While ambling along, cramming a large chilli burger down your throat and reading a dubious magazine, you trip but somehow miss the ground. You are falling towards a large neon sign: 'VOID under construction. The management apologises for any reality failures.' You are rescued, but your burger is incinerated as a public health hazard. Registration Desk. You are standing in front of the Void's registration desk, a large green demon sits here registering all newcomers. The demon hands you a registration form marked "All Ape Descended Lifeforms" and says "Fill it in!" Type LOGIN (load persona), NEW (create persona), HELP CLIENT (MUD Client support), HELP or QUIT. >
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//|\\ =-*-=-*- C R E A T I N G R E A L I T Y -*-=-*-=
The Ultimate Online Text Adventure - Vanquish your foes, Save
the World, and Live the Legend of the Valiant Hero.
- Thousands of Locations, Monsters, and Artifacts.
- Hundreds of Quests to play online, varying through a wide
Spectrum of Type, Difficulty and Duration.
- Our Automated Newbie Guide is back!
Test him out and see if he still can be of service. You can
request his help any time before level 6 just type:
'say help me newbie guide'