main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[t] M.U.D. Titles

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

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  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

    -   ---___-                           ,
       (' ||      _                      ||         '
      ((  ||     < \, -_-_   _-_   _-_, =||= ,._-_ \\  _-_   _-_,
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      (( //     (( || || || ||/    ~ ||  ||   ||   || ||/    ~ ||
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 Tapestries MUCK is a cross between a real life BDSM play party, a free form
 roleplaying environment, and a social gathering place all within a furry
 theme. It strives to provide a place for safe and free exploration of
 dominance and submission roleplay, as well as other forms of sexual
 expression in public and in private. Tapestries facilitates this by providing
 an environment that is populated exclusively by adult players and furry
 characters, as well as by setting guidelines that encourage tolerance and
 respect of others' fantasies and beliefs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To request a new character see the web page:
E-mail other questions/comments to:
To connect an existing character type:       connect <name> <passwd>

You can disconnect using the QUIT command, which must be capitalized as shown.
Use the WHO command to find out who is currently active.

The wizards reserve the right to refuse anyone access for any reason.

Tapestries MUCK Copyright 1991-2012 by All rights reserved.
Authors retain all rights to text, programs and other materials published on
Tapestries MUCK. Not for sale or reproduction without the express written
permission from Tapestries MUCK, and/or the original Authors.
>> This notice put in for your protection from unwanted publications. <<

Welcome to
                  _______                       _
                 |__   __|                     (_)
                    | | __ _ ___ ___  __ _ _ __ _  __ _
                    | |/ _` / __/ __|/ _` | '__| |/ _` |
                    | | (_| \__ \__ \ (_| | |  | | (_| |
           /--------|_|\__,_|___/___/\__,_|_|  |_|\__,_|-------\
           | Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, |
           | Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer |
           | Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn|
           | ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1996 Russ Taylor       |
           | Quest Code (c) 1996 Ryan Addams                   |
           | Tassaria V0.25b by Drexlor  |
           |          Coding by Sagien  |
           |      Head of HR Amaterasu  |
By what name are you known on Tassaria?

                        + T a u r o s :  R e b i r t h +

                              A  whole  new  era
           Administration: Daryth Kendrickson (
    Time passes. Old worlds die and new worlds arise to take their place in
  the Universe. The Tauros that was is gone forever. Now a new era is upon
  us. The Rebirth of Tauros has begun. Join us and be welcome.

              Tauros LPmud [Tauroslib 0.9g@55 on LDMud 3.3.719]

        Please choose one of the following options:
        [1]....Enter the game. ( or just type your name)
        [2]....See who is currently logged in.
        [3]....Create a new character.
        [4]....Log in as a guest.
        [5]....Read a little bit about Tauros.

  TTTT     FFFF         OOO   OOO    SSSSS
  TTTT     FFFF         OOO   OOO       SSSSSS
  TTTT     FFFF         OOO   OOO    SSSSSSSSS
  TTTT     FFFF          OOOOOOO     SSSSSSS     Mux

Welcome to Teenagers From Outer Space MUX!

IP Address: 2511
Web Page:
Admin E-Mail: at gmail dot com

Create New Character: create <Name> <Password>
Connect to Character: connect <Name> Password>
Connect to Guest: connect Freshman

WHO: Lists currently connected PCs (case sensitive)
QUIT: Exits Game & Saves PC
For futher assistance, please look to the 'News' files, '+tfoshelp'
& '+bboards'.

Teenagers From Outer Space, TFOS, and others are Registered Trademarks of 
R.Talsorian Games, Copyright 1997 - 2012.  All Rights Resevered.  Used with 
Permission.  Any use of RTG copyrighted material or trademarks on this 
Internet site should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights 
or trademarks.

Connected to TELEHACK port 47

It is 9:53 am on Saturday, April 27, 2013 in Mountain View, California, USA.
There are 35 local users. There are 24414 hosts on the network.

  Type ? for a command list.
  Type HELP for a more detailed command listing.
  Type control-C to interrupt any command.

May the command line live forever.

>>> Important message from the system operator:

    We have deployed TCP/IP on our network, and are in a testing phase.
    All the systems have also been upgraded and patched with latest
    software revision. The new FTP protocol is now available on all nodes.

    We invite you to read the changelog.txt file for further informations.

    Please report any bug you might discover to the operator.

Command, one of the following:
  ac          basic       cal         calc        ching       cowsay    
  dir         eliza       factor      figlet      finger      fnord     
  ftp         help        hosts       ipaddr      joke        login     
  netstat     newuser     notes       octopus     phoon       ping      
  rain        rand        score       starwars    telnet      traceroute
  type        units       users       uupath      zrun      


Diku Code by  : H. Staerfeld, K. Nyboe, T. Madsen, M. Seifert, S. Hammer
Circle Code by: Jeremy Elson

              Tempered Steel by Patrick 'Penstar' Stecker

 _________   ******             ****   ******  ****   ******  ***
| ___ ___ | |        |\      /| *   * |       |    * |       |   *     ^
|/   *   \| |        | \    / | *   * |       |    * |       |    *   / \
     *      |****    |  \  /  | ****  |****   |****  |****   |     *  | |
     *      |        |   \/   | *     |       |  \   |       |    *   | |
     *      |        |        | *     |       |   \  |       |   *    | |
   __*__     ******  |        | *      ****** |    \  ******  ***     | |
                                                                      | |
      ***         ___________        *******       *******            | |
    **   **      | ____ ____ |      |             |                   | |
   *             |/    *    \|      |             |                   | |
   *                   *            |             |                   | |
    **                 *            |             |                   | |
      ***              *            |****         |****               | |
         **            *            |             |                   | |
           *           *            |             |             |\____|_|____/|
           *           *            |             |              \___________/
    **   **            *            |             |                   | |
      ***           ___*___          *******       *******            | |
 Tempered Steel Homepage:                            ~~~
By what name do you wish to be known?

   __  __            _   _     
  |  \/  |_   ___  _| \ | | _____  ___   _ ___   An Old World of Darkness
  | |\/| | | | \ \/ /  \| |/ _ \ \/ / | | / __|        Game Space
  | |  | | |_| |>  <| |\  |  __/>  <| |_| \__ \      
  |_|  |_|\__,_/_/\_\_| \_|\___/_/\_\\__,_|___/  <game> 5555

                                Home to:

__ __|                        |  
   |  -_}  ` \   _ \  -_}(_-<  _|
  _|\___|_|_|_| .__/\___|___/\__|    and
                                 ___  ___   ___  ___   ___   ____________ 5555       / _ \/ _ | / _ \/ _ | / _ \ /  _/ __/ __/ 5555       / ___/ __ |/ , _/ __ |/ // /_/ /_\ \/ _/     /_/  /_/ |_/_/|_/_/ |_/____//___/___/___/  
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "connect guest" connects you to a Guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.

Greetings traveller!  Welcome to Tempora Heroica!

Would you like to use ANSI color [Y/n]?

Connessione a "Tempora Sanguinis 2" v2.13.3.21a
                           //|                              ,|
                         //,/                             -~ |
                       // / |                         _-~   /  ,
                     /'/ / /                      _-~   _/_-~ |
                    ( ( / /'                   _ -~     _-~ ,/'
                     \~\/'/|              __--~~__--\ _-~  _/,
             ,,)))))));, \/~-_     __--~~  --~~  __/~  _-~ /
          __))))))))))))));,>/\   /        __--~~  \-~~ _-~
         -\(((((''''(((((((( >~\/     --~~   __--~' _-~ ~|
--==//////((''        `)))))), /     ___---~~  ~~\~~__--~
        ))| @    ;-.     (((((/           __--~~~'~~/
        ( `|    /  )      )))/      ~~~~~__\__---~~__--~~--_
           |   |   |       (/      ---~~~/__-----~~         \         ,
           o_);   ;        /      ----~~/          \,-~~~\   |       /|
                 ;        (      ---~~/             |      | |      < >
                |   _      `----~~~~'      /        |       \ \_____//
          ______/\/~    |                 /        /         ~------~
        /~;;.____/     /          ___----(       / __ __|         @@@@
       / //  _;______;'------~~~~~    |  /\    /      |          @   @@
      //  | |                        /  |  \   \     _| EMPORA      @!!
     (<_  | ;                      /',/-----'  _>    __|           !!
      \_| ||_                     //~;~~~~~~~~~    \__ \          :!
          `\_|                   (,~~               ___/ANGUINIS :!::::,99 
Basato sul KameMUD, ecco a voi:   \~\      Staff:
Tempora Sanguinis 2 - 1996-2010    ~~      Nis, Namira, Martinus, Shadowing

Tempora Sanguinis e' ospitato su questo server grazie a W3Srv
Che nome vuoi usare ? (Premi <invio> per generare dei nomi per un personaggio nuovo)

If you use a screen reader, you'll want to use port 2021
. . . . . . . . . . ./+syhdddddhyo/-`      .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
. . . . . . . . -ohmdy+:-.````..:/ohmds:`
. . . . . . .`odms:`                 .+hms-      \\\\\ TEMPUS /////    .   .
. . . . . ..sNh/`                       .omh-
. . . . . /md:          ,..._             `oNs`    the Anachronistic   .   .
. . . . `sNs`     .:/oyhdmNNmhy+:.  /ymmh.  -dd.    Multiple User Domain
. . . . sMo       +my/::::-:yMMMMMNmNMMMMs  .-dm.      .   .   .   .   .   .
. . . ./My         `      `/dMMMMMMMMMdy/` /mh:Nh     BASE: Circle 3,
. . .  mM.               :hMMMMMMMNNMMy+osyho- oM:    Jeremy Elson .   .   .
. . . -Md             `/hMMMMMMms:.-/shdy+.    -Ms    A derivative of
. . . :Mh            :mMMMMMMMs:...            .My    DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0)  .
. . . -Md           :NMMMMMMMMMNNNmdo:`        -Ms
. . .  -`         :hNMMMmyoosydmNNMMMNds:`     sM:    Powered by Linux .   .
. . .:yNMNmy+:..:yNMMMd/`     ``..:sdNMMNms:.-sNh
. . +NhsyddNMMNNMMMmy-`             `-+ydNMMNNMm.    Please email  .   .   .
. . yy. .omh:+sdy+-`                    `.:yMMd.
. . . . . /mm+``                          .yNs`    with any login issues   .
. . . . . .`oNm+.                       -sNh-
. . . . . . .`+dNh+.                `-odmy-    visit  .
. . . . . . . . .ohmmhs+/--...-:/oydNds:`
. . . . . . . . . . ./+syhdmmddhyo/-`      .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

  Login with your account name, or 'new' for a new account:

|    ______                                                                   |
|   /_  __ /_  ______________ _          "It's A Brave New World In There!"   |
|    / / / _ \/ ___/ ___/ __ `/                                               |
|   / / /  __/ /  / /  / /_/ /                  ....      .|..    .    ..     |
|  /_/  \___/_/  /_/   \__,_/                .........  ...|......    ....    |
|        _______                ____        .\.............|...... ...../..   |
|       / ____(_)________ ___  / _  \      ....\.........____........./....   |
|      / /_  / / ___/ __ `__ \/  /  /       .....\...____________.../......   |
|     / __/ / / /  / / / / / /     /     . ........\______________/....^...   |
|    /_/   /_/_/  /_/ /_/ /_/\_/|_/      ..........________________......^..  |
|                                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
|                                          ~~~   ~~ ~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~   |
|   Address : 2222      Creators : Dale and Firefly  |
|                                                                             |
|             Currently running Terra Adventure Engine Ver 6.1.0              |

Local Current Time   : Sat Apr 27 17:58:24 2013
TerraFirmA Calendar  : 7th of Elad, 158 AT
Universe Terraformed : Saturday 10th February 1996

By what name shall I call you?

T E R R A M U D   X  v6.68 [The Neighbour of the Beast] (TMUX)
  Originally Programmed by Brooke Paul, Paul Telford & John P. Freeman
  Hacked, customized and re-themed by wOnKo 2002-2008
   ______        USER FORUM:          -w-
  |______|        __          __        _     _          __ 
__|____@_|__      \ \        / /       | |   | |        / _|         \\\\\\, 
  "  (')')         \ \  /\  / /__  _ __| | __| |   ___ | |_         _/'') \\\
  C     _)          \ \/  \/ / _ \| '__| |/ _` |  / _ \|  _|        \      D
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  /  \ /\\  |__   __|                |  \/  | |  | |  __ \\ \  / / |_| #  |__|
 /   |  \|\    | | ___ _ __ _ __ __ _| \  / | |  | | |  | |\ \/ /   || /  | |
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  | |   \|\ \  | |  __/ |  | | | (_| | |  | | |__| | |__| |/ /\ \   || V  | |
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   \ \==[|  \\\                                                    //| |  /|\\
   ///` ||      A massively [well, fairly big anyway] multiplayer    | |   | 
    |   || first-person text-based online role play  game hosted by  |_|___|
    |   )) St. Joseph's College,Gregory Terrace, Brisbane, Australia. | | |
    |   ||                                                            (_( |
    |   || Battle in and around the remains of an Inner-City College  [ |_|
    [___]]  now in ruins. Explore, collect and use your Imagination. _|_[_]
    |____))                                                         (_(___|
      The TEXTUAL REALITY "First Person Texter" in glorious TEXT-O-RAMA.
                 NEWBIES GUIDE:

Please enter your character name [or make up a new one]:

         God:   Fantom

      Admin: Elffy           !__{}  {}__!                 
                          !_/I--||  ||--I\_!
   Admin: Puma         !_/I_/|  ||  ||  |\_I\_!
        .=.            I_/|  |  ||  ||  |  |\_I            .=.
       /=  \        !_/|  |  |  ||  ||  |  |  |\_!        /=  \
       \___/     !  I_/|  |  |  ||  ||  |  |  |\_I  !     \___/
       _} {_  !  I_/|  |  |  |  ||  ||  |  |  |  |\_I  !  _} {_
      {_____} I_/|_/|  |  |  |  ||  ||  |  |  |  |\_|\_I {_____}
 !  !  |=  |=/|_/|  |  |  |  |  ||  ||  |  |  |  |  |\_|\=|-  |  !  !
_I__I__|   ||/ _____ _   _   __   ___  ____ __  ____   |\||   |__I__I_
-|--|--|-  || |_   _| |_| |/    \| _ \/  __|  |/  __|  | ||=  |--|--|-
_|__|__|   ||   | | |  _  || () ||   /|__  |  ||__  |  | ||-  |__|__|_
-|--|--|   || | |_| |_| |_||_||_||_\_\|___/|__||___/   | ||   |--|--|-
 |  |  |=  || |        ____    __   _____  ___      |  | ||   |  |  |
 |  |  |   || |  |  | |  __| /    \|_   _|| __|  |  |  | ||=  |  |  |
 |  |  |-  || |  |  | | |_ | | () |  | |  | _|   |  |  | ||   |  |  |
 |  |  |   || |  |  | |____| |_||_|  |_|  |___|  |  |  | ||=  |  |  |
 |  |  |=  || |  |  |                            |  |  | ||   |  |  |
_|__|__|   || |  |  |  |  |  |  ||  ||  |  |  |  |  |  | ||=  |__|__|_
-|--|--|=  || |  |  |  |  |  |  ||  ||  |  |  |  |  |  | ||   |--|--|-
_|__|__|   ||_|__|__|__|__|__|__||  ||__|__|__|__|__|__|_||-  |__|__|_
-|--|--|=  ||-|--|--|--|--|--|--||  ||--|--|--|--|--|--|-||=  |--|--|-
 |  |  |-  || |  |  |  |  |  |  ||  ||  |  |  |  |  |  | ||-  |  |  |

Welcome to Tharsis Gate.
There is currently 1 other user in the game.
Tharsis Gate is scheduled to reboot in 1 day, 19 hours, 3 minutes.

Please choose an option from the menu:
   L) List the currently playing people
   C) Create a new character
   G) Enter Tharsis Gate as a guest
   E) Enter Tharsis Gate using an existing character
   Your choice [L,C,G,E]:

   _____     _____
__|     |___|     |           ^^        .            .     .          
                  |         _/  \  .             .            ^   . | |_| |_| |
                  |        /     \           /\        .     ^^^     \       /
                 /       _/       \_  .     /^^|            /~~~\_    |     |  
                /       /           \_     /^^^^\__  .    /~ ^^^  \   | |_| | 
               /      _/              \  |~  _     \    _/         \_ |     | 
              /      /                 \/   /_\     \  /~            \|     |
             |    __/                 _/  _/   _-\   \/               |     | 
 __     __   |  _/                   /   /        \  /                |     | 
|  |   |  |  | /   The              /   /          \/              __/       
|  |   |  |  |/      Two           /                             _/        
|  |   |  |  |         Towers    _/                             /          
|  |   |  |  |                __/                             ==|              
|__|   |__|  |              _/                             ===__|            
             |            _/                          =====  /                 
             |           /            ======         =     _/                  
             |       ___/         ====      ==     ==     /                    
             |    __/                         =====      / 

The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8

Please enter the name 'new' if you are new to The Two Towers.
Your name?

 Welcome to the Only Officially Licensed MUD of.... 

  ############  ##
       ##       ##
       @@       @@      @@
       @@       @@
       @@       @!!!!!  @@   #####  ##     ##  #####  #####
       !@       !!!!!!  !!   @@      @@   @@   @@     @@
       !!       !!  !!  !!   !!!!!    !! !!    !!!!!  !!!!! 
       !!       !!  !!  !!   !!        !!!     !!        !!
        !       !   !    !   !!!!!      !      !!!!!  !!!!!
                 ##               ##
                 ##               ##      
                  @@             @@
                   @@           @@                
                   @@           @@ 
                    !!    !    !!   #####  #####  ##     ####
                     !!  !!!  !!    @@ @@  @@ @@  @@     @@  @
                     !! !! !! !!    !! !!  @@@@@  !!     @@  @
                      !!!   !!!     !! !!  !!!!   !!     !!  !
                       !     !      !!!!!  !! !!  !!!!!  !!!!.com            
Please read the CREDITS to see all the people involved with TW.
    First Visit? Greetings 
     Second Visit? Welcome Back
      Third Visit? Congratulations!! You ARE addicted to TW!!

[Updated 03/08/2013]
>> AFK EXP is broken again :D haha I'm working on it right now anyway.
   If you earn AFK EXP, make sure you use it before killing anything or
   you will loss it. I'm currently trying to figure out a fix for this.
>> Crash bug warning: Don't eat travel berries in the same room as a mob.
Please wait.e do you wish to be known?

                                        ____------           __      ----_
                                     --  .         ___------              \
                                  -----_______        ----      __         \
        T H R E S H O L D                     -----__    |   ---__     _____)
                                                   __-                /     \
A Realm of High Fantasy Role Playing   _______-----    ___--          \    / \
                                  ______            ---____            \__/  /
                                        -----------__    \ --    _          /\
   Try not to die too much...                       --__--__     \_____/   \_/\
                                                           ----|   /          |
   No wait, I love it when you mortals die...                  |  |___________|
                                                               |  | ((_(_)| )_)
                                              o     \ o >      |  \_((_(_)|/(_)
                                            /()~~~   ~()       \             (
                                            / >       <\        \_____________)

This system is for the use of authorized users and legitimate new users only.
Threshold is a live performance, text roleplaying game. Acceptable usage of
this computer system is ONLY to play Threshold RPG. Inappropriate or unlawful
use of this computer system will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

[If you already have a character on Threshold, enter your character name now. ]
[If you want to create a character, type "new" at the prompt (without quotes).]

Who dares cross this Threshold?

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

Welcome to
   ______  ____  ___ ___    ___   _____ ____  ____   __  _   _____
  |      Tl    j|   T   T  /  _] / ___/l    j|    \ |  l/ ] / ___/
  |      | |  T | _   _ | /  [_ (   \_  |  T |  _  Y|  ' / (   \_
  l_j  l_j |  | |  \_/  |Y    _] \__  T |  | |  |  ||    \  \__  T
    |  |   |  | |   |   ||   [_  /  \ | |  | |  |  ||     Y /  \ |
    |  |   j  l |   |   ||     T \    | j  l |  |  ||  .  | \    |
    l__j  |____jl___j___jl_____j  \___j|____jl__j__jl__j\_j  \___j
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       |_) |   /_\ / ' |_/   |\/| / \ / \ |\ |   | |\ | |\ |
       | ) | , | | \ , | \   |  | \ / \ / | \|   | | \| | \|
       ~   ~~~ ~ ~  ~  ~ ~   ~  ~  ~   ~  ~  ~   ~ ~  ~ ~  ~

          You must be 16 years of age or older to connect.

  To connect to your character, use 'connect <playername> <password>'
         To connect as a guest, use 'connect guest guest'
    'WHO' tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
          'QUIT' exits the game and saves your character.
                Email contact:

This world is Pueblo 1.0 enhanced

Welcome to TinyMUSH
  "connect <name> <password>"   connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>"    creates a new character.
  "WHO"    tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT"   exits the game and saves your character.
  "news"   informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help"   gives help on the commands, "help commands" for a list.

Welcome to TinyTIM, the world's oldest MUSH!
    XXXXX    XXX                      XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
 X   XXX  XX XX XXXXXXXX  XXXX  XXXX  XXX    XXXXX               X
     XXX     XX XXX  XXXX  XX    XXX         XXXX  XXXXXXXXXX   XX     XX
    XXXX   XXXX  XX   XXX  XXXX  XX          XXXX     XXX      XXXX   XXXX
                              XXX         XXXXX    XXXXX    XXXXX  XXXX   XXX
It's not just a game...    XXXXXX        XXXXXX     XXXXX    XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX
                         XXXXXXXXXX       XXXX    XXXXXXXXX  XXX    XXXX  XXX
                              's a really, really BIG game!

create <name> <password>           to create a new character.
connect <name> <password>          if you already have a character.
WHO                                to see players currently connected.
QUIT                               to return to the dreariness of life.

C'mon in, the shark's gone. *CHOMP*

   @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@   @@@@@@  @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@  @@@@@@  @@@@@@@ @@@      
   @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@   @@@@@@  @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@  @@@@@@  @@@@@@@ @@@      
     @!!   @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@   @!!     @!!   @@!  @@@   @!!   @@!      
     @!!   @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@   @!!     @!!   @@!  @@@   @!!   @@!      
     @!!   @!@!!@!  @!@  !@!   @!!     @!!   @!@  !@!   @!!   @!!      
     @!!   @!@!!@!  @!@  !@!   @!!     @!!   @!@  !@!   @!!   @!!      
     !!:   !!: :!!  !!:  !!!   !!:     !!:   !!:  !!!   !!:   !!:      
     !!:   !!: :!!  !!:  !!!   !!:     !!:   !!:  !!!   !!:   !!:      
      :     :   : :  : :. :     :       :     : :. :     :    : ::.: : 
      :     :   : :  : :. :     :       :     : :. :     :    : ::.: : 

      T H E  R E V E N G E  O F  T H E  T O P  O F  T H E  L I N E 

Enter your name:

                       .2ZWWWWWWWWWWWWAI        ,,..                            
                    .:mAWWWWW: 7..   .        2W2                               
                    7WWWAWG                  ,WWWBEAEAmGmUoII;..                
                    NWEmAG                .cWWWEEBWBANEWWWWWWWWWWO.             
                    pWBANp7;;.        .7SWWWWAKAmDDDmmOUOOSGGKmOSWWm:           
      7Gm        .:.mWKmKmAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWApSGNpSOU2DKD2U222OKAD2DEWWt         
  .,,,tIco00T0ZUmBO.,::UKWKNNW7  ;0T       7AWK7,..:tKWEWWD.      .UW:     ;    
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  .1tt2              ,KcUWW.      :12DKKEABWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWKmO,.                
   Im,W1              7KDAU;0.                ...:;7tZOKNWWWWWWWWO2;            
   17:;W:              ,;T2DWW:                            .:7ZGEWWWAA;.        
   .W   0;                  cWW7                                  ,I2EWWpI,     
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      ;                        7Wt                                        7OKG  
                                KWWc.                                       :SW 
                                 OSc,                                         KS

   |''||''|  ..|''||   '||''|.   '||' '||'      '||    ||' '||'  '|' '||''|.   
      ||    .|'    ||   ||   ||   ||   ||        |||  |||   ||    |   ||   ||  
      ||    ||      ||  ||''|'    ||   ||        |'|..'||   ||    |   ||    || 
      ||    '|.     ||  ||   |.   ||   ||        | '|' ||   ||    |   ||    || 
     .||.    ''|...|'  .||.  '|' .||. .||.....| .|. | .||.   '|..'   .||...|'   

               Original Diku Base: Hans Henrik, Katja Nyboe,
             Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

          Enter your account name or "new" to create a new account
  Existing players: Create a new account OR login with your primary character
  to get started. You can then link all of your characters to your new account

Account name:

Welcome to...

                          Transformers Universe MUX!

|   To login an existing character:   |          To login as a guest:        |
|     connect <name> <password>       |             connect guest            |
|     New characters are allowed by application only. Login as a guest.      |

  _________  ___   _  ______________  ___  __  __________  ____
 /_  __/ _ \/ _ | / |/ / __/ __/ __ \/ _ \/  |/  / __/ _ \/ __/
  / / / , _/ __ |/    /\ \/ _// /_/ / , _/ /|_/ / _// , _/\ \  
 /_/ /_/|_/_/ |_/_/|_/___/_/  \____/_/|_/_/  /_/___/_/|_/___/  
                                                       ___  ___  ___  ____
 +-------------->  COMMANDS <-------------------+     |_  |/ _ \/ _ \/ __/
 | 'connect guest' to login as a guest          |    / __// // / // /__ \ 
 | 'connect <name> <password>' to login to your |   /____/\___/\___/____/ 
 |   existing character                         |    __  _____  ________ __
 | 'QUIT' to logoff                             |   /  |/  / / / / __/ // /
 | 'WHO' to see who's online                    |  / /|_/ / /_/ /\ \/ _  /
 +----------------------------------------------+ /_/  /_/\____/___/_//_/

 Visit the TF2005 homepage at:
 E-mail us at:

                   <<<<>>>>>>           .----------------------------.
                _>><<<<>>>>>>>>>       /               _____________)
       \|/      \<<<<<  < >>>>>>>>>   /            _______________)
 -------*--===<=<<           <<<<<<<>/         _______________)
       /|\     << @    _/      <<<<</       _____________)
              <  \    /  \      >>>/      ________)  ____
Welcome to        |  |   |       </      ______)____((- \\\\
 TravMUD          o_|   /        /      ______)         \  \\\\    \\\\\\\
                       |  ._    (      ______)           \  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
                       | /       `----------'    /       /     \\\\\\\     \\
               .______/\/     /                 /       /          \\\
              / __.____/    _/         ________(       /\
             / / / ________/`---------'         \     /  \_
            / /  \ \                             \   \ \_  \
           ( <    \ \                             >  /    \ \
            \/      \\_                          / /       > )
                     \_|                        / /       / /
                                              _//       _//
                                             /_|       /_|

Character name:

    Role-play of a violent or adult nature may take place in this MUSH. If     
     you are legally a minor (under the age of 18 in the US) and are here      
    without parental consent: type QUIT now. By connecting you are agreeing    
     not to hold the owner and administration of this MUSH responsible or      
      liable for any offensive material or role-playing found within it.       
     Star Trek(tm) is copyright of Paramount Pictures(tm). This MUSH is a      
      non-profit fan organization maintained by its players for their own      
    personal use. Paramount Pictures(tm) is not responsible in any way for     
              the views and behaviors expressed within this MUSH.              

    ,---===================/===\\>>>       \=\==\=\    ---===-    
                        \=\==\=\-----      ================================
                      ============================,-'    `-=-'
                                 ----    ========> 
                                       -------'-          [the Beowulf class]

                                Among The Stars                              
     _______  _______  ______  __  __    _________   __  __  ______   __  __
    /______/ /____  / /_____/ /_/ /_/   /______   / /_/ /_/ /_____/  /_/ /_/
     __     _____/ / _____   _____     __  __  / / __  __   ____    ______  
    / /    /   ___/ / ___/  / _  /    / / / / / / / / / /  \__  \  / / / /
   / /    / /\ \   / /___  / / \ \   / / / / / / / /_/ /  ____) / / / / /
  /_/    /_/  \_\ /_____/ /_/   \_\ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_____/  /_____/ /_/ /_/

    connect <name> <password>  Connect to an existing TrekMUSH character.      
    connect guest              Log in as a guest and get an account!           
    register <name> <email>    Create a TrekMUSH character, one per player.    
    create information         Display registration instructions.              
    QUIT                       Disconnect from TrekMUSH.                       
    WHO                        Display connected characters.                   
             More information available at             

             _______ ______ ______    _____ ______ ______ _____ ____
            /__  __// __  //_  __/   /  __// __  // __  // ___// __/
              / /  / / / /  / /     / /_  / / / // / / // /   / /_
             / /  / /_/ /  / /     / __/ / / / // /_/ // /   / __/
            / /  / _   /__/ /_    / /   / /_/ // _   // /__ / /_
           /_/  /_/ |_|/_____/   /_/   /_____//_/ |_|/____//___/
                         /\ |\  /|    _    |\  /| /\
                         | \| \//    //\    \\/ |/ |
                      |\ |     /    //  \    \     | /| 
                      | \|    |    //____\    |    |/ |
                      \       |   //\   //\   |       /
                    |\ |      |  //  \ //  \  |      | /|
                    | \ \     | //____\/____\ |     / / | 
                    \_ \|     \               /     |/ _/
         /|           \_       \______  _____/       _/           /| /|
      /|/ |/\           \_            \/           _/            // \|\/|
      \  / , \            \__                   __/              | , \  / 
      / / |   \              \_______    ______/                /   | \ \
      \ \ / \'/                      \  /                       \'/ \ / / 
       \`\|/ /                        \/                         \ /|\`/
       /./ \ |                                                   | / \.\
       \ /|\ /                           __                      \ /|\ /
       _______                |\/| |  | |   | /                  _______
       \  |  /                |  | |  | |   |/                   \  |  /
        \ | /                 |  | |  | |   |\                    \ | /
         \|/                  |  | |__| |__ | \                    \|/
          <<-To Connect: 'con player password' or 'con guest guest'->> 
                        <<- ->>

 /                                                             /  \
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   |       `: :`   : `` /    :  ..  :   :   \ : :     : . :        |
   |        : :    : :\ \    :  ``  ;   : :\ \: :    /     \       |
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   |        `'`    `'` `'`     `''`     `'`  `''`    ``   ``       |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
  _|______________________________________________________________ |
 /                                                             /  \|
(                            ( () |
Gamedriver version:CD.04.06
Mudlib version:CD.00.30

Please enter your name:

Current local time: Sat Apr 27 10:19:04 2013

                        TT TTT TTTTTT T T T TTTTTT TT
                        TTTTTTTTTT  TT TTT TT TT TT T   T
                      TTTTTTTTTTTTT T T  T  T    T T   T TT
                SSS      TTT   |  T  T T T  TT TT  TTT T   T  T
              SSSSSS    TT   |  T T   T T  T   T  T  T T  T T   T
             SS       TTT  | | | | T   T      T         TT   T    T
            SS       TTT  | | | |    T    T   T  T  T T     T T
             SSS       | | | |             T  T   T   T  T   T  T  T
                SS    | | |              T          T       T         T
 UU   UU         SS  | | |
  UU   UU  SS   SS  | | |
  UU   UU   SSSSS  | | |                    The 'big' Wave.
  U    U              | |      'You STILL can't keep a good wave down!'
 UU   UU  NN      NN | | |       
  UUUUU   NNN    NN   | | | | |
         NN NN   NN        | |   MM     MMM
        NN   NN  NN   AAAA      MM MMMMMM MM
        NN    NNNN   AA  AA    MM   MMMM   M     IIII
       NN      NN   AAAA  AA   M           MM     II
                   AA  AAAAA  MM            M    II
                  AA      AA                 M    II
                           AA                    II

Account Name (or 'new' or 'forgot'):

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><!--

Ahh.. It's good to return once again from the horrifying dreamworld of reality.
You flex the toes of your Tubmud body and finally feel at home.

Welcome to Tubmud (LPmud Amylaar/Mateese 3.3.720 in compat mode)
At you can view a map of Tubmud's mainland.
Create a guest character (per default not saved) if you just want a look.

Type: 1 - to create a guest character,
      2 - to create a new character,
      3 - to quit,
      4 - to call the random name generator,
      5 - to see who is logged in at the moment,
or enter your name if you've already got a character.

Enter choice or name:

|                .                             __,..--.--..,.--._,..__        |
|   .            .         .               __/^   ^   /          \   ^\__     |
|    ..          .       ..               /^   /    /        |   \    \  '\_  |
|      ..    ...:::..  ..                /   /    |     |    |  |     |    ^\ |
|        ...:::::::::::..                |   |    |    \     /        \      ||
|         .:::::::::::::.            ___  \._.___.._....______..._..__...__../|
|        .:::::::::::::::.          /   \__                     / / /  /      |
| .  .. :.:___________  :... .. .  /       \__                  / //  /       |
|          XXXXXXXXXXX|        ___/           \                / //  /        |
|          XXXXXXXXXXX| ______/                \     ______    / /  /         |
|         :    XXX|:::.  ___   ___    ___ ____  \   XXXXXXX\  / /  /          |
|       .      XXX|    :.XXX|  XXX|   XXXxXXXX\  \ XXXXXXXXX| / / /           |
|     .        XXX|      XXX|  XXX|   XXXXXXXXX|  \XXX/  XXX|/ / /____        |
|             /XXX|      XXX|  XXX|   XXX|  XXX|   XXX|      /__ _- //        |
|            / XXX|      XXX|  XXX|   XXX|     ____XXX|____     - / /         |
|           /  XXX|      XXX|  XXX|   XXX|     XXXXXXXXXXXX|    / //          |
|     _____/   XXX|      XXX|  XXX|   XXX|     XXXXXXXXXXXX|    / /           |
|    /         XXX|       XXXXXXXX|   XXX|         XXX| \      /-/            |
|   /          XXX|             ^^^                XXX|  \     //             |
|                 XXXXXXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXXXX  XXXXXXX|       /               |
|          XXXXXXXXXXXXXX  XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX/       /                |
|        XXXXXX                                            Turf Version 4.22  |

             A Mud/Talker based around the code of Merc and Envy,
      offering privacy for its residents, whilst retaining MUD features.
   Original Diku created by Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
                   Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer.
        Further design and implementation by the Turf Development Team.
            Email with comments/queries/complaints.
        For a dumb-link please put a ! at the end of your chosen name.
               Title screen courtesy of Nog's artistic genius.
            A few WWW pages can be found at
            A web interface can be found at
Turf started up at 10.02:18 PM - Sun,  1 July 2012
The system time is  6.20:38 PM - Sat, 27 April 2013
By what name do you wish to be known?

On the edge of darkness lies...
-   ---___-           ,,          ,,      ,
   (' ||    ;       ' ||  '   _   ||     ||
  ((  ||    \\ \ \ \\ || \\  / \\ ||/\\ =||=
 ((   ||    || | | || || || || || || ||  ||
  (( //     || | | || || || || || || ||  ||
    -____-  \\/\\/ \\ \\ \\ \\_-| \\ |/   \\,
                             /  \   _/
                            /    \
                            '----`     -M-U-C-K-
-- A MUCK based on that which is hidden from mortal eyes. --
--                                                        --
--        Founded on the 10th of June, 1996.              --
  WHO    Shows you who's already connected.
  connnect <name> <password> Connects you to your character.
  connect guest guest   Visit Twilight as a guest!
--  Send new character requests to --  
--  Please include a character name and e-mail address.   --

                       *                                     *     
           TTTTT W     W  III  LL    III  GGGGG  H  H  TTTTT           
             T   W     W   I   LL     I   G      H  H    T             
     *       T   W  W  W   I   LL     I   G  GG  HHHH    T             
             T    W W W    I   LL     I   G   G  H  H    T             
             T     W W    III  LLLL  III  GGGGG  H  H    T             
            FFFFF   A    LL    LL   III  NNN   NN  GGGGG           
  *         FF     A A   LL    LL    I   NN N  NN  G               
            FFFF  A   A  LL    LL    I   NN  N NN  G  GG  *        
            FF    AAAAA  LL    LL    I   NN   NNN  G   G           
            FF    A   A  LLLL  LLLL III  NN    NN  GGGGG           
        *                                              *           
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "connect guest guest" connects you to a guest character.


|         *        *             ^   *    *           *     *           *    |
|     *         *        *       |     *       *           *                 |
|*           /\_/\_/\        /  / \  \     *          /\_/\_/\ *     *       |
|           /  _  _  \      / \ \ / / \          *   /  _  _  \  * *         |
| *         \ | || | /      \_/ / \ \_/   *    /    \\ | || | /              |
|      *     \| || |//    \  |  \ /  |   ___  / \  / \\| || |/     * * *     |
|             \ || //\    /\/ \ / \ / \ /___\ | |__| | \ || /  *             |
|               ||  \ \/\/ /| | \ / | |// ___ |  __  |   ||                  |
|           *   ||   \    / | | / \ | |\\__\ \| |  | |   ||   *   *  *   *   |
|   *           \/    \/\/  \_/ \_/ \_/ \____/\_/  \_/   \/                  |
|       *                       Of The                 *        *            |
|*              ________    _________   ______    ________                   |
|            * /\  ______\ /\   ___  \ /\  ___ \ /_/ _____\ *      *         |
|    *         \ \ \  _____\ \  \ \\  \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \_____            *     |
|               \ \ \ \_\_ \\ \  \ \\  \\ \ \ \\ \\_\_____ \    *   *       *|
| *      *       \ \ \____\ \\ \  \_\\  \\ \ \// /______\_\ \  *             |
|                 \ \________\\ \________\\ \___/ \ \       /       *   *    |
|   *         *    \/________/ \/________/ \/__/   \_\_____/  *  *           |
|        *                          MUD                                      |
|Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,| Admin. E-Mail Address:   |
|Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer|                          |
|                                                 +=------------------------=+
|This Mud was based on EnvyMUD 2, EnvyMud, Merc, UE, Mythran, MillenMUD      |
|and DikuMud. For licensing info see help envy, merc, and diku.              |
|OLC based on Jason Dinkels ILAB OLC, quest based on Ryan Addams code        |
|                                                                            |
|IMPS: Chomp, Thanatos, Grym                                      +=--------=+
|                                                                 | Ragnarok |
Who the hell are you?:

  /###           /
 /  ############/                      #
/     #########                       ###                   #
#     /  #     ##                      #                   ##
 ##  /  ##     ##                                          ##
    /  ###      ##    ###    ####    ###        /###     ########
   ##   ##       ##    ###     ###  / ###      / #### / ########
   ##   ##       ##     ###     ###/   ##     ##  ###/     ##
   ##   ##       ##      ##      ##    ##    ####          ##
   ##   ##       ##      ##      ##    ##      ###         ##
    ##  ##       ##      ##      ##    ##        ###       ##
     ## #      / ##      ##      ##    ##          ###     ##
      ###     /  ##      /#      /     ##     /###  ##     ##
       ######/    ######/ ######/      ### / / #### /      ##
         ###       #####   #####        ##/     ###/        ##

                                    /##   Diku by Nyboe, Madsen,
                                  #/ ###  Staerfeldt, Seifert,
                                 ##   ### and Hammer
                                 ##       MERC 2.1 by Hatchet,
     Ancients:           /###    ######   Furey and Kahn
                        / ###  / #####
      Sinsalee         /   ###/  ##       ROM 2.4 (c)'93-'96
                      ##    ##   ##       by Russ Taylor
      Valafar         ##    ##   ##
                      ##    ##   ##       Oblivion 2.0 (C)'96-'97
      Blynk           ##    ##   ##       by Wes Wagner
                      ##    ##   ##
      Atira            ######    ##       Dawn of Time v1.69r (c)'97-'04
                        ####      ##      by Michael Garratt

                 ##### ##
              ######  /### /
             /#   /  /  ##/            #
            /    /  /    #            ##
                /  /                  ##
               ## ##       /###     ######## /##
               ## ##      / ###  / ######## / ###
               ## ###### /   ###/     ##   /   ###
               ## ##### ##    ##      ##  ##    ###
               ## ##    ##    ##      ##  ########
               #  ##    ##    ##      ##  #######
                  #     ##    ##      ##  ##
              /####     ##    /#      ##  ####    /
             /  #####    ####/ ##     ##   ######/
            /    ###      ###   ##     ##   #####

Please note that this MUD is still in a development phase and as such
is not 100% ready for mortal play. If you are interested in assisting
in the creation of this realm, please email  Thank you.
What is your name?  (Type NEW if you wish to create a new character)

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sat Apr 27 18:33:04 BST 2013 So_o2