main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[s] M.U.D. Titles

                                   S M i L E

      You may enter 'users' or 'who' at the login prompt to get a listing 
                  of the users currently connected to the MUD.

Game Time Elapsed : Over a day!
MUD Time Elapsed  : 95 days, 19 hours, 35 minutes, 2 seconds

By what name shall I call you? 


          ________   ___   ____
         / __   __| / _ \ |  _ \     Running PennMUSH
  _______> \ | |   |  _  ||    /_________________________________________
 / ________/ |_|   |_| |_||_|\_________________________________________  \
/ /                          .             o     .            ':::::::::\ \
| |      .       .                         /\           .      '::::::::| |
| | .           .                          |  `.     .           '::::::| |
| |                                  `.          \                 '':::| |
| |  CONNECT <Name> <Password>       .      |    `.                    '| |
| |  CONNECT guest guest                  `.     |   .      *           | |
| |  CREATE <Name> <Password>              |     |_.--.                 | |
| |    *          _   .     *           .  `.   /<= .-'              .  | |
| |              (_)               .        |_./|_.'/))    .            | |
| |        ____.--^.                        /()_.-'/ /`-.               | |
| | .     /:  /    |      .                / / _.-'\/_   `-.__          | |
| |      /:  `--=--'           .          (./())      ~~--..__~`-o      | |
| |     /: __[\==`-.___              .     | /                          | |
| |    /__|\ _~~~~~~   ~~--..__            //            .              | |
| | .  \   \|::::|-----.....___|~--.      //         .          .     . | |
| |     \ _\_~~~~~-----:|:::______//---..//__                           | |
| |     [\  \  __  --     \       ~  \_ //  ~~~===------==-...____      | |
| |  .  [==============================//============================-  | |
| |     /         __/__   --  /__    -o/     /____....----''''~~~~      | |
| |    /  /   ==           ____....=---='''~~~~ .                       | |
| |   /____....--=-''':~~~~                                 .     .     | |
\ \_________________________________________    _   ___   ____   _______/ /
 \________________________________________  |  | | / _ \ |  _ \ / _______/
        UNSUNG HEROES MUSH                | |/\| ||  _  ||    / > \
        UNSUNGHEROESGAME.COM 1138          \_/\_/ |_| |_||_|\_\|__/

Sancara - Dream the Legend, Fear the Myth, Live the Fantasy -

Account name:

IP name: 2020

    Y O U    H A V E    R E A C H E D    T H E    E D G E 

 |\\\\\\\\\   |\\\\\\ |\\   |\\|\\\\\\ |\\\\\\ |\\ |\\  |\\ \\\\\\\\\
   \\      |    \\  \\  \\\\  \\  |\\     |\\    \\  \\  ||  \\
    \\\\\\\\\\\ |\\\\\\  \\ \\ \\   \\      \\    \\\\\\       \\\\\\\\\
    |        |\\  \\  \\  \\  \\\\   \\      \\   | |\\        |      |\\
       \\\\\\\\\\  \\  \\  \\   \\\ \\\\\\\   \\      \\         \\\\\\\\\
       |         | ||  ||   ||  | | |     |    ||     ||         |       |

                  //////////| //////|   /////|    /////////|
                 //|         //|   //| //|       //|      |
                ///////|    //    //  // /////| //////| 
               //|         //    //  //   //|  //|  |
              //////////  /////// | ///////   //////////|
              |        |  |     |   |     |   |        |

S A N I T Y ' S    E D G E

Gamedriver version:CD.06.00 Oct 26 2007 02:10:28
Mudlib version:CD.00.30-h4xed by CMD

Please enter your name:

          .                              ._-_.
            .                .           |_-_(    .
    <~\  //~>               )\_           I
    /^-~~-^\            .-~   ~.        /_\   ___
   : //~\//~\ :       _.-~        ~-._-_. |,|  /   \  .
.__: \0/\0/ ;__,--~~       '     ' ~-.(   | /_____\       ._-_.
  ./\. ^^ ./\.      /   .   ,  '      \    \| u  -| _     |_-_(
  |  ( )( )  |   ,           .    ;    .-_-_-_-_--|/ \    I
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|  :        :  |_             ~ |_-_-_-_-_-  U_| -|  _| | u_|   .
`\,'  :  :  `./' ~~--._         |_\._._._./   _|-_-_-_-_-_-_|
(<___.'  `,___>),--.___~~-.      \_|-   -|    _|    ..   -|_|
 (((( ~--~ ))))      _.~  _)      \|-   U|    _| U  ++  U-|/ 
  ~~~      ~~~/`.--~ _.--~         |U   -|  U _|   ____  -|
              \,~~~~~         .    |- _ -|    _|  /|-|-\ -|
                                   |-/#\ |    _|  |-|-|| -|       .
    .                        ' ,___|_MEB_|-----'__I|-|-I__|__,
               .            ._/ /    ( '     ;    \____/      \,
                           /  \   __        : .       _   \     ,   (__  ~ (  )  '       ,     | |   '     L_,
                          /   .   \  __   __,   ,_   | | ._ _|_    _\
            .            |   /     \/    /  |  /  |  |/  |/  |   , ' |
    .                    /  (  '(__/\___/\_/|_/   |_/|__/|__/|_/ ' _/ \

Give me a name: (or 'who' or 'quit'):

Content-type: text/html
*                     Welcome to schMOOze University                    *
*                                                                       *
*   ==> To connect to an existing player type:  CONNECT NAME PASSWORD   *
*   ==> To connect as a guest type:             CONNECT GUEST           *
*                                                                       *
*            all text is copyrighted by the various authors             *
*                                  ***                                  *
*                          *                 *                          *
*                    *                             *                    *
*                *                                     *                *
*             *                                           *             *
*           *                         (__)                  *           *
*          *                          (OO)                   *          *
*          *              ____________ /                     *          *
*          *            /|            /                      *          *
*          *          /  | |------ | |                       *          *
*          *        *    | |^^     | |                       *          *
*          *             ^ ^       ^ ^                       *          *
************                                                 ************

2 people are connected.

Server Administration Email: /
The following mud is based on AwakeMUD v0.84 BETA
which was based on CircleMUD 3.0 by Jeremy Elson, a derivative
of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0) by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

_____   .                    A            .              .   .       .
o o o\            .        _/_\_                                  |\
------\\      .         __//...\\__                .              ||\   .
__ A . |\           .  <----------->     .                  .     ||||
HH|\. .|||                \\\|///                 ___|_           ||||
||| | . \\\     A    .      |.|                  /|  .|    .      /||\
  | | .  |||   / \          |.|     .           | | ..|          /.||.\
..| | . . \\\ ||**|         |.|   _A_     ___   | | ..|         || |\ .|
..| | , ,  |||||**|         |.|  /| |   /|   |  |.| ..|         || |*|*|
..|.| . . . \\\|**|.  ____  |.| | | |  | |***|  |.| ..|  _____  || |*|*|
..|.| . . .  |||**| /|.. .| |.| |*|*|  | |*  | ___| ..|/|  .  | ||.|*|\|\
___________ . \\\*|| |.. .|//|\\|*|*_____| **||| ||  .| | ..  |/|| |*| |\\
  Seattle  \.  ||||| |..  // A \\*/| . ..| * ||| || ..| |  .  ||||,|*| | \
    2064    \ . \\\| |.. // /|\ \\ | . ..|** ||| || ..| | . . ||||.|*| |\\
Thanks to:   \.  ||| |..|| | | | ||| . ..| * ||| ||  .| | ..  ||||.|*| ||||
Rivet & Crew |.  ||| |, ||.| | | ||| . ..| * ||| || ..| | . ..||||.|*| ||||

Slot me some identification, chummer:

Connected to Second Contract, an LP mud running on Linux.

                        _____            _ 
                       / __  \          | |
                       `' / /' _ __   __| |
               _____     / /  | '_ \ / _` |         _
              /  __ \  ./ /___| | | | (_| |        | |
              | /  \/ _\_____/|_| |_|\__,_|_ _  ___| |_
              | |    / _ \| '_ \| __| '__/ _` |/ __| __|
              | \__/\ (_) | | | | |_| | | (_| | (__| |_ 
               \____/\___/|_| |_|\__|_|  \__,_|\___|\__|

                      Running on Dead Souls v3.6
                 For more info:

     Second Contract is in an alpha period. For more information, 

        Driver: FluffOS v2.23-ds01               Mudlib: Dead Souls 3.6

Select an option:
  N - New Character
  U - List who's online
  Q - Disconnect
Or log in with an existing character.
Option or name?

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

Welcome to Second Pass MUSH, where we explore an alternate history set at 
the start of the Second Pass on the Southern Continent.

More info available at:

This MUSH is geared towards the advanced and mature RPer; if you are new 
to MU*ing, we will be glad to help you out, if you bring patience with you.

Pern and Dragonriders of Pern is copyright (c) 1961 and 1966 to Anne McCaffrey.

  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you as a guest.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

 / ______________________________________________________________________ \
| |                                                                     | |
| |   Space is nothing more than Darkness marked by points of light...  | |
| |                   .     *           .                            .  | |
| |      Welcome to the Darkness...        .                            | |
| |    *                             Serenity MUSH                      | |
| | .                     .                                             | |
| |   .  _.----._ So here is how it is:           The Big Damn GAME     | |
| |    .'   /  _ '.  Earth got used up...                               | |
| |   /    |  (_)  \                                                    | |
| |  |     \        | We found a new solar system and used terraforming | |
| |  |      '.      | technology to make hundreds of new earths. The    | |
| |  |    _   `\    | central planets formed the Alliance and decided   | |
| |   \  (_)   |   /  everyone should unite under their rule, a few     | |
| |    '._    / _.' people tried to stop them. After the war those that | |
| |       '----'   fought and lost drifted to the edges away from the   | |
| |               control of the Alliance.                              | |
| |  Out on the Rim a Captain's goal was simple:                        | | 
| |      Find a crew, Find a job, Keep flyin'                           | |
\ \_____________________________________________________________________/ /
              ** Evil will not release those who practice it. **
Disclaimer: The characters portrayed on this game are the intellectual
property of their creators. All rights to said characters, constructs, 
vehicles, and additions generated by players remain with the creator in

All rights remain with Fox, Universal Studios, Margaret Weis Productions LTD
And, as always to Joss Whedon, thank you for letting us muck about in 
               your world. Many, many thanks.
       Rated (M) for Mature. Experience may change during gameplay.
Use 'create <name> <password>' to start an initial character. Submit a 
    +altreq for additional characters. See 'News Alts' and '+help +altreq'
Use 'connect <name> <password>' to connect to your existing character.
Use 'connect Guest' to connect as a guest.
Use QUIT to disconnect.
|           *-*   See our WIKI:    *-*            |
|      See our PodCast website:         |

|          /     .     \       /   .          .  \      ____/    o  |
+      ___/             \     / .     .   /(      \____/            +
|     /       -       .  \___/            \ (                    .. |
+    /  .        _______>              <=_/(             o          +
|    |          /_   _ /       -          --~~~<    .               |
+    |     .      ) / /   __                           <=_--_~~<    +
|    |           /__  \  / @--,    ..             .       \(        |
+     \     .      /_  \/ /```                            /(        +
|      \          __- -  /)                      --       \(    o   |
+       |   \/__--- ()---\                                          +
|       \----------- "    "----,        Welcome to                  |
+                ------------  \   .        Seven Spindles MUX      +
|                              /                                 .  |
|   connect guest              -  connects as a guest               |
+   connect <name> <password>  -  connects to an existing character +
|   create <name> <password>   -  create a new character            |
+   WHO                        -  list of connected players         +
|   QUIT                       -  disconnect                        |


TCPVDD-A V3.1 : Win32 : Intel 80x86 : (c) Magrathea Systems Ltd. 1995-2002
Connected from on port 27.

** Welcome To Shades **
*** If you havnt registered for a Shades Account type NONE now ***

Please enter your account number (or NONE) 
(this is not your shades persona ID)      :

 :                                                                            :
 :              __. .         .               __.                             :
 :             (__  |_   _.  _|  _ .    ,    (__   *   _   _   _              :
 :             .__) [ ) (_] (_] (_) \/\/     .__)  |  (/, (_] (/,             :
 :                                                        ._|                 :
 :                                                                            :
 :                    .-~~~~~~~~~-._       _.-~~~~~~~~~-.                     :
 :                __.'              ~.   .~              `.__                 : 
 :              .'//                  \./                  \\`.               :
 :            .'//                     |                     \\`.             :
 :          .'// .-~"""""""~~~~-._     |     _,-~~~~"""""""~-. \\`.           :
 :        .'//.-"                 `-.  |  .-'                 "-.\\`.         :
 :      .'//______.============-..   \ | /   ..-============.______\\`.       :
 :    .'______________________________\|/______________________________`.     :
 :                                                                            :
 :                   "The Struggle Is Over, The War Begins"                   :
 :                                                                            :
  Based on CircleMUD 3.1, created by Jeremy Elson. A derivative of DikuMUD, 
  created by H Staerfeldt, K Nyboe, T Madsen, M Seifert and S Hammer. 
  DraigMUD created and maintained by Cernunnos and Mina. 

o-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=< Welcome to Shadow Siege >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-o

                     1) Login to an existing account.
                     2) Create a new account.

                     0) Exit game.

Please select an option:

What is thy name?

       ___          ________          ________          _________
     //   \________/        \________/        \________/         \\
   //  ,-----. ,-. ,-. ,------. ,------. ,------. ,-.   ,-.        \\
  ||   | ,---'.| |.| |.| ,--. |.`] +-. |.| ,--. |.| |.  | |.        ||
  ||   | |,---'| ||| ||| |,-| || | |+| ||| |,-| ||| |,-.| ||         \\
 //    | `---. | `-' ||| `--' || | ||| ||| || | ||| || || ||          //
||     `---. |.| ,-. ||| ,--. || | ||| ||| || | ||| || || ||         ||
 \\     `--| ||| |,| ||| |,-| || | ||| ||| || | ||| || || ||          \\
  ||   .---' ||| ||| ||| || | ||.] +-' ||| `--' ||| `' `' ||           ||
 //    `-----'|`-'|`-'|`-'| `-'|`------'|`------'|`-------'|          //
||      `-----' `-' `-' `-'  `-' `------' `------' `-------'         ||
 \\     ,------. ,------. ,-------. ,-----.                           \\
  ||    | ,----'.| ,--. |.`--. ,--'.| ,---'. GODS:  Thorn, Tristan     ||
 //     | |,----'| |,-| || `-| |,--'| |,---'        Melnmarn, Garrett  //
||      | ||,--+ | `--' ||   | ||   | `-.  Arches:  Firedragon, Pator ||
 \\     | ||`] |+| ,--. ||   | ||   | ,-'      Vetri, Grendel          \\
  ||    | || | ||| |,-| ||   | ||   | |,-' Elders:  Grazzt, Styx        ||
 //     | `--' ||| || | ||   | ||   | `---.                            //
||      `------'|`-'| `-'|   `-'|   `-----'.                          ||
 \\      `------' `-'  `-'    `-'    `-----'                           \\

        Driver: MudOS 0.9.19        Mudlib: ShadowGate/Nightmare Mudlib 1.5/3.2

        <<< The MUD will be rebooting shortly.  Reboot in 9 minute(s)! >>>
  Admin Emails: , .

What name do you wish?

                                      - -

                              W E L C O M E   T O
                              S H A D O W   M U D

                                      - -
 Administrator: Terok                   700 years have passed since Ridorthu
 ArchWizards..: Ideysus, Kataro, Lox    awakened the Power. Though the war was
                Icewolfz                won and the Power defeated for a time,
 Elders.......: Dusk, Lotus             other Powers have found our quiet realm
 Creators.....: Sabbathiel, Lynx, Newt  and even now mass upon our borders. Let
                                        us defeat these new enemies without
                                        awakening the most ancient one.

There are currently 3 users logged into ShadowMUD.

Icewolfz          Ideysus           Newt              

         Driver: FluffOS v2.22    Mudlib: Nightmare/ShadowLib 3.2.2/0.1.        
Questions? Concerns? Problems logging in? Mail

What name would you like to use?
Enter your character's name (or 'new' for a new character):

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

Welcome to TinyMUSH
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

    Welcome                                             _,.-='`
      to                                    _,-='`  >      _       >
                         _.,_          _,-'`\      >
   Shangrila         _.-'`-  `'-._,.-'`     /_      >              >
               _.-'`` <>-  -<    /       .-'_>       >    -
              /~o    ,       \  |      ,'  _  >  -    >           >
              (.-,   `    _   \_ \     \  _  >  _     >    -
                (_,--=--'`  ,`/   \    | _  >         >         >
               .-'       _,' /    /    / _ >     -   >    -
              /             '    /    / - >         >        >
       .-=-. /              ___./   .'  >          >     >
      /     Y               ````   /  >          >   >
    .' _/\   \                   ,'  >    >   >    ,-===--.
  /`  /   \   `-              ,-`  >   >  ,>_    ,'        `\
  (   >  : \              ..-'   >  > _,>`   `--'            \
   \ / ) L\ \             `\   >_,.--'             ,-'"'\    |
    `-./ (_\ \_____         `-'                  <'    _/    /
      (   :\\.```                                 \ ,-'     /
       `\_;_> `-.-~`'-_             ---._          Y  __,.-'
                       `'-...__  __,.-=- \         \ (_,-':
                             _.`\_      ._>._       `-._='
  The Land of Dreams        <     `-._   \   `'-._     `;
                            L _<`-.       \       `'-.   \
                            \~ /   `-._  .'           `\  \
                             \/        `'               L  \_
                                                        \   ;`'-.
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect voyeur voyeur" will allow you to log in as a guest.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.
  This is an Adults Only game! For those who are at least 18 years or older.
  We take no legal responsibility for what is written on your screen,
  regardless of your age. Proceeding further than this screen means that 
  you waive any legal action towards the staff, players, and anyone else
  connected to this MUX for any reason. If it is discovered that you are
  not of legal age, your character will be @nuked immediately and removed
  from the game. Period. If you cannot accept these terms then type 'QUIT' now.

                               ur d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Nu "*Nu                      
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                    RF** <$$                                J"                
                     #bue$$$LJ$$$Nc.                        "                 

                                Shattered Dreams

Who wishes to chase a dream?



  We are currently accepting dedicated writers to help discover new islands.
         For more information, visit
                     ~ Welcome to Shattered Isles! ~


Enter a new or existing account name:

\       __        |             \_   /                    \_   __/
    |    _/  \  ____/                \_/                       \_/
    \   /     \/    \                  \          _____        /_
     \_/    _____ _  \       _______   /_        |  _  |      /  \ _
           |  _  | |  |     |__   __|_/| |_ _____| | | | ____/    | |
           | |\|_| |   \_____  | |/  |_   _|  _  | |_| ||  _  |___| |     ___
 __       /| |_\_| |___|___  | | |\    | |\| |_| |  _ | | |/| |  _  |\   /
/  \_   _/ |___  |  _  |__\| | | | \   | | |  ___| | | ||  ___| | | | \_/
     \_/    _  | | |\| |  _  | | | /   | |_| |___| |/| || |___| |_| |      _
           | |_| | | | | |_| |\| | \__ |___|_____|_| |_||_____|_____|     / \
           |_____|_|/|_|_____| |_|_/ _\   /  ___   ___                  _/
        _   _     _/  \_/ \/    \_  | |\_/  |   |_|   | _____    __    /
       | | | |   /        /       \_| |_    |  _   _  ||  _  | _/  \__/
       | |_| |_ / _      / _____ ___| |_\___| | | | | || | |_|/ \
       | |  _|_| | |___  \|  _  |  _  |  _  | | | | | || |__/    \_
       |   |_/_  |  _  | /| | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||___  |     \
       | |_  | | | | | | \| |\| | |_| | |_| | |\| | | | _/ | |      |
  ___  | |/| | |_| | | | /|___  |_____|_____|_| |_| |_|| |_| |       \__    _
 /   \ |_| |_|___|_| |_|/  ___| |\                \_ / |_____|          \_ /
/     \__/            /   |_____| \_                \                    \
     _/              /              \               /             --nada:98--
    /                |               \             /                     /
  DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and
Sebastian Hammer.  Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.  ROM 2.3
by Alander.  Shattered Kingdoms (r) copyright (c) 1996-2007.

By which name would you like to be known?

LPmud version: FluffOS v2.22-sr.
Mudlib version: SR v2.1

Welcome To...         
   ____________________________________>\         _
  <___________________________________<  >ZZZZZZZ(_)
       _                        ____  </    
      / \                      |  _ \   
     / | \                     | / \ |                       
     \  \/                     | \_/ /
     /\  \  H A T T E R E D    |  _ \  E A L M S
     \ | /                     | | \ \
      \_/                      |_|  \_\                          
   _       )( ______________________________________   

     A Real-Time Multi-User Adventure Game
           Sleeping God: Thulsa.
                   Gods: Taggert
          Assistant God: Morth
               Demigods: Cherokee
             Developers: None
             Architects: None
           Thanks go to: Ravenhall, Storm, XXX, Aquitaine, Marneus,
                         Nip, Baldrick@Final Realms, Pinkfish@Discworld
            Admin email:

      Now hiring all positions, apply today! 
      Visit us at:

What might your name be?

                      _)\.-.                          ;.               .;
     .-.__,___,_.-=-. )\`  a`\_                       OX"o,.   _  .,o"XO
 .-.__\__,__,__.-=-. `/  \     `\                       `-..:\ovo/,..-'    
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    ",-.`_,-`,,_\_____  \ |  |  \\__  \\   __\   __\/ __ \_  __ \_/ __ \ / __ |
      ``-,_-`,((/        \|   Y  \/ __ \|  |  |  | \  ___/|  | \/\  ___// /_/ |
,          `"~-/_______  /|___|  (____  /__|  |__|  \___  >__|    \___  >____ |
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 '--.\    .'          /_/    | |    /  \    /  \___________|  |    __| _/
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    //  /,        | __.'|  ||        \        (  <_> )  | \/  |__/ /_/ | 
   //   ||        /`    (  ||         \__/\  / \____/|__|  |____/\____ | 
  ||    ||      .'       \ \\              \/                         \/ 
 ||    ||    .'_         \ \\    
   \\   //   / _ `\        \ \\__         (admin:
    \'-'/(   _  `\,;        \ '--:,        (established: august 1990)
    `"`  `"` `-,,;         `"`",,

Welcome to the Shattered World (version swlpc-2.0.6)!
The local time (AEST) is Sun Apr 28 03:15:33 2013.

New players: choose a name for your character, or enter `guest'.

What is your name:

Welcome to...

     ___ _    _      _             ___          _             
    / __| |_ (_)_ _ (_)_ _  __ _  | _ \___ __ _| |_ __  ___ 
    \__ \ ' \| | ' \| | ' \/ _` | |   / -_) _` | | '  \(_-< 
    |___/_||_|_|_||_|_|_||_\__, | |_|_\___\__,_|_|_|_|_/__/  

*                                |>>>                    +
+          *                      |                   *       +
                    |>>>      _  _|_  _   *     |>>>
           *        |        |;| |;| |;|        |                 *
     +          _  _|_  _    \\.    .  /    _  _|_  _       +
 *             |;|_|;|_|;|    \\: +   /    |;|_|;|_|;|
               \\..      /    ||:+++. |    \\.    .  /           *
      +         \\.  ,  /     ||:+++  |     \\:  .  /
                 ||:+  |_   _ ||_ . _ | _   _||:+  |       *
          *      ||+++.|||_|;|_|;|_|;|_|;|_|;||+++ |          +
                 ||+++ ||.    .     .      . ||+++.|   *
+   *            ||: . ||:.     . .   .  ,   ||:   |               *
         *       ||:   ||:  ,     +       .  ||: , |      +
  *              ||:   ||:.     +++++      . ||:   |         *
     +           ||:   ||.     +++++++  .    ||: . |    +
           +     ||: . ||: ,   +++++++ .  .  ||:   |             +
                 ||: . ||: ,   +++++++ .  .  ||:   |        *
                 ||: . ||: ,   +++++++ .  .  ||:   | 

  Running ShiningMUD version 1.12 (custom release) by Rinthos <Joe Fabiano>.
  Supported by Team Viper.  Based on SMAUG 1.02a by Thoric <Derek Snider>,
  with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn, Scryn, Swordbearer, Triclops, Gorog,
  Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade, and Nivek. Original Merc 2.1 code by Hatchet,
  Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD code by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

Enter your character's name, or type NEW to create a new character.
Who dares to enter these realms? :

Welcome to Shoujo-Ai MUSH!

Contact: Yuriko Hinayama <>

This MUSH may contain themes not suitable to minors. As such, we require that
only those that of 18 years or older may enter for legal reasons. By entering,
you are stating that you are at least of 18 years of age, and that Shoujo-Ai 
MUSH will not be held responsible for anything that you may encounter.

TO NEW PLAYERS: If you're having trouble registering, ensure the name you want
is not currently in use by typing "connect guest" and then "finger <name>" to
check whether it already exists. Also make sure you omit the <> characters;
these are simply there to indicate where to insert the appropriate information.

We strongly recommend against using an email account through AOL or Hotmail,
as both have issues delivering mail sent from us, if they deliver it at all.
Signing up with GMail or another free email service is recommended instead.

Type "register <name> <e-mail address>" to create a character.
Type "connect <name> <password>" to connect to your existing character.
Type "connect guest" if you just want to look around first.
Type "WHO" to see a list of players currently online.

                         ___====-_  _-====___
                  _--~~~#####// '   \\#####~~~--_     
  Sxinon ->      -~##########// (    ) \\##########~-_
               -############//  |\^^/|  \\############-
             _~############//   (O||O)   \\############~_
            ~#############((     \\//     ))#############~
           -###############\\    (oo)    //###############-
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       \___ \I  _  I \  / I __)I I\/I II I_I I\___ \I  _  I
       (____/I_I I_I I__I I___)I_I  I_II_____I(____/I_I I_I
            |/  V  V     V  )||  |()|  ||(  V   '  V /\  \|  
                            / |  |()|  | \  '      '<||>  '
                           (  |  |()|  |  )\        /|/
                          __\ |__|()|__| /__\______/|/
                         (vvv(vvvv)(vvvv)vvv)______|/ * taken from fortune
=[Welcome to ShyeMush 5]======================================================
 connect <player> <password> => Connect as <player> with <password>
 connect Trooper trooper     => Connect as a distinguished Guest.
 WHO                         => Show who is online currently
 QUIT                        => Quit ShyeMUSH.  Return to Humanoid form.
             To Create A Character, Go To

Do you want color (Yn)?

HTTP/1.0 302 Found

Connected by pressetext Nachrichtenagentur GmbH since 23 Feb 2009.
Local time: Sat Apr 27 19:18:53 2013 MET

SilberLand LPmud, SilberLand Mudlib, NATIVE mode, driver version 03.02.1@148p2

   Dunkelheit am Horizont... doch da, ein Silberstreif...

                             / \
             oo           /\/   \_/\
    o888o   Y88P  o8P  o8P  \    /  \        o8P      _        /\     o8P
   88   YP   YP   88  /88     \/      \/\   /88  /\__/ \__   /\_ \    88
   88o            88 / Y8o    /       /   \/ 88\/    \    \ /   \ \    Y8o
    Y888o   Y88P  88/  88888o   o888o  Yo88o 88  \/ o888o Y88888o \ o88 88
       Y88o  88   88   88   88 88   88 88    88  /      Y8 88   88 88   88
         88  88   88   88   88 888888P 88    88     o88888 88   88 88   88
   oo   o88  88   88   88   88 88      88    88    88   88 88   88 88   88
   Y88888P  o88o  888o  Y888P   Y888P  Y8o   Y8888o Y88888o Y8   Yo Y888P

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A C H T U N G  ! ! !

  Das Angreifen von Spielern sowie das Benutzen von Triggern sowie Skripts
  sind im SilberLand streng VERBOTEN!! Sollte es in irgendeiner Form Probleme
  geben, so wende Dich bitte an einen der Magier oder an ''

  Adresse: 4711 (

  Willst Du nur ein wenig reinschnuppern, melde Dich einfach als 'gast' an!

Wie heisst Du denn ("neu" fuer neuen Spieler) ?

           /.   \      ___    ___    _:     _ _    ___    ___    ___    _:
          //     \    /o__)  /o  \  /o| _  /oY \  /o  \  /o  \  /o  \  /o| _
         //  __   \  (___  \/\___/\/  |/ \/     \/  O  \/  + /_/\___/\/  |/ \
        //  /  \   \ /. l   \      \  T   \ \_/  \      \      \      \  T   \
       //  /\__/\   \\______/______/______/__|___/__|___/__|___/______/______/
      //  /   }  \\  \
     //  /  _{__  \\  \ "....Feanor infatti, giunto alla pienezza del proprio
    //  /  /    \  \\  \ vigore, era tutto preso da un nuovo pensiero, ma puo'
   //  /  /      \  \\  \ anche essere che abbia preavvertito un'ombra della
  //  /   \      /   \\  \ sorte che s'avvicinava; e rifletteva su come con_
 //  /_  _/\____/\_  _\\  \ servare imperitura la luce degli Alberi, gloria
//  /  \/          \/  \\  \ del Reame Beato. Diede allora mano a un lungo e
\\  \__/____________\__//  / segreto lavoro, facendo appello a tutta la propria
 \\                       / sapienza, potenza e sottile abilita'; e alla fine,
  \______________________/ ecco che produsse i Silmaril."

Batti il tuo nome:

                                   /   \
 _                         )      ((   ))     (                           _
(S)                       /|\      ))_((     /|\                         (2)
|-|                      / | \    (/\|/\)   / | \                        |-|
| |_____________________/--|-voV___\`|'/__Vov-|--\_______________________| |
|-|                          '^`   (o o)  '^`                      __    |-|
| |                                `\Y/'                          /  \   | |
 _______   __  __    _  _   __   ____  __  __    __    __   __    \  /   |-|
(  ____ \ (  )(  )  ( \/ ) / _\ (  _ \(  )(  )  (  )  (  ) / _\   /  \   | |
| (    \/  )( / (_/\/ \/ \/    \ )   / )( / (_/\/ (_/\ )( /    \  \  /   |-|
| (_____  (__)\____/\_)(_/\_/\_/(__\_)(__)\____/\____/(__)\_/\_/  /__\   | |
(_____  )   ____                                                   __    |-|
      ) |  /.   \     ___ _   _ __                  _ _ _         |__|   | |
/\____) | //     \    ( / //  ( /  )                ( / ) )              |-|
\_______)//  __   \    / //    /  / , , __ _  ,___   / / / __  __  __/ __  |
|-|     //  /  \   \ _/_(/_   /  (_(_/_(_)  |/ (_)  / / (_(_)_/ /_(_/_(_)  |
| |    //  /\__/\   \                                                      |
|-|   //  /   }  \\  \"....Feanor infatti, giunto alla pienezza del proprio
| |  //  /  _{__  \\  \ vigore, era tutto preso da un nuovo pensiero, ma puo'
|-| //  /  /    \  \\  \ anche essere che abbia preavvertito un'ombra della
|_|//  /  /      \  \\  \ sorte che s'avvicinava; e rifletteva su come con_
| //  /   \      /   \\  \ servare imperitura la luce degli Alberi, gloria |
 //  /_  _/\____/\_  _\\  \ del Reame Beato. Diede allora mano a un lungo e
//  /  \/          \/  \\  \ segreto lavoro, facendo appello a tutta la    |
\\  \__/____________\__//  / propria sapienza, potenza e sottile abilita'; |
 \\                       / e alla fine, ecco che produsse i Silmaril.   | |
(S\______________________/ ______________________________________________(2)

Benvenuto, batti il tuo nome:

Gamedriver: LDmud 3.2.15 (Amylaar+)
Mudlib: Simauria
           ___    __                                           __
         //.  \  |__|                                         |__|
       /  \ '--' .--.  _-. __ __     ____    _-. __   _-,,-.  _--.   ____
       |   `\.  /_  | |   '  '   \  /    \  |  ||  | |  '/\/ /_  |  /    \
   _    \.    |  |  | |  ||  ||  | |  |>  | |  ||  | |  |     |  | |  |>  |
  | `\    '|  |  |  | |  ||  ||  | |   ,  | |  |/  | |  \     |  | |   ,  |
   \.  '-__/ /   |_/  |__||_/ | /  |__/|__|  |_/|__|  \__|    |_/  |__/|__|
     \_____/                  |/                                                   
                                      ~|       ,oo888oo,          ..
                                      .^. ~| ,88888888888,      .::.:
                                   ~| |@| .^.8|88888888888    .:::.. :
    ..                             .^.|_|_|@|.^.8888888888  .:'       :.::.
  .  .:.                           |@|___.^.||@|888888P:::_::   `:.    :   .
 .   ..::..                    ..  |' || |@|_|.^.8888P::   `.          :     .
.       .:.:.          ..   . '   :|  ||.| |__|@|   .:       ..         :
       ::   ::       .  .:.      ,' `  ::: |   #|    ...       . .       .
      '     `::   . '    .:::   :    .  :::,:'''   .:.  .
              `::.          ::. `:     ,  ::\:   :::.    ` . .
 Angor'98       .':..         :. :.            .::            .
                                 :     .    ..::'               .

Nombre del personaje (escribe 'crear' para uno nuevo):

    +    |-------|   o__     ###### _____ _           __
    |    | = = = |  < __\<= #####  / ___/(_)___  ____/ /___  ____ ___  ___
 |------\| = = = |   `  `  ####   |\__ \/ / __ \/ __  / __ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \
 | [] [] \ = = = |     |--####-|  |__/ / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / /  __/
 |        \= = = |_____| O## O | /____/_/_/ /_/\__,_/\____/_/ /_/ /_/\___/
 | [] []   \ = = ||....| #     |  | = = = = |
 |          |= = ||....|WW O O |  | = = = = |   NOW OPEN IN BETA TESTING
 | [] [] [] |= = ||....|       |-----|= = = |
 |          |= = |---|.| O O O |.....|= = = |  *------NEW TO SINDOME?------*
 | [] [] [] |= = |   |.|       |--|..|= = = |  *  type 'connect guest' to  *
 |          |= = |   |.| O O O |  |..|= = = |  * come in and check us out! *
 | [] [] [] |= = |   |.|       |  |..|= = = |  *---------------------------*
 |          |= =|-------|O O O |  |..|= = = |
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |      |  |..|= = = |  Remember that the help menu
 |          |= =|       |O O O |  |..|= = = |  is at your disposal. If this
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |      | |-----|= = |  is not good enough to answer
 |          |= =|       |O O O |__ [ [ |= = |  any questions you may have,
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |    =>/_L>    |= = |  please ask a staff member.
 |          |= =|       |O O O ` ` [ [ |= = |
 | [] [] [] |= =| [ [ [ |      | |     |= = |  Existing players type:
 |          |= =|       |O O O | | X X |= = |  connect <username> <password>
 |          |   |              |       |

           "You've never had the urge to kill yourself until now."

ed world of...
             --==== S L E E P L E S S    N I G H T S ====--

                Telnet : port 6789
                Web    :
                Email  :

 Another Year, Another Server!!
             Current Local time : Sat Apr 27 17:24:16 2013
                         Last reset: 119 minutes ago.

Welcome adventurer, to the realm of Sleepless Nights.

Please enter a name or 'new' to begin a new adventure.
What be thy name?

                       Based on DikuMUD created by:
              Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, 
                   Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
      *********          *              ***   *************** *          *
     ***     ****        **          **     ** *************  **        **
   *****      ****  *    ***        **       **     ***       **        **
   *****         ***     ***       ***       ***    ***       ***      ***
    ******        *      ***      ****       ****   ***       ************
       *****             ***       ***       ***    ***       ***      ***
           *****         **         **       **     ***       **        **
               *****     **********  **     **      ***       **        **
                 *****   *********      ***          *        *          *
   *              *****
    ***          ****

By what name do you wish to be known?

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
Ooooh, say the words... 
Welcome to _____           __                  ____  __  __           __
SPR       / ___/          /_/                 / /_/ / / /_/          / /
         / /_________________________________/ /___/ /______________/ /
        /__  / __  / ___/ / __  / __  / __  / / /_  __/ / ___/___  / /
       ___/ / /_/ / /__/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /__/ __  / /
      /____/_____/____/_/_____/ ____/_____/_/_/ /___/_/____/_____/_/
     ______                __/ /_____             __  __
    / __  /               /_/_/ __/_/            / / /_/
   / /_/ /___________________/ /________________/ /____________________
  /   __/___  / __  __  / /_  __/ / ___/___  /_  __/ / __  / __  / ___/
 / /\ \/ __  / / / / / / / / / / / /__/ __  / / /_/ / /_/ / / / /__  /
/_/ /_/_____/_/ /_/ /_/_/ /_/ /_/____/_____/ /___/_/_____/_/ /_/____/

The furry, free, tech-styled MUCK at FOO, Linkoeping, Sweden, Earth!
Founded 19th September 1994. Guaranteed 100% CDA-free! You can type:
    WHO                          to see who is already on
    connect <name> <password>    to connect to an existing character
    connect #<dbref> <password>  if you forgot your own name :)
    connect guest guest          to visit as a guest 
We create new characters on the fly: to get a character, connect as a
guest and follow the displayed instructions. 
*Your password will be emailed to you.*
Home Page:         Ports: 23, 2323  SSL: 23551

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

           *                            *          *             |     |  
     .        .    /\        .                                    \___/  *
 ________         /  \             |       |    .              *
 |      |   .     |  |             |_______|    __       .
 |      |_______  |  |  *   /\     |       |   (  )  ________         _______
 |      |      |  |  |     /  \ ___|  | |  |    ||   |      |______   |     |
 |      |    . |  |  |_____|  |    | |     |  __||__ | .  . |     |   |     |
 | ____ | .    |__/\__ .   |  |    |  |  | | |  ||  ||   .  |     |___|__   |
 | |  | |      |     |   . |  |    | |  |  |_|__||__|| .  . |     |     |   |
                           Welcome to Soulfire MUSH
"connect <name> <password>" connects to an existing character.
"connect guest guest" connects to a temporary guest character.
"create <name> <password>" will create a new character.
"WHO" lists all players currently connected and "QUIT" will disconnect.
Staff Email:        Website:
Soulfire MUSH is based on the world of Dresden Files, copyright Jim Butcher.
Due to the nature of the theme, players under the age of 18 are not permitted.

                          )       \   /      (
                         /|\      )\_/(     /|\
*                       / | \    (/\|/\)   / | \                      *
|                           '^`    \|/   '^`                          |
|                                   V                                 |
|                                                                     |
|                      Welcome to Spellbound MUX                      |
|                                                                     |
|  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character. |
|  "connect guest" connects you to a guest account.                   |
|  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.                |
|                                                                     |
|  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).     |
|  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.                    |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |
| ._________________________________________________________________. |
|'               l    /\ /     \\            \ /\   l                `|
*                l  /   V       ))            V   \ l                 *
                 l/            //                  \I

      _     ______ ______ _     _ _______ ______  _______  ______    _
     / )   / _____|_____ (_)   (_|_______|_____ \(_______)/ _____)  ( \
    | |   ( (____  _____) )______ _____   _____) )_____  ( (____     | |
    | |    \____ \|  ____/  ___  |  ___) |  __  /|  ___)  \____ \    | |
    | |    _____) ) |    | |   | | |_____| |  \ \| |_____ _____) )   | |
     \_)  (______/|_|    |_|   |_|_______)_|   |_|_______|______/   (_/
                         Welcome to SpheresMUX!
  Administrative Email Contact: <>
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect Guest guest" to connect to a guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
            ____   W e l c o m e   _____    t o :
           /    \ _____ __________ |    \  __________________ ___  __
'''',,,   /   ___\|    \|  ||     \|     \ |  |___   /___   / \  \/ /
;|  /  '''\   \   |  O /|  ||  |  ||  |\  ||  |  /  /   /  /   \   /
;| / ,  " .\   \  |  _/ |  ||  |  ||  ||  ||  | /  /__ /  /__  /  /
 ;"    ,  .;\   \ |__|  |__||__|__||  ||  ||__|/______/______|/__/
  | / .   ___\   \                 |  |/  |
 ;    ; ..\      /                 |     /
  '    ..;|\____/                  |____/
 .  '  .;|;/                                 _________
      |.;|'               ._____-----==="""""         """"----____
 '  ,|.;|                (___                                _____)
.  ,#|..;|                \.."""""""-------________-----"""""..../
  ,#/..;|                  \:\::::::\......\....../.....::::/:::/
 /##/.;|                    "-""-_::_\::::::\::::/""-_:::_-""--"
/###|,;;|                         ""  \::::/""__"     "-"
|###/..,|    "--"
|##/....|               The Successor to
\#|..;;|                                          ____  ____  ____
 /..;;|          Port 7072, SSL 7073             |_  _||  -- |  --
                                                  |__| |__| &|__|
           'connect <character> <password>' to connect.
           'connect guest guest' to try out life as a guest.
           'WHO' lists who's awake; 'QUIT' (all caps) leaves us.

Do you want ANSI? (Y/N)

          ##############                              ##############
      #####################                        ##################### 
    #######           ########                  ########           #######  
  #####                  ########            ########                  ##### 
 ####                  __----,##.----_  .-,######.-,,-------,            ####
 ###                  / _----'#/ .--, |/ /######/ / `--, ,--'             ###
 ###                 | |      / /##/ // /##### / /    / /                 ###
 ###                 \ \     / `--' // /####  / /    / /                  ###
 ###                  \ \  / .---'#/ /######/ /    / /                    ###
 ###                  | | / /  ###/ /######/ /    / /                     ###
 ###             ,---' / / / ####/ '--+-+#/ /### / /                      ###
 ####            `----'  `'######`------'#`'#####`'                      ####
  #####                  ########           ########                   ##### 
    #######           ########                 ########            #######  
      #####################                       ###################### 
          ##############                             ###############


                              Spirits: Vash, Pam
                     Queens/Kings: Ichigo, Qualin, Zymira
                          Regents: Bazin, Crowley
                   Princess/Prince: Koresh, lyra, Malachi, Vraxor
Please note: no longer points to the web site. The new address is                      

          Driver: MudOS v22.2b14               Mudlib: Nightmare IVr4          
What name do you wish? ["who" lists users]

Welcome to...       **
                  ** ******* **** ********
                 **  ****** **  ** ***  ***
                  **   **  ******** *******
                   **  ** **      ** **  **
                    ** ** **      ** **   **                   
         _______    ** ** **      ** **    **   ___________
        /       \  **  ** **      ** **     ** |           |
       /    ____/ **                         **|___     ___|
       |   /     **                           **   |   |
       |   |    _____ _____ _____ _   _ _____ _____|   |
       |   \___/  _  |  _  /  _  | | | |  -- | ____|   |
       \       | |_| | | | | |_| | |_| | ____|____ |   |
        \______\_____|_| |_\___  |_____|_____|_____|___|
                               | |_
                               | | |

Official Website:

Humanity has just emerged from the lowest point in its collective history, and
the closest it has been to extinction since the advent of agriculture. By the
year 2304, the Coalition of humans and their alien allies the Jinu had spread
across the stars, and thought themselves powerful. But the Outsiders, an alien
empire occupying vast reaches of Rimward space, proved them wrong. First, contact
between the two allies was severed, and suddenly humanity was alone. Then the
Outsiders attacked in force, and human planets and governments fell one by one.

                         It was the apocalypse.

But contrary to the beliefs of many, not all hope was lost. After five years,
a single starship, the Percival Lowell, returned from Rimward space, bringing
with it the means to nullify the Outsiders' greatest weapon. With this, and the
help of many other brave pilots, the occupying Outsiders were driven off human
               worlds and back to where they came from.

 Humanity is now trying to rebuild, and trying to regain what it has lost. The
Outsiders are finished with occupation, and now desire only to see humans extinct.
New threats and new mysteries seem to appear every day. In the midst of it all,
civilian starships span the stars, maintaining an open threat against any new
       invasion and trying to make a few credits while they're at it.

 You too have felt the lure of this; the desire for a unique freedom that most
citizens will never know, the drive to explore, the need to defend your species,
         and yes, greed for the vast wealth that is to be had.

                   It is time to take to the stars.

Welcome to the original pulp science fiction multiplayer roleplaying adventure!
Open to the public from 19 December 1998 to 5 September 2005!
Reopened on 28 February 2009!

All original work (including setting, non-player characters, design, source code, and all related background material) located in this game is copyright (c) 1998-2010. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited.

Warning: Speech in this game is largely uncensored, and sensitive individuals may find some other players offensive. The staff is ultimately not responsible for the words and actions of the players.

The last server reset was at Mon Mar 18 20:41:21 2013 UTC

Contact us outside the game via IRC: #Squidsoft on

Recent Announcements:

Because it came up earlier today: It still appears to be the case, in the code, that a person transferring debris that they did not salvage themselves will receive no credit in points. If this is not the case -- if people are in fact able to "powerlevel" other players by salvaging or grappling debris that they do not have the points to gather themselves, and then having them transfer it for full credit -- please report the specific exploit so that it can be fixed. Thank you.
   Announced 1 day, 23 hours, 44 minutes, and 49 seconds ago
We promised this a while ago but never followed through! If your organization station had custom rooms or items that you can no longer access, please (if you are the founder or the item owner) send us a report letting us know what you would like done with them; that is, where you would like us to try to put them.
   Announced 1 day, 22 hours, 1 minute, and 9 seconds ago
----- Account Support and Maintenance:

If you do not yet have a account, type CREATE or visit the above web address.

Please log in now.

Account ID:

                                   +/`    `-o`
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                                  `+   `.`  :-
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                  `.-:/:::-``       `y-+/-s.`       `.::://--`
                               :+:-++ss++os+//-.+ 2100  -+..+o`     /d.`.+      Star Trek: Faded Glory
                                /--o.  -`   s/:o-      running PennMUSH 1.8.3
                                 ::o:      .y./-
                                  `//s/--:sh/-           Head Director: Wilco
connect <name> <password>                      connects to an existing character
create <name> <password>                                 creates a new character
connect guest                                         connect to a guest account
WHO                                                         see who is connected

Thank you for connecting to:

           S T A R   T R E K
.-----.__________________________.--'---|   ___.--.__________.--._ 
================================'   -----   \  ______.------'-----`-----.____
`------------------------._____.--------'   `-[]___]===========================
              _____    _.-|   |---.__          |=========|  `-----'
           .-|||   `--'---|___|------`--------'----------|
           '--------------------._        ___.-------._ /
                                                   N E W   H O R I Z O N S
         Send Questions and Comments to:
Use 'connect Guest guest' to connect as a guest.
Use 'connect <name> <password>' to connect to your existing character.
Use 'ch <name> <pass>' to connect hidden, and cd to connect DARK (admin)
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.
DISCLAIMER: This is a role playing environment which may at times have
situations which are unsuitable for minors.  If you are under 18 years of
age parental permission is necessary.  Star Trek is copyright (c) 
Paramount Pictures.  "Star Trek: Horizons MUSH" is an independent,
artistic, non-profit fan organization.  It exists merely for fans to
express their appreciation for Star Trek in a roleplaying/fan organization

|   |  Phoenix Rising -- A Star Trek Game
|   |  `-[]
|   \______                        ___________________________________________
\__________| LCARS Authentication |___________________________________________|
/    _________________________________________________________________________|
|   /
|   |                         `.::`             .``` 
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|   |                          /`
|   |
|   |             S T A R   T R E K  *  P H O E N I X    R I S I N G           
|   \______           ________________________________________________________
|    ______| Options |________________________________________________________|
|   /
|   |  connect <player> <password> - Allows access to your character
|   |  connect guest               - Allows access to a guest character
|   |  help                        - Displays help
|   \_________________________________________________________________________

                 /       .      .                 .               .      .
  .      .      /"@,/ `.              .           ________   ___   ____
               .   /    `.                    .  / __   __| / _ \ |  _ \
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   .         \._=-"" \@`"            .        \_/ \_/ |_| |_||_|\______/  .
        .    `b                 .                .        .       .     
                      .                   .   E d g e   o f   D e s t i n y
   .                          .                   .           .            .
                           Welcome to RhostMUSH

((  To create new character     ----------=>   create <player> <password>  ))
 )) To continue old character   ----------=>   connect <player> <password>(( 
((  To connect a guest          ----------=>   connect guest guest         ))
 )) To see who is on            ----------=>   WHO                        (( 
((  To quit your character      ----------=>   QUIT                        ))
 )) To get help once connected  ----------=>   help (i.e. : help commands)(( 
  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

.           ________   ___  _____ 
           / __   __| / _ \ | __ \ 
     ______> \ | |   |  _  ||    /____________________________________  
    / _______/ |_|   |_| |_||_|\______________________________________\ 
   //                                                                 \\
 _______  _______  _        _______  _______ __________________ _______`
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| |      | (___) || |      | (___) || |         | |      | |   | |      
| | ____ |  ___  || |      |  ___  || |         | |      | |   | |      
| | \_  )| (   ) || |      | (   ) || |         | |      | |   | |      
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(_______)|/     \|(_______/|/     \|(_______/   )_(   \_______/(_______/
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| |   ) || |   | || |   | |   | |   | | \   |   | |   | |   | || | \   |
| (__/  )| (___) || )   ( |___) (___| )  \  |___) (___| (___) || )  \  |
(______/ (_______)|/     \|\_______/|/    )_)\_______/(_______)|/    )_)
   _                                                                   ,
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    \___________________________  |  | | / _ \ | __ \ / ______________/ 
                                | |/\| ||  _  ||    / > \               
                                 \_/\_/ |_| |_||_|\_\|__/
                     "YOU CANNOT ESCAPE YOUR DESTINY."                  
                   Proprietors: Arcturus and Soul                        
      SW:GD is a derivative of DikuMud by: Sebastian Hammer, Michael     
             Seifert,  Hans Henrik, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe          
Identify yourself, wanderer:

This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.
All rights reserved.  Star Wars is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd.  
The LucasArts logo is  a registered trade mark of LucasArts Entertainment 
Company.  LucasArts is a trademark of LucasArts Entertainment Company. 
           _____________________      _____        ____________
          /                    |     /     \       |           \.
         |     .-------+   +---+    /   .   \      |    +---.   |
          \    \       |   |       /   / \   \     |    |____)  |
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|              /       |   |    /   /      \    \  |    | `\            |
+-------------'        +---+   \___/        \___/  +----+   `+----------+
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\   \     / \     /   /  /      \       |           \.       /          |
 \   \   /   \   /   /  /    .   \      |    +---.   |      |     .-----+
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     \   /   \   /  /    /      \    \  |    | `\                 /
      ---     ---   \___/        \___/  +----+   `+--------------'

            To connect to a guest character: CONNECT guest
     To connect to an existing character: CONNECT <name> <password>
    To register a new character: REGISTER <name> <your email address>
  Use WHO to see which characters logged on, and QUIT to leave the MUSH.

                A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

             ########################   ######     ###########               
           ##########################  ########    #############
          ########################### ####  ####   #####   ######
           ########      ######       ####  ####   #############
             ########    ######      ############  ###########
#####################    ######     ############## ##### ####################
###################      ######     #####    ##### #####  ###################

###########    ##    #####   ######     ###########        ##################
############  ####  ######  ########    #############    ####################
#########################  ####  ####   #####   ######  #####################
       ##################  ####  ####   #############    ########
        ################  ############  ###########        ########
         ######  ######  ############## ##### #####################
          ####    ####   #####    ##### #####  ##################

  If this is your first time logging into SWMud and you are prompted for a 
  password, it means that name is already in use. Please choose another name.
  In case of other problems with login, you can contact us at

To log in as a guest temporarily, use the name guest with password guest.

SWmud has been up for 4 D  10 H  19 M

Please tell us your name:

                    XMMMMMMMW ...i    :.. :MMMMMMMM.                     SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt)
                 MMMMMM                         iMMMMM2                  Cooper -
              WMMMM       :MMM:          2MM8        ;MMMMS            
            MMMM          rMMMS   MMMM   MMMM           ;MMM7             A lot of people contributed to  
          aMMM    M         X    MMMMMX               M    MMMM           this mud and the derivates from
         MMM    MMMM            MMMMMMMM             MMMM   WMMM          which it came about. Please read
       MMM      ;XM               MMMMMMi        ;MM  M       MMM2        help credits for more info.
      MMM           STAR WARS      MMMM            MM.   M     8MMM   
     MM8                          MMMMS  MM         BMMMMMMa    8MMM      Star Wars and Star Wars names are a 
   .MMi   M    2MMM        iMMMM0MMMMMM2MMMM      BMMMMMMMMM0 MMMMMMS     copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.
  MMX   i M  MMMMMS           ZMMMMMMMMMM      MM.      MMMMMMM    MMM    
 BMM        MMMMMMS            MMMMMMMMMi    MM0         MMMMMM     MMM  
 MM        MMMMMMMS             MMMMMMMM   MMM            MMMMMM    8MM  
 M@        MMMMMMMr             MMMMMMM   WM.             .MMMMM     MMM 
0M,   B   aMMMMMMMM             @MMMMMM                   MMM       MMM   
MM  0MMM7 MMMMMMMMM             WMMMMMM              aMMMMMMMMM      iMM 
MM    :   MMMMMMMMMMM           MMMM          MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM       MM 
MM        MMMMMMMMMMMMMM7    7MMM             ::0MMMMMMMMMMMMMM       MM 
MM         MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM                         MMMMMMM      iMM 
 M@  ZMM;  0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM i7                           XMMMMM     MMM 
 ;MZ  2      0MMMMMMMMMM@M MMMMMM       MMMMMMMZ         MMMMMM     MMM  
      MMX  aMM    ZMM MMMMMMMMM           MMMMMMMMMMMM   a     MMMr      
      :MMM           iMMMMMMMMa            MMMMMMMMW         ,MMM        
        0MMM           iMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ           MMMM         
          MMM@             .aMMMMMMMMMMMMMW              MMMMM          
           .MMMM            2MMMMMMMMMMMMM@            MMMM:            
              MMMMM             0iMMM7Z   ,         WMMMM               
                MMMMMM            MMM            MMMMMM                 
                   MMMMMMMMi      MMM      ,MMMMMMMM                    
Account Login:


       //////////////            .
         ////     ////                    //
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                                         ` .     .'.:oooOOoSW@@@$X</
  A Star Wars Themed                          `  .^/S(53#@@@@@2(~ `
  Roleplaying MUSH                              .<%W@@@@@@@@MX/~^
  create <name> <password>                 .6@@@@@@@@@@yEJ<:     ` .
  connect <name> <password>             _/#@@@&&6y6WX(<~^..'.        ` .
  connect guest guest                 .S@@@X;<~<<<~~~```   .             `
           .                        .6@@<J:`^``    .`       .'.
                                 .<6@M<~^`                    .'
                               ./y@/^:            .`            .
                             ./M@/^'                             '.
                           .<@$~:                 `               .'
                         ./@X/~^                                   '..
                       _<@%:`                                         .
                      .@y^^                                            '
                    .S`                                                  .

 RitS Co. Presents...
              _______                                ___           _            
             (_______)        _                     / __)     _   | |           
              _____  _____  _| |_  _____     ___  _| |__    _| |_ | |__   _____ 
             |  ___)(____ |(_   _)| ___ |   / _ \(_   __)  (_   _)|  _ \ | ___ |
             | |    / ___ |  | |_ | ____|  | |_| | | |       | |_ | | | || ____|
             |_|    \_____|   \__)|_____)   \___/  |_|        \__)|_| |_||_____)
                      ______                        _      _   _        
                     (_____ \                      | |    | | (_)       
                      _____) ) _____  ____   _   _ | |__  | |  _   ____ 
                     |  __  / | ___ ||  _ \ | | | ||  _ \ | | | | / ___)
                     | |  \ \ | ____|| |_| || |_| || |_) )| | | |( (___ 
                     |_|   |_||_____)|  __/ |____/ |____/  \_)|_| \____)
        |Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric(Derek Snider)with help from Altrag,|
        |Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog.    |
        |Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD    |
        |code by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,                      |
        |Michael Seifert Sebastian Hammer                                      |
        |Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.         |

Welcome to FotR,
Enter your account name now, or enter a name to create a new one:

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

                   _____ _
                  / ____| |           *  .          .        *
         *       | (___ | |_ __ _ _ ____      ____ _ _ __ ___             *
                  \___ \| __/ _` | '__\ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ __|
   *      .       ____) | || (_| | |   \ V  V / (_| | |  \__ \    *
                 |_____/ \__\__,_|_|    \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  |___/
      _____   *                       _       _                        .
     |_   _|               *         (_)     | |
       | |  _ __ ___  _ __   ___ _ __ _  __ _| |         *
    *  | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |/ _` | |*                   .
      _| |_| | | | | | |_) |  __/ |  | | (_| | |
     |_____|_| |_| |_| .__/ \___|_|  |_|\__,_|_|      *
                     | |                        _              _        *
               .     |_|  *   /\     *         | |         .  (_)
                             /  \__      ____ _| | _____ _ __  _ _ __   __ _
         *                  / /\ \ \ /\ / / _` | |/ / _ \ '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
                      *    / ____ \ V  V / (_| |   <  __/ | | | | | | | (_| |
     .                    /_/    \_\_/\_/ \__,_|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |
                 *                    .      *                          __/ |
                                                        .          *   |___/
    Welcome to SW:IA. We begin 6 months after RotJ with the Rebels
    planning to continue the fight to destroy the Empire and replace
    it with an honest government. Join us and apply for a Feature
    Character, or go through Chargen and create a Rebel, Imperial,
    or Independent character.        
    Use "connect guest guest" to connect with a guest character.
    Use "create <name> <password>" to create a character.
    Use "connect <name> <password>" to connect to your existing character.

  _                                                                                _
 | |         _________ __                  __      __                             | |
 | |        /   _____//  |______ _______  /  \    /  \_____ _______  ______       | |
 | |        \_____  \\   __\__  \\_  __ \ \   \/\/   /\__  \\_  __ \/  ___/       | |
 | |        /        \|  |  / __ \|  | \/  \        /  / __ \|  | \/\___ \        | |
 | |       /_______  /|__| (____  /__|      \__/\  /  (____  /__|  /____  )       | |
 | |              \/           \/               \/        \/           \/         | |
 | |       ____.          .___.__                  _________.__  __  .__          | |
 | |      |    | ____   __| _/|__| ___  ________  /   _____/|__|/  |_|  |__       | |
 | |      |    |/ __ \ / __ | |  | \  \/ /  ___/  \_____  \ |  \   __\  |  \      | |
 | |  /\__|    \  ___// /_/ | |  |  \   /\___ \   /        \|  ||  | |   Y  \     | |
 | |  \________|\___  )____ | |__|   \_//____  ) /_______  /|__||__| |___|  /     | |
 | |                \/     \/                \/          \/               \/      | |
 | |                                                                              | |
 | |                                                                              | |
 | | SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper -             | |
 \ / Additional coding by Diablo                                                  \ /
 |-|                                                                              |-|
 |-| Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with help from           |-|
 \-/ Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog. \-/
 /_\ Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD code by:/_\
 \ / Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert Sebastian Hammer \ /
 |-| Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.              |-|
 =-=                                                                              =-=

Access 'WHO' or...
Enter your character's name:

.                 .                   .               .
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                  --^^               .                     .
  .                                           .               .      .
    .         .          .                 .        +         .
                              Welcome to
                      -=< Knights of Darkness >=-

SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper -
SWKoD by LrdElder, Thorn, Antiphelas, Barghest, and Shadowcat

Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with help from
Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer
Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.

Please enter your name:
Idle timeout... disconnecting.

|             ..:7O-.                                       |
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|               .,O77IM..                                   |
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|         Ashes of the Empire                  .I?.         |
|                                               .:.         |
|                                                           |
| SMAUG by Thoric with help by Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus |
|  Scryn, Rennard, Tricops Gorog. MERC code by Hatchet,  |
|  Furey, Kahn. Diku code by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, |
|  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert Sebastian Hammer.         |
| Star Wars and Star Wars names are copyright of Lucasfilm |
| SWFotE by Tawnos, Eleven, Bambua, Danimal, and Ackbar.   |

Enter name:

.                             --)-----------|____________|    
                                            ,'       ,'
              -)------========            ,'  ____ ,'
                       `.    `.         ,'  ,'__ ,'
                         `.    `.     ,'       ,'
                           `.    `._,'_______,'__
                             [._ _| -      || |
    ,.,..-------"""""     "----'                 ||
.-""  |=========================== ______________ |
 "-...l_______________________    |  |'      || |_]
                            ,'    ,' `.        `.
                          ,'    ,'     `.    ____`.
              -)---------========        `.  `.____`.
                                           `.        `.
              Legacy of the Sith
SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper -

Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with help from 
Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert Sebastian Hammer
Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.

Please enter your name:

              ________   ___   ____
             / __   __| / _ \ |  _ \
       ______> \ | |   |  _  ||    /_____________________________
      / _______/ |_|   |_| |_||_|\______________________________ \
     / /                                                        \ \
    | |                                                          | |
    | |                                                          | |
    | |            R e v e n g e  o f  t h e  J e d i            | |
    | |           -------------------------------------          | |
    | |                                                          | |
    | |                                                          | |
    | |                     ROTJMUD.COM:9400                     | |
    | |                                                          | |
    | |                                                          | |
     \ \____________________________    _   ___   ____   _______/ /
      \___________________________  |  | | / _ \ |  _ \ / _______/
                                  | |/\| ||  _  ||    / > \        
                                   \_/\_/ |_| |_||_|\_\|__/

Based on CircleMUD 3.0, Created by Jeremy Elson
CircleMUD is a derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0) created by:
Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert
and Sebastian Hammer
All rights reserved.  Star Wars is a registered trademark of Lucasfilms. 
Welcome Screen by Private

   By what name do you wish to be known? Please waite do you wish to be known? 

Timed out... goodbye.

          ___________________.   ___      .______      
         /                   |  /   \     |   _  \     
        |   (--------|  |----` /  ^  \    |  |_)  |    
         \   \       |  |     /  /_\  \   |      /     
   .------)   |      |  |    /  _____  \  |  |\  \-----.
   |_________/       |__|   /__/     \__\ | _| `.______|
   ____    __    ____  ___      .______         _______.
   \   \  /  \  /   / /   \     |   _  \       /       |
    \   \/    \/   / /  ^  \    |  |_)  |     |   (----`
     \            / /  /_\  \   |      /       \   \    
      \    /\    / /  _____  \  |  |\  \--------)   |   
       \__/  \__/ /__/     \__\ | _| `_____________/    


                      THE OLD REPUBLIC


**Star Wars and Star Wars names are copyright of Lucasfilm

Enter your Character's Name or type NEW to create a new character:

DGD 1.2.157-WOTF-NET / WOTF Kernel 0.84

    T H E   W A Y   O F   T H E   F O R C E

Welcome to the Way of the Force, space traveller.
This mud is in development and is not open for
full gameplay yet. We do have a working game 
with some areas however and new characters can 
be created and you can do some playtesting in 
the already available areas. 


Enter menu option or your name:
  1 - Introduction to Way of the Force                                   
  2 - Login an existing character                                        
  n - Create a new character                                             
  w - Who is online?                                                     
  q - disconnect                                                         

Validating socket, looking up hostname.  This may take a moment.

                              StarCraft MUD 2008
                     We're Still Here, Fuck! I Need A Drink
             ___   ____  ___   ___     ____   ___    ___   ____ ____
            (#( `  /#/  /#/ ) /#/ )   /#/  ) /#/ )  /#/ ) /#/   /#/  
             )#)  /#/  /#/-/ /#/-<   /#/    /#/-<  /#/-/ /#/-  /#/  
          ._/#/  (#(  (#( / (#(   \ (#(__/ (#(   \(#( / (#(   (#( 3030  (

  Based on LexiMUD,  a creation of Chris Jacobson and the AvP Team,  with code
  created by, or based on code by, George Greer, Eric Green, Stefan Wasilewski
  David Berry, Jushua Mentzer,  Harvey Gilpin, Brian Williams,  Daniel Muller.
  A derivative of CircleMUD 3.0, by Jeremy Elson;  and DikuMUD, by Hans Henrik
  Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
  StarCraft MUD by Kenneth Conley  1999-2008

On your feet soldier!  Name?

Welcome to

        X    .                     '         `                  .
    ,                 x      ,           +            .    +          x
         ____________ _______________  ________     ______________
    .    )    ______/ \____    _____/  )  _   (     \_    ___    (  .
        /    /  ,    ,     )  (   x   /  / \   \  +   |  |   \    \    ,
 .     |    (_______    .  |  |    . /  /___\   \     |  |____)    |
        \_______    \      |  | ,   /  ______    \  x |   _____   /   .
    /(__________)    |     |  |    /  /       \   \   |  |     \  \ 
   /________________/  ,   )  (   |__/         \___| /___|  .   \_ \  
                   X       \  /           +                       )/    '
 .        ,           .     \/    X            .     '     X   .  '     
              ____  _______    ____  ____    ___________                ,
  .      x    )   \/      /    )  _)(_  (    \_    __   \         .
             /  _    _   |    /  /    \  \     |  |  \   \  x
            /  / \  / |  |   /  /      \  \    |  |   \   \           ,
      '    /  /   \/  |  |  /  /        \  \   |  |    \   \
 ,        /  /  .     |  | |  (__________)  |  |  |_____)   | ,    X 
         /  /         |  |  \              /  _|            |          .
        / _/      ,   |___\  \____________/  /_____________/    '
        \(   X             .          '
         `                                 `              X        
   .          .        ,                   .      .            .

StarMUD IV is running on MudOS v22.2b14 and StarLib v4.0b.
Copyright 1995-2006.

StarMUD time is 2013-04-27 17:56:38. Current players:
  Com     Muerto

Fortune Cookie of the Day:
"You boys lookin' for trouble?"
"Sure.  Whaddya got?"
 -- Marlon Brando, "The Wild Ones"

StarMUD is stable at the moment. Please keep it that way.
War in 17 hours 1 second.

Enter 'guest' to just look around, 'quit' to disconnect. Your email address
will be kept private unless you specifically choose to make it public. The
administrators of StarMUD will never sell or give away your email address.

For existing players, StarMUD has a new login system. You must create an
account using your email address; you will then have the opportunity to
link your characters to this account.

Please enter your email address:

 _______ _______ _______  ______ _______ _______              
 |______    |    |_____| |_____/ |______ |_____| |      |     
 ______|    |    |     | |    \_ |       |     | |_____ |_____

Your wizards are Red, Grey, Yellow, and Purple.
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use connect Guest Guest to connect to a guest character.
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

No, this is not Stargate: Atlantis

-- LoN Project --

Connect: con <name> <password>
Guest: con guest guest
Create: create <name> <password>

-- This is an Alpha stage MUSH. If you are looking to play, this
-- is not the place for you.

 |            |                                |
 |            |                                |
 |_______  ___|___   __    ___   __    __   ___|___   ___
        |     |     |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |   |
        |     |     |__|  |     |  |  |__|     |     |___|
        |     |     |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |
 _______|     |     |  |  |     |__|  |  |     |     |___
                                                            \     /
                                                             \   /
____________________________________________________________   *
                                                             /   \
                                                            /     \
          |         |
          |         |
          |         |    _____     ___     ___     ___
          |         |   |  |  |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |         |   |  |  |   |___|   |   |   |___|
          |         |   |  |  |   |       |   |   |   |
          |_________|   |  |  |   |____   |___|   |   |

         Stargate Omega Station is a fictional game based in the universe
  detailed in the Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game (powered by Spycraft) by 
  AEG. This game is in no way affiliated with AEG or MGM Studios Inc.
  STARGATE SG-1 is a trademark of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. SPYCRAFT
  is a trademark of Alderac Ebtertainment Group, Inc.
         Please visit our website at
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "connect traveler" connects you to a guest account.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

  Once logged on, "help" gives help on specific commands, functions, and
  special topics.  Other 'help' commands include "+help" and "+news".

                          _wr""        "-q__
                        _dP                 9m_
                       _#P                     9#_
                      d#@     Static Chaos      9#m
                     d##       Still Alive       ###
                    J###                         ###L
                    {###K                       J###K
                    ]####K      ___aaa___      J####F
                __gmM######_  w#P""   ""9#m  _d#####Mmw__
             _g##############mZ_         __g##############m_
           _d####M@PPPP@@M#######Mmp gm#########@@PPP9@M####m_
          a###""          ,Z"#####@" '######"\g          ""M##m
         J#@"             0L  "*##     ##@"  J#              *#K
        .#"               `#    "_gmwgm_-    dF               `#_
        7F                 "#_   ]#####F   _dK                 JE
        ]                    *m__ ##### __g@"                   F
                                 0######_                  _0########_
              "*w_________am#####P"   -9#####mw_________w*"
                  ""9@#####@M""           ""P@#####@M""

Based on Diku Mud and Static Chaos.  Diku Mud by Hans Henrik Strfeldt,
Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
Static Chaos by Alathon.  Merc 2.2 by Kahn, Hatchet, Furey.

                     Static Chaos - Still Alive

 By what name do you wish to be known?

         _____________         ___                       ___
        /             \       /  / "Don't get Stuck...  /  /
       /   ________    \     /  /   ____               /  /
      |   /        \   /    /  /   /   / in da Muck"  /  /
      |   |         \ /    /  /   /___/              /  /
      \   \________  ^ ___/  /___ ___ ________      /  /________
       \           \  /_________//  // _____  \    /    _______/
        \________   \   /  /    /  // /     \__\  /    /
                 \   \ /  /    /  // /           /  ^  \
   ____          /   //  /    /  // /           /  / \  \
   \   \________/   //  /    /  // /       ___ /  /   \  \
    \              //  /    /  / \ \______/  //  /     \  \
     \____________//  /    /__/   \_________//__/       \__\
      ____________/  /______________________________________
      \          /  /   I N  T H E  M U D                  /
        \_______/  /_____________________________________/
                \ /
                 ^      STICK Version: 2.3 9000
       Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
       Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer. Based on MERC 2.1 code
       by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Based on ROM II by Alander.
       Problems?  Write or

By what name do you wish to be known?

StickMUD IV: The Short Bus
                  ____  _   _      _    __  __ _   _ ____
                 / ___|| |_(_) ___| | _|  \/  | | | |  _ \
                 \___ \| __| |/ __| |/ / |\/| | | | | | | |
                  ___) | |_| | (__|   <| |  | | |_| | |_| |
              // |____/ \__|_|\___|_|\_\_|  |_|\___/|____/
              \\          Established June 17, 1991

               + Administrators +     + Co-Administrators +
                      Tron        Germ  Excalibur  Fafnir  Kieve

    Web:     Email:

Use the name 'guest' if you just want to look.
Use the name 'who' if you just want to see who is logged in.

Give your name:

             /                                                 \\
            /                                                   \\
           /   o      Welcome to cruel and lost land of      o   \\
           |            _______________  _   __________          |\\
           |           / ___/_  __/ __ \/ | / /  _/ __ \         | |
           |           \__ \ / / / / / /  |/ // // /_/ /         | |
           |          ___/ // / / /_/ / /|  // // __  /          | |
           |         /____//_/  \____/_/ |_/___/_/ /_/           | |
           |                                                     | |
           |                                                     | |
           |               The First Estonian MUD                | |
           |             Running: 4000             | |
           |             Info:             | |
           \   o              Have fun here !!!              o   /\|
            \                                                   / /
             \_________________________________________________/ /

       This mud bases on ROM 2.3 code written by Alander
                   Recodings by RalfII & Co [-]

Please enter your account name (press Enter for help). 

           Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
         Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
             MERC modifications by: Furey, Hatchet, Kahn
          ACK! Mud2.0: Stephen, Thalen.  Screen: Cyberlich
               Ack!Mud 4.0 (beta) : Zenithar, with help from
                Altrag, Ramias, Flar, Spectrum and Universe.

       HK"    "HH  .MMMMMMMM.  dHHHq  HHHHH    HH.    .HH
       HK.      '  "  dMMd  " (E   E) H'   H   HHH    HHH
        `HHHHHHH.      MM     (E   E) HHHHH"   HH H  H HH
              "AH      MM     (E   E) H   H;   HH  HH  HH
       HH,    ,AH     .MM.     dHHHq  H    H   HH      HH

                *HHH*    *HHH*
                 HHH      HHH  =HH  HH= HHH   HH .MMMMM. HHHHH- HHHHH.  .HHHHHH,
                 HHH.    .HHH   HH  HH  HH"H  HH "  M  " H      H    H  HK"   "H
                 HHHHHHHHHHHH   HH  HH  HH  H HH    M    HHH=   HHHHh"  HK.    '
                 HHHHHHHHHHHH   HH  HH  HH   HHH    M    H      H   H;   'HHHHH.
                 HHH.    .HHH   'HHHH'  HH   "HH   .M.   HHHHH- H    H        "A
                 HHH      HHH                                           HH,   ,H
                *HHH*    *HHH*                                          'HHHHHH'

Check out if you're having any problems.
Welcome to StormHunters.  Enter your account name please:

**********  **********                         A
*********    *********  ### ### ### ### # # ##  ### ### #  # #### ### ###
********      ********  #    #  # # # # ### # # # #  #  ## # #    #   # #
**********  **********  ###  #  # # ### ### ##  ###  #  # ## # ## ### ###
*****    *  *    *****    #  #  # # ##  # # # # ##   #  #  # #  # #   ##
*****   **  **   *****  ###  #  ### # # # # ##  # # ### #  # #### ### # #
*** * *  *  *  * * ***                     
**  ****      ****  **                     Based Mud
*                    *             /]
**  ****      ****  **            //__________________________________
*** * *  *  *  * * ***   [\\\\\\\)O                                   -_
*****   **  **   *****   [///////)O __________________________________-
*****    *  *    *****            \\
**********  **********             \]
********      ********
*********    *********
**********  **********
               "...We take our chaos very seriously in these

This mud running until Stormbringer: Rebirth
is back in operations (next day or so.)

               Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor

By what name do you wish to be known?

           .                                                      .
         .n                   .                 .                  n.
   .   .dP                  dP                   9b                 9b.    .
  4    qXb         .       dX                     Xb       .        dXp     t
 dX.    9Xb      .dXb    __      Storms of Time     __    dXb.     dXP     .Xb
 9XXb._       _.dXXXXb dXXXXbo.                 .odXXXXb dXXXXb._       _.dXXP
     '9XXXXXXXXXXXP' '9XX'          '98v8P'          'XXP' '9XXXXXXXXXXXP'
         '''''''       9X.          .db|db.          .XP       '''''''
                         )b.  .dbo.dP''v''9b.odb.  .dX(
                       ,dXXXXXXXXXXXb     dXXXXXXXXXXXb.
                      dXXXXXXXXXXXP'   .   '9XXXXXXXXXXXb
                     dXXXXXXXXXXXXb   d|b   dXXXXXXXXXXXXb
                     9XXb'   'XXXXXb.dX|Xb.dXXXXX'   'dXXP
                      ''      9XXXXXX(   )XXXXXXP      ''
                               XXXX X.'v'.X XXXX
                               XX^X''b   d''X^XX
                               X. 9  '   '  P )X
                               ''  '       '  ''
       1990 DIKU  1.0 Sebastian Hammer, Michael Seifert, Tom Madsen,
                      Hans Henrik Staerfeld, Katja Nyboe
11 Nov 1993 MrMud 1.4 David Bills, Dug Michael
11 Oct 1999 Emud  2.0 Michiel Lange
02 Feb 2001 Emud  3.0 Igor van den Hoven

              (New characters should enter 'NEW' as their name)

Who art thou:

 88888b   d888b  888b  88 8P 888888    88888b    888     888b  88 88  d888b 88
 88   88 88   88 88`8b 88      88      88   88  88 88    88`8b 88 88 88   ` 88
 88   88 88   88 88 88 88      88      88888P  88   88   88 88 88 88 88     88
 88   88 88   88 88 `8b88      88      88     d8888888b  88 `8b88 88 88   , ""
 88888P   `888P  88  `888      88      88     88     `8b 88  `888 88  `888P 88

                          It's Just StrangeMUD(tm)

Code leeched from    \||\       ;;;;%%%@@@@@@       \ //,  DIKU MUD originally
CircleMUD 2.2         V|/     %;;%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@  ===Y//   coded by:
                      68=== ;;;;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@    @Y      Katja Nyobe,
                      ;Y   ;;%;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    Y      Tom Madsen,
                      ;Y  ;;;+;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    Y     Hans Staerfeldt,
                      ;Y__;;;+;%%%%%%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i;;__Y     Michael Seifert,
                     iiY"";;   "uu%@@@@@@@@@@uu"   @"";;;>    Sebastian Hammer
                            Y     "UUUUUUUUU"     @@
                            `;       ___ _       @
                              `;.  ,====\\=.  .;'
                                         === your name?

        /%dWWWWWWWWWWWWb                                      `WWWWP~    
       -rvl~~~~~~~~~~W==b      '`                              WWD:      
      |h`             `@l.    !{.                              WWD:       
      EG               `l|  -lNK.                              WWD:       
      e@i               `' |D@WWWC-<WWWK/  ,WW;'  :oBWWWWWBo.  WWD: ,h&Q: 
      'QWMP7<|..__          :WWK. ``<0WK   SWW< `<QWWMP8U#@W#_ WWD"zdBWWS 
       'HNMWWWWM&$hhj?%,    :WWK.   <0WK   SWW<   ;QWN"`  SWWn`WW&h' <WWS 
    -`   '"|vYFKHgB0WWW9v,  :WWK.   <0WK   SWW<   ;QWQ    :WWK.WW$"  <WWS 
   :<            `~~-vqW@y. :WWK.   <0Wb` `6WW<   ;QWQ    ~WMl`WWD:  <WWS 
   T<                  /&@^ :WWK.~' <0W@DoB0WW< ~';QWMF- .D%*` WWD:  <WWS 
   oH.                  ?W< -#MME.   JMMMU,<MMME. ;QW@QMM$C`   M0v`  ;NM&/
   ~0O;                 =0;  `_`       _.   `_`   ;QWQ '-      _-     .__ 
    >0M9v.             'KY`                       ;QWQ                    
     :SNW@B$Eol=====*IU4i` based on CircleMUD 3.0 ;QWQ                    
       `~rnn6#####D5C>-`        created by        ;QW&,                  
                               Jeremy Elson      ,COCJF.                  
                         a derivative of DikuMUD

       Brought to you by Zifnab, Fraun, Demandred, Dallx, 
                     Rothaar, Vile & the rest of the gang
    All non-Circle StuphMUD content is copyrighted property of its creators.
What is thy name adventurer? 

Timed out... goodbye.

     est. 1992
                 ,,,,,,,,;;' `;;;;' ,..                              
             ,;;;;;;;'''       ;;;,;;;;;,                            
            ;'    ;;            `,;;;;;;;;,       ,.                 
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                         ;', , ,;         ,;;;,;;              ;  ;  
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                      .;,,',  ;, ;';,, ,;;;;;,;,;;;;,             ;  
    Rated R        ,;;,;;', , '; ; ; ;;;;,;;'.,;;,;;;;;,             
                ,;;;,;,;,;,;;,;', , , ;;,;;,;;;;,..;;;;;;;,       .
               ,,,;,;,;,;;,;, ,; , ,,;;;;;;;;,;,;;;;;;;;;;;,        
              ,.' .' .' .',; ;,; ;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;';';'.;;;,       
What is your name:

        _        _                  _   _        _                  _   _        _                  _         
       / /\     /\_\               /\_\/\_\ _   /\_\               /\_\/\_\ _   /\_\               /\ \       
      / /  \   / / /         _    / / / / //\_\/ / /         _    / / / / //\_\/ / /         _    /  \ \____  
     / / /\ \__\ \ \__      /\_\ /\ \/ \ \/ / /\ \ \__      /\_\ /\ \/ \ \/ / /\ \ \__      /\_\ / /\ \_____\ 
    / / /\ \___\\ \___\    / / //  \____\__/ /  \ \___\    / / //  \____\__/ /  \ \___\    / / // / /\/___  / 
    \ \ \ \/___/ \__  /   / / // /\/________/    \__  /   / / // /\/________/    \__  /   / / // / /   / / /  
     \ \ \       / / /   / / // / /\/_// / /     / / /   / / // / /\/_// / /     / / /   / / // / /   / / /   
 _    \ \ \     / / /   / / // / /    / / /     / / /   / / // / /    / / /     / / /   / / // / /   / / /    
/_/\__/ / /    / / /___/ / // / /    / / /     / / /___/ / // / /    / / /     / / /___/ / / \ \ \__/ / /     
\ \/___/ /    / / /____\/ / \/_/    / / /     / / /____\/ / \/_/    / / /     / / /____\/ /   \ \___\/ /      
 \_____\/     \/_________/          \/_/      \/_________/          \/_/      \/_________/     \/_____/       

                   Welcome to Sumu, online since May 29 1996.                  
            We are running SumuLib 1.99x on foggd-4.3.2-12-g08a19b1.           

                c - create a new character
                v - visit the game              s - game status
                w - check who is logged in      q - quit

Please enter your choice or name:

                        .d8888 Y8`b. .+~    .,_.. .*
                       .d8Y^`^;b Y88b.+8o.o88888o~.
                        Y8     `Y8888+.d888888oO8*~.+*~
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                     ,.-+`   Y Y8888888888888~88`+.*~.
                    d   \\      `Y88888888888888o.+~
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Driver version: XD.04.07                     Mudlib version: CD.00.31

What is your name:

Connected to The Savage Soul, an LP mud running on Linux.
                 .t;              ;t.      
                tRBR.            ;RBRt     
              :RBBBBR.          :RBBBBR:   
             :RBBBBBBX         .RBBBBBBR:  
            .RBBBBBBBBY        VBBBBBBBBR. 
           :::::::::::  tBBBBt  :::::::::::

             --([{ The Savage Soul }])--

              --==< Scorched Earth >==--

       Driver: FluffOS v2.23-ds01               Mudlib: Dead Souls 3.7a7       

What name do you wish?

                  _|_           (____(           _|_
                 (___(          \____\          (___(
                  /|    __________||___________   |\
                 /_|__ (_______________________(__|_\
                (_____(______________________( (_____(
               /\____(_______The_Sea________(  \_____\\
              / ___|_(______________________(  ___|___ \
             / (_____(__________of__________( (_______( \
            / (_______(______________________(_______(   \
           /  (_______((______Storms__________(______(    \
          /    (_______((______________________(______(    \
           | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\  |
            \                      o       o       o        |
             |                 ,.,    .        .            /

WoT Modification coding done by Rob, help from Denari and Jeserai
  Wheel of Time copyright Robert Jordan and Tor Books
Heavily modified from Smaug 1.04 by Derek Snider

Original DikuMUD code by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
  Michael Seifert, Sebastian Hammer

Enter your character's name, or type new:

           /  \
          / /\ \
         / /  \ \                  The Shadow's Embrace
         \ \  / /                    A Game Based on
          []XX[]                     Robert Jordan's
          <>xx<>                   Wheel of Time books
          <>xx<>         Owned by Avryel (
          []XX[]            Code by Dalsor, Kerrick, and Rokann
          <>xx<>                      _ _ _ __ _ _
          []XX[]                     //\\\/\/\\/\/
   /)     [ ^^ ]     (\
 < >     (  ^^  )     < >       
  \/-----   /\   -----\/ 
        \|  \/  |/ -Dal
         | |  | |
         | |  | |
         | |  | |                   
         | |  | |     Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
         | |  | |     Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
         | |  | |     Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
         | |  | |     ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor
         | |  | |     AWW-MUD & 1999-2004 Eric Lowe (Dalsor)
         | |  | |     The Shadow's Embrace owned and administered by Avryel

A voice whispers, 'Who stands before the gates?'

                  XX                                    XX
                XX..X                                  X..XX
              XX.....X                                X.....XX
         XXXXX.....XX                                  XX.....XXXXX
        X |......XX\,.@                              @#/,XX......| X
        X |.....X  @#\,.@                          @#/,.@  X.....| X
        X  \...X     @#\,.@                      @#/,.@     X.../  X
          X# \.X        @#\,.@                  @#/,.@        X./  #
          ##  X          @#\,.@              @#/,.@          X   #
        , "# #X            @#\,.@          @#/,.@            X ##
           `###X             @#\,.@      @#/,.@             ####'
          . ' ###              @#\.,@  @#/,.@              ###`"
      _________            .__    __________      .__
     /   _____/ ____  __ __|  |   \______   \__ __|__| ____   ______
     \_____  \ /  _ \|  |  \  |    |       _/  |  \  |/    \ /  ___/
     /        (  <_> )  |  /  |__  |    |   \  |  /  |   |  \\___ \
/   Diku: Staerfeldt, Madsen, Nyboe, Seifert Hammer.  SMAUG: Thoric,    \
    Blodkai, Nivek & Altrag.  Resort: Ntanel, Garinan, Badastaz, Josh, 
  Digifuzz, Senir. MUD operated and programmed by Hypereye and Alucard.
   Telnet:// port 5000  ---  Http://
Hypereye: [ Rwho - Soul ] Dace: (retired)
   [ Get your issue of MUD Companion at! ]
Enter thy name or type "new" to create a character: 

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Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sat Apr 27 19:20:55 BST 2013 So_o2