e to the Java port of Tele-Arena 5.6d! Java Tele-Arena engine v1.00-b56 2013-02-02 23:02:54 Enter your character's name or type NEW:
Version 5.6
Based on DikuMUD, Created by:
Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
JediMUD is running by exclusive agreement with Touchtown, Inc.
By what name do you wish to be known?
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JipangMUCK's website is located at:
JipangMUCK is hosted by
Sandwich.Net at http://sandwich.net
J U P I T E R ' S C H I L D R E N
In a few moments the world changed forever.
In a few years it was Life as Normal.
In a few more years everyone was Reminded.
"In One Day -- Humanity Changed."
Use "connect <name> <password>" to access an existing character.
Use "connect guest guest" to access a guest character.
Never been to a MUX before? Use 'connect guest guest'
"QUIT" exits this screen
Instructions for acquiring a character are available in the news files
which can be read online. Use the 'news' command to start reading.
© Sat Apr 27 18:02:36 BST 2013 So_o2