you wish to be known?

Rapture Runtime Environment v2.2.0 -- (c) 2012 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0002-000

  *** I M P E R I A N ******************************************************

    " Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win,
     by fearing to attempt. "
  ************************************** w w w . i m p e r i a n . c o m ***
   Imperian's IP is  Port: 23
   For general queries and enquiries, e-mail
   There are 47 people currently on-line.

   1. Enter the game.
   2. Create a new character.
   3. Quit.

Enter an option or enter your character's name.

        @@@                 @@@@     @@@@   @ @@@   @@
        @@@       @@@ @@@   @@  @@  @@  @@  @@  @@      @@  @@
       @@@        @@ @@ @@  @@  @@ @@@@@@   @@      @@  @@  @@ @@@ @@@
       @@@        @@ @@ @@ @@  @@  @@      @@       @@ @@  @@  @@ @@ @@
       @@@       @@ @@ @@  @@@@@    @@@@   @@      @@  @@  @@  @@ @@ @@
       @@@       @@ @@ @@  @@                      @@   @@@@  @@ @@ @@ 
    @@@@@@@@@@@           @@                                  @@ @@ @@  v2.1
 @@@@@@@@@@@              @@                  
                                           A variation of DikuMUD I (gamma0.0)
                                           created by: Hans Henrik Staerfeldt,
                                           Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael
                                           Siefert, and Sebastian Hammer

Questions and comments can be sent
Visit the Imperium webpage at  Enjoy!!

By what name do you wish to be known?

Welcome to Inferno 1.0 beta!

To request a character:
  request <player_name> for <email_address>
To connect with an existing player: 
  connect <player> <password>
If you forgot your password: 
  password <player> for <email_address>

(server v1.10.4 up 14:13:40:16, 10 connected out of 152 active players.)

                  __ ____   /|         /\     ____ ____     . 
    *           / __|_/'~`/'/|_______/'/'|   '~'\_|_  @ \      )   *
  .     .     /  /#/     | |@/'_@@@@ \|@/          \#\  @ \     .
            / @/##/    .  `\| /.\ @ /.\>       *    \##\  @ \     .
     .    / @ |###|        | < :!| |!:|              |##\   @ \   * 
         | @  |###|   .    |@ \ `\ /' /\     .       |###|   @@|
        /  _ _|_ #|        |@| \(o o)/\@\        .   |###|    @ \  .
      / _/'/'/','\#`\_ _____\_\_\___/_/\@ \_________|_##_|_____ _\___ .
   . | | \_\_\_\  |\ #|   |      |    |\  |   |       |        |     |
     |@|___\)\)\)_| \ |   |   ___|  __| \ |   |_    __|_     __|  ___|
     |     |  |      \|   |  |__|  |     \|   | |  |    |   | |  |__\
     | @@  |  |   .       |   __|  |  .       | |  |    |   | |   __||   .
     | @___|  |___| \     |  |__|  |__| \     |_|  |__  |   | |  |___| .
     | |          |  \    |  |        |  \    |       | |   | |      |
   *  \|__________|__ |___|__|________|_  |___|_______| |___| |______|  * 
          \  @  |  _ `\|  |   /  _  \|  \  |  |     |     | @@ \  @ /
            \ @@| | |  |  |__|  |_|  |    \|  |  ---|  ---|  @@ \@ /    .
    .   .     \ |  ~ _/|     |   _   |  |\    |  ---|---  |   @@ \/   .
          .     |___|  |_____|__| |__|__|  \__|_____|_____|     @@|

          Diku Mud by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
                  Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               CircleMUD v3.0 Developed by Jeremy Elson.

     Implemented by Destroyer (, Xap, and the Crew.

Please waite do you wish to be known?

Do you want ANSI? (Y/n)

              ___,---.__          /'|`\          __,---,___
           ,-'    \`    `-.____,-'  |  `-.____,-'    //    `-.
         ,'        |           ~'\     /`~           |        `.
        /      ___//     N E W  I N S Y M N I A       \___      \
       |    ,-'   `-.__   _       M U D      ,    __,-'   `-.    |
       |   /          /\_  `   .    |    ,      _/\          \   |
       \  |           \ \`-.___ \   |   / ___,-'/ /           |  /
        \  \           | `._   `\\  |  //'   _,' |           /  /
         `-.\         /'  _ `---'' , . ``---' _  `\         /,-'
            ``       /     \    ,='/ \`=.    /     \       ''
                    |__   /|\_,--.,-.--,--._/|\   __|
                    /  `./  \\`\ |  |  | /,//' \,'  \
                   /   /     ||--+--|--+-/-|     \   \
                  |   |     /'\_\_\ | /_/_/`\     |   |
                   \   \__, \_     `~'     _/ .__/   /
                    `-._,-'   `-._______,-'   `-._,-'

            Based upon CircleMUD 3.0, created by Jeremy Elson
                  A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)
             Created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
            Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

By what name do you wish to be known?


                            Isengard MUD
    [:]   [:]   [:]         Mordor 7.3.40
    [_^^-_^v^-_^^_]        Programmed by:
     [_-]-_`_-_-_]           Brooke Paul
      [_- ___ -_]           Paul Telford
      [_-_| |_-_]           Michael Kolb
      [_-_| |_-_]         John P. Freeman
      [_-_-_-_-_]            Based upon
      [_-_-_-_-_]       Quest for Mordor by:
      [_-_-_-_-_]        Brett J. Vickers
      [_--____-_]        Contributions by:
      [_-_|  |-_]           Steve Smith
   '''[_-_| '|-_]''        Eric Krichbaum
 ''::;[_.,|  |._];;       Charles Marchant
 ''::;[_.,|__|._];;;       Anthony Kulig
'::::::::::_____::::'      Mark Stoltzfus

 Email questions to:
 Welcome!  There are currently 0 players present

Please enter name:

'||'        '||                        '||                      .'|. 
 ||   ....   ||   ....   .. ...      .. ||   ....       ...   .||.   
 ||  ||. '   ||  '' .||   ||  ||   .'  '||  ||. '     .|  '|.  ||    
 ||  . '|..  ||  .|' ||   ||  ||   |.   ||  . '|..    ||   ||  ||    
.||. |'..|' .||. '|..'|' .||. ||.  '|..'||. |'..|'     '|..|' .||.   
'||    ||'            .   '||      
 |||  |||  .... ... .||.   || ..   
 |'|..'||   '|.  |   ||    ||' ||  
 | '|' ||    '|.|    ||    ||  ||  
.|. | .||.    '|     '|.' .||. ||. 
           .. |                    

Islands of Myth is running a LIMA mudlib base, heavily modified.
            |                                                  |
            |Email:                      |
            |      Currently there are 26 players playing.     |__
            |__________________________________________________|  |
              |                                                   |
              |          [name]  - Enter the game as [name]       |
              |          [d]     - Disconnect.                    |
              |          [s]     - Status of the game.            |
              |          [w]     - Who is currently playing.      |
              |          [c]     - Create a new character.        |

Please enter a name or choice from the above menu.

 /'   ,.   ."'._     DikuMud Created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
(     "'   '-.__"-._             ,- Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and
 \'='='),  3\ -._-"-.          -"/  Sebastian Hammer. Based on ROM 2.4 beta
       / ""/"\,_\,__""       _" /,-   copyright 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
      /   /                -" _/"/    ||
     /   |    ._\\ |\  |_.".-"  /     ||
    /    |   __\)|)|),/|_." _,."      ||
   7     \_."   " ") | ).-""---''--   ||    Enter a realm of Fiends ...
  (                  "/.""7__-""''    ||
  |                   3 ."._--._      ||    Enter a realm of Dark Knights ...
  \       \ (_    __   ""   ".,_      ||
   \.,.    \  ""   -"".-"             ||    Enter a realm of Magicite ...
    ".,_,  (",_-,,,-".-               ||
        "'-,\_   __,-"                ||    Enter a realm of ... Chocobos!?
              ",)" ")                 ||
               /"\-"                  ||    Let your Imagination take over ...
             ,"\/                     ||
       _,.__/"\/_                     ||    Let Reality fade away ...
      / \) "./,  ".                   ||
   --/---"---" "-) )----              ||    Enter the Realm of Ivalice ...
What is your account name?

          Based on DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
          Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
          Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey and Kahn
          Based on ROM 2.4 copyright 1993-1998 Russ Taylor

                             _ (\                       /) _
                            //\_\\/\                 /\//_/\\
                           ((   `>\_)               (_/<`   ))
                            \\./` \\,      _._      ,// `\.//
The Inquisition MUTT         \/    \|\.---`   `---./|/    \/
2010-Present Kinaed                 |     _____     |
2004-2008 by Ephera                  \   ]==o==[   /
inq 2.5 by Tamara Boileau            |    \_ _/    |
                                     |      V      |
   -_  ---___- ,,                    \     .V.     /
      (' ||    ||                     \   <___>   /
     ((  ||    ||/\\  _-_              \         /
    ((   ||    || || || \\              `.     .'
     (( //     || || ||/                //`:::`\\
       -____-  \\ |/ \\,/              //   '   \\
                                      //         \\
                                     (/           \)

 _-_,                                ,                
   //                    '        '  ||   '          
  || \\/\\  /'\\ \\ \\ \\  _-_, \\ =||= \\  /'\\ \\/\\
 -|| || || || || || || || ||_.  ||  ||  || || || || ||
  || || || || || || || ||  - || ||  ||  || || || || ||
_-_, \\ \\ \\,|| \\/\\ \\ ,-_-  \\  \\, \\ \\,/  \\ \\
              |/                          L E G A C Y

By what name shall history remember ye?

NiM5 Build 12773
--[operating since april04-1993]
Diku Concept: Katya Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, 
Sebastian Hammer, Hans Staerfeldt; Based on Merc 2.2 by 
Furey, Hatchet, Kahn and others. Some elements inspired by
LPmud, DUM, MUD1/2, Advent, Zork, Planetfall and DuneMUSH

                     |~  +
                    /_\ /_\
                    |,|/   \
            |~      | /_____\       
            +        \| o  `| |~    |~    
           / \    -_-_-_-_- |/ \    .
          /___\   \._._._./ |___\  / \
          |`o |    |_   _|  | o`| /___\
         /| -_-_-_-_-  O_|  |   | | o`|
        |o| \._._._./   _|-_-_-_-_-_-_|
        |_| _|-   -|    _|    ..   -|_|
         \| \|-   O|    _| O  ++  O-|/
          |  |O   -|  O _|   ____  -|
          /\ |-         _|         -|
   |~     |O\|     |~      |~     --|       |~     
  [`]     |  |    [`]-.-.-[`]       |      [`]     
  | |-.-.-.-.-.-.-| |]   [| |-.-.-.-.-.-.-.| |     
  | | ] ] ] ]     | | / \ | |      [ [ [ [ | |     
  |_|             |_| |#| |_|              |_| 
  + _____ _            ___      _            | Using the
  ||__ __| |__   ___  |_ _| ___| | ___  ___  | Tyselorrd
  |  | | | __ \ / _ \  | | / __| |/ _ \/ __| | Roleplaying
  |  | | | | | |  __/  | | \__ \ |  __/\__ \ | Universe
  |  |_| |_| |_|\___| |___|____/_|\___|____/ <
  >             Dreams of Kltara             | a fantasy and
  +---------------+=---+--------------------++ science fiction
  | NiM5 | Hosted by Locke  || Status: OPEN || adventure
  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/// !Since 1993!
       running NiMUD by Locke and Surreal

What is thy name? 

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sat Apr 27 18:15:21 BST 2013 So_o2