main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[v] M.U.D. Titles

While ambling along, cramming a large chilli burger down your throat and reading
a dubious magazine, you trip but somehow miss the ground. You are falling
towards a large neon sign:

'VOID under construction. The management apologises for any reality failures.'

You are rescued, but your burger is incinerated as a public health hazard.

Registration Desk.
You are standing in front of the Void's registration desk, a large green demon
sits here registering all newcomers. The demon hands you a registration form
marked "All Ape Descended Lifeforms" and says "Fill it in!"
Type LOGIN (load persona), NEW (create persona), HELP CLIENT (MUD Client
support), HELP or QUIT.

               .,*..  /~\ |\ /~~\ /~\   /~\ |\ /~~\ /~\   /~\    /~~\
               \\|//  | | //| /~\|| |   | |_||| /~\|| |   | |   | /~\|
                | |   | \// | |-||| |_/\| | ||| |-||| |_/\| |_/\| |-||
 /^^^\  _____---| |____\_/__\_/_\|_\___/\_/_\|\_/_\|_\___/_\___/\_/_\|______
| '~` ^^ ~~~~~~~| |=======================================================- ^>
 \___/^^-----___| |---------------------------------------------------------^
                | |
               //|\\  =-*-=-*- C R E A T I N G   R E A L I T Y  -*-=-*-=

        The Ultimate Online Text Adventure - Vanquish your foes, Save
        the World, and Live the Legend of the Valiant Hero.
        - Thousands of Locations, Monsters, and Artifacts.
        - Hundreds of Quests to play online, varying through a wide
          Spectrum of Type, Difficulty and Duration.
        - Our Automated Newbie Guide is back!
          Test him out and see if he still can be of service. You can 
          request his help any time before level 6 just type: 
          'say help me newbie guide'

-*NOTE* when creating a name pick a fantasy name. Unacceptable names will
be deleted with out reimbursement. See Help Names  Etna

VME 2.5-1  Business License 
Licensed to: Valhalla Mud

By what name do they call you?

                              Welcome to Valheru Mud.
                   _  _  __    __    _   _  ____  ____  __  __   
                  ( \/ )/__\  (  )  ( )_( )( ___)(  _ \(  )(  )  
                   \  //(__)\  )(__  ) _ (  )__)  )   / )(__)(    
                    \/(__)(__)(____)(_) (_)(____)(_)\_)(______)  
                             __  __  __  __  ____  
                            (  \/  )(  )(  )(  _ \ 
                             )    (  )(__)(  )(_) )
                        B e y o n d   A d v e n t u r e 
   *  Competitions, prizes, quests and dragon-slaying-fun.
   *  The world, players and engine you just cant beat!

If you are asked for a password immediately it means that the name is
already taken, so pick another one. Certain names may not be accepted, please 

VME (Valhalla Mud Engine) V.2.0.0  Business License - Copyright 1997-1999
Licensed to: Valheru MUD

By what name do they call you?

.      oOO
    oo   OO   OO******oo*************************************************
  oo      OO   OO    oo
 oo       OO     OO oo   OO      OO     OO   OOOO    OOOO  OOOO    OOOOOO
 oo        OO      OO  OO  OO    OOO   OOO   OO  OO   OO   OO  OO  OO
 oo        OO    ooOO  OO  OO   OO OO OO OO  OO  OO   OO   OO  OO  OOOOOO
 oo        OO  oo  OO  OOOOOO   OO OO OO OO  OOOO     OO   OOOO    OO
  oo       OOoo   OO  OO    OO  OO OO OO OO  OO       OO   OO OO   OO
   oo     oOO    OO   OO    OO  OO  OOO  OO  OO      OOOO  OO  OO  OOOOOO
    oo  oo OO   OO         
      ooo  OO  OO *******************************************************
       oo  OO OO                         W A R S  
            OO  *********************************************************
                                      C L A S S I C 
        Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrick Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
            Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
                  1/8/93 Merc 2.1 Furey, Hatchet, Kahn.
                     Godwars by KaVir/Richard Woolcock.

                        Vampire Wars created by Joker.  
            VW:Classic coded and run by:      Dirge, Ember, Kismet, 
                                         Azazel, Helmut, Mute, Netosia.

                 Mud email -
What name would you like on your tombstone?

                       _                    _
                    ,/                        \,
          _________{(                          })_________
         /.-------./\\                        //\.-------.\
        //@@@@@@@//@@\\  )                (  //@@\\@@@@@@@\\
       //@@@@@@@//@@@@>>/                  \<<@@@@\\@@@@@@@\\
      //O@O@O@O//@O@O//                      \\O@O@\\O@O@O@O\\
    //OOOOOOOO//OOOO||          \  /          ||OOOO\\OOOOOOOO\\
   //O%O%O%O%//O%O%O%\\         ))((         //%O%O%O\\%O%O%O%O\\
  ||%%%%%%%%//'  `%%%%\\       //  \\       //%%%%'   `\\%%%%%%%||
  ((%%%%%%%((      %%%%%\\    ((    ))    //%%%%%       ))%%%%%%))
   \:::' `::\\      `:::::\\   \)--(/    //:::::'      //::' `:::/
    )'     `;)'      (`  ` \\ `<@  @>' / / '  ')      `(;'     `(
            (               \`\ )^^( /  /               )
          _                  ) \\oo/   (
         (@)                  \  `'   /                      _
         |-|\__________________\__^__<________oOo__________ (@)
         | |                                  VVV          \|-|
         |-|       Vampire Wars: The Final Sunset           |-|
         |_|\_____________________________________________  | |
         (@)                 / ,/ \_____/ \\ -\/-         `\|-|
                        ___//^-      \____/\\               (@)
  Diku: Hans Saerfelt  <<<  \     __  <____/||      Merc: Furey
        Katja Nyboe              <   \ <___/||            Hatchet
        Tom Madsen                  || <___//             Khan
        Michal Seifart               \ \/__//    Godwars: KaVir
        Sebastion Hammer               ---- Vampire Wars: Joker
    Vampire Wars: The Final Sunset Created and Run by Caine and Lilith.
What name would you like on your tombstone?

Bienvenue sur
  __     __               _       __  __ _   _ ____   
  \ \   / /_ _ _ __   ___(_) __ _|  \/  | | | |  _ \  
   \ \ / / _` | '_ \ / __| |/ _` | |\/| | | | | | | | 
    \ V / (_| | | | | (__| | (_| | |  | | |_| | |_| | 
     \_/ \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|\__,_|_|  |_|\___/|____/  
                                        Version 1.8.3
                                        Base sur le moteur Kassie

Entrez votre nom de compte ou nouveau pour en creer un.
Un seul compte par personne est autorise.

* Votre compte :

              /\        ,                          .        /\          
             / _\      /|   ||  //                 |\      /_ \         
            /_/..\    ///   || // o |  o      _    \\\    /..\_\         
             |  |    ///    ||//  | |/ | |/\ / |    \\\    |  |        
             _\(    ///     ||/   | |\ | | | \_|     \\\    )/          
            / --\ \///      |/  _______________/      \\\/ /-- \          
            | | |\/\/                                  \/\/| | |          
            |\ \|/\/\                                  /\/\|/ /|           
            | \__\/     Hosted by Domeneshop, Norway     \/__/ |
            |   |        Running since Feb 7th 1991        |   |

               Use the name 'guest' if you just want a look.
               Use the name 'users' to see who is logged on.

Driver version: DGD 1.4.5.
There are currently twenty-five players on.
What is your name:

          /\        -O-           Welcome to Village Rivals
         /**\       /|\      
        /****\   /\
       /      \ /**\
      /  /\    /    \        /\    /\  /\      /\            /\/\/\  /\
     /  /  \  /      \      /  \/\/  \/  \  /\/  \/\  /\  /\/ / /  \/  \
    /  /    \/ /\     \    /    \ \  /    \/ /   /  \/  \/  \  /    \   \
   /  /      \/  \/\   \  /      \    /   /    \

July 24th, 2010: VR has been brought back to life, once again!
If you had an existing character and can't remember your password,
please login as guest and find or mail 'To' or 'Sylph', including
your character name and your email address.

NOTE: We are at villagerivals.NET now...  Someone took .com since we were
      last online!
                             Current Users: (0/50)                            



Village Rivals has been up for 1d 13h 20m 30s.
Reboot in: 10 hours 40 minutes.

What is your name:

     _______          _______
    /      /|        /      /|                    WELCOME TO:
    ####### |        ####### |                        _  _
    ####### |        ####### |                       | || |irtual
    ####### |        ####### |                       \ \/ /___
    ####### |        #######_|____________            \__/    \
    ####### |        #####/              /\              |    /ealities
    #######/\        ####################  \             |_|\_\
     ####### \      ######################  |
      ####### \    #############|___####### /          --- Since 1990 ---
       ####### \_ ####### ######/   #######/      +-------------------------+
        #######/ #######  ################        | Please use 'guest' if   |
         ##############   ###############         | you just want to look   |
          ############    ############## \        | around.  Type 'help'    |
           ##########     ####### ####### \       | for a list of commands, |
                          ####### | ###### \      | and 'bosses' for a list |
                          ####### |  ###### \     | of current wizards and  |
                          ####### |   ###### \    | mud admin (after login).|
                          #######/     ######/    +-------------------------+

The problem, ultimately, is that "Pour some high-fructose corn syrup on me" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

       ** Running Mudos v22pre10 on **
                   ** Email any bugs to **

            Enter your Character name to login
Your Command:

Using keytable
  0) Koi-8
  1) Alt
  2) Windows(JMC,MMC)
  3) Windows(zMUD)
  4) Windows(zMUD ver. 6+)
  5) UTF-8 (beta! gluchit!)
Select one :

...there is no denying that all the expansions of individuals and society
 that followed...

  The  V O I C E S  O F
`888'   `Y8b                                        
  888      888 oooo  oooo  ooo. .oo.    .ooooo.
  888      888 `888  `888  `888P"Y88b  d88' `88b
  888      888  888   888   888   888  888ooo888
  888     d88'  888   888   888   888  888    .o
o888bood8P'    `V88V"V8P' o888o o888o `Y8bod8P'

...were not just possible but necessary by the Jihad. Port: 4244
Running on PennMUSH Version 1.8.0
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use connect Guest guest to connect as a Guest character.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use QUIT to logout.

#$#mcp version: "2.1" to: "2.1"
Welcome to Voregotten Realm MUCK !
        _    __                            __  __           
       | |  / /___  ________  ____ _____  / /_/ /____  ____ 
       | | / / __ \/ ___/ _ \/ __ `/ __ \/ __/ __/ _ \/ __ \
       | |/ / /_/ / /  /  __/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/  __/ / / /
       |___/\____/_/   \___/\__, /\____/\__/\__/\___/_/ /_/ 
                     ____             __        
                    / __ \___  ____ _/ /___ ___ 
                   / /_/ / _ \/ __ `/ / __ `__ \
                  / _, _/  __/ /_/ / / / / / / /
                 /_/ |_|\___/\__,_/_/_/ /_/ /_/   by Henri.
To connect to your character, use: 'connect <character> <password>'
To connect as a guest, use       : 'connect guest guest'
For registration of a new character, please refer to:
Use the 'QUIT' command to quit (in uppercase letters !).

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sat Apr 27 18:08:34 BST 2013 So_o2