main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

[x] M.U.D. Titles

 _______      _______  _______     _____  __________  _____    ____
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   / d88888P    `. "Y88888b  \/_____/
  / d88888P       `/______/  (X) F L A M E  O F  D A R K N E S S (X)"

        Type "Connect Guest" to connect as a Guest
        Type "Connect Name <Password>" to Connect as an existing character
        Creation from Welcome Screen is Disabled.
        Connect as a Guest to create a character!
        Type "Help" to get some help!

 _    _ ______             _______          _            _             
\ \  / /  ___ \           (_______)        | |      _   (_)            
 \ \/ /| | _ | |_     ____ _____ _   _ ___ | |_   _| |_  _  ___  ____  
  )  ( | || || (_)   / ___)  ___) | | / _ \| | | | |  _)| |/ _ \|  _ \ 
 / /\ \| || || |_   | |   | |____\ V / |_| | | |_| | |__| | |_| | | | |
/_/  \_\_||_||_(_)  |_|   |_______)_/ \___/|_|\____|\___)_|\___/|_| |_|
Use connect guest guest to connect to the game as a guest.
Use connect <name> <password> to connect to your existing character.
Use create <name> <password> to create a character.
Use QUIT to logout.
Use the WHO command to find out who is online currently.

        Type "Connect Guest" to connect as a Guest
        Type "Connect Name <Password>" to Connect as an existing character
        Type "Help" to get some help!


You have connected to XIAIX!

Come share the adventure...



If you do not yet have a XIAIX account, please
visit and click on 'Create an Account!'.


Please enter your ACCOUNT USERNAME:

Computer subsystem initializing................

Virtual mesh network login> node add XK4 -R /universe/root/
attempting to connect..........[universe daemon v1.0]

conection established.

Welcome to XyddiKon-4 LDMud.
Driver: LDMud 3.4.1
Lib   : XK4 v 1.0.0
Command(s) available at logon: who
What is your name:

This world is Pueblo 1.10 Enhanced.
__ __  __ _  _   _____  _  _    _ ___    ___
 \ /   /| |\ |   /| | \ |  |   /   |   /  |  | /\  |\ |
  /   /_| | \|  /_| |  \|  | *  \  |  /|  |  | \ \ | \|
_/ \_/_ |_|  \_/_ |_|__/\__/   _/  | / |  |  |  \/ |  |
 connect <name> <password> - connect to a character here
                      QUIT - disconnect at any time
                    LOGOUT - return to this screen
Port 8888 for conventional clients, 8899 for SSL.

  |Red   | `-!._  |  `;!  ;. _____________________ ,'| .-' |   _!.i'     |  |
  |..__  |     |`-!._ | `.| |_____________________||.-'|  _!.;'   |     _|..|
  |   |``-..__ |    |`-;.| i|_|:::::::::::::::::|_|'| _!-|   |   _|..-|'    |
  |   |      |``--..|_ | `;!| |::Pass::through::| |.'j   |_..!-'|     |     |
  |   |      |    |   |`-,!_|_|:::::::::::::::::|_||.!-;'  |    |     |     |
  |___|______|____!.,.!,.!,!| |:::the:gateway:::| |,!,.!.,.!..__|_____|_____|
  |      |     |    |  |  | |_|:::::::::::::::::|_|| |   |   |    |      |  |
  |Driver|     |    |..!-;'i| |:::::to:your:::::| | |`-..|   |    |      |  |
  |-DGD- |    _!.-j'  | _!,!|_|:::::::::::::::::|_||!._|  `i-!.._ |      |  |
  |     _!.-'|    | _.-|  !;| |:::imagination:::| |`.| `-._|    |``-.._  |  |
  |..-i'     |  _.''|  !-| !|_|:::::::::::::::::|_|.|`-. | ``._ |     |``-..|
  |   |      |.|    |.|  !| | |/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\| ||`. |`!   | `-.    |     |
  |   |  _.-'  |  .'  |.' |/|_| .     .    .    |_|! |`!  `,.|    |-._|     |
  |  _/\'|     !.'|  .'| .'|[@]     .     .     [@] \|  `. | `.   |   `-._  |
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  |  \   \ '/ /   |____ /  | /  |./  __  \  /  \/\   /      \|   ._   \ |   |
  |   \   \/ /|   |   |/  / /  / /  /  \  \/      \ /___/\   \  __/ __/ |   |
  |____\    /_|   |   |  /_/  /_/  /___/  /        \\________/  \   \___|___|
       /\   \ |   |   |  \_\_ \_\_ \__/  /   /\/\   \  \_____|   \   \   
      /_/\   \ \ _____|\_____/____/_____/   /    \___\_______.___|\   \_ 
          \___\ /____/                 /___/                       \____\

This might become a very time-consuming system if you start to use it, it 
might take effect on your real-life, especially on your studies! Consider
this before you start spending your time here!

Visit our webpages at
Or our Forum at
-the administration (

Enter your charactername to gain access, or "@name" to access the OOC-Area.

To create a new character enter a valid email-address and follow the 

What is your name: 
Time out

main | delfin | xmus | fruitXterm | xcoor | video | mod'PCs | the BITS club | M.U.D. Gallery

Thanks to the Mud Connector.

© Sat Apr 27 18:02:12 BST 2013 So_o2